Tagged: anime, j rock, ost, Visual Novel, vocaloid
You can always make a thread in the request forum for this stuff! The J-Rock project is a huge collaborative effort with some amazing content, it’s always good to at least show appreciation before criticism.
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Thanks to everyone for the votes!
Thank YOU 🤗🤗
New songs:
Keys & ProKeys upgrade:
Chart Update:
After day 1 and with a great reception, the J-Rock Band project has been a great success with fans of Anime,
Videogames or simply Oriental bands.
+45 authors have given their time and talent to achieve +300 songs following the steps of Harmonix and providing a good experience in Rock Band 3,
Today is the 4th anniversary of the project and to celebrate it, will be published 12 days in a row of songs until the end of July.
I hope all of you can continue enjoying this project and what it has to offer during this year!
New songs: Day 1
J-Rock Band 4th Anniversary!
New songs: Day 2
J-Rock Band 4th Anniversary!
New songs: Day 3
J-Rock Band 4th Anniversary!
New songs: Day 4
J-Rock Band 4th Anniversary!
New songs: Day 5
You are about to leave Rhythm Gaming World and access the external songs DB. While no song or file sold for commercially available videogames is hosted there and only fan generated content is allowed, Rhythm Gaming World has no direct control over the database and no files are hosted here. Alright, we had to made you aware of this, now you can visit the database!