Tagged: anime, j rock, ost, Visual Novel, vocaloid
As a (filthy) casual anime-watcher, I’m hoping to potentially see some tracks from some more mainstream animes.
This is so great! I can’t wait to see the next days releases.
You’re the man !! This is so awesome ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
New Songs to Rock Band 3!
I hope you guys enjoy this AnimeJapan event!!!!
For more information, visit the next link:
Yesss, good to see that second Attack On Titan OP I had been hoping for!
Didn’t like the second season OP though. Let’s hope for another good one in the upcoming season.
I thought Jiyuu no Tsubasa would be the only anime thing left I could ever want, then remembered Ergo Proxy’s and Soul Eater’s OP, not to mention the Jojo OP’s that haven’t been done.
But most of all: hoping to see some more hidden gems I’ve never heard before because I’ll check anything J-Rock Band
New Songs to Rock Band 3!
A collaboration with Nightmare Lyra
A collaboration with Nightmare Lyra & Sideshow
A collaboration with Nightmare Lyra & Sideshow
Excellent Silent Hill release. Thank you.
New Songs to Rock Band 3!
A collaboration with Nightmare Lyra
A collaboration with Nightmare Lyra & Sideshow
A collaboration with Nightmare Lyra & Sideshow
Weren’t these songs previously released as C3 customs from the legacy database? What’s so different about these versions?
You are about to leave Rhythm Gaming World and access the external songs DB. While no song or file sold for commercially available videogames is hosted there and only fan generated content is allowed, Rhythm Gaming World has no direct control over the database and no files are hosted here. Alright, we had to made you aware of this, now you can visit the database!