Iron Maiden – The Book of Souls

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  • #393331

    Hello Custom Community!


    I think it would be awesome to have songs from the last Maiden album which is truely epic… But I know it’s probably hard hard work… Hope there are enough courageous custom creators to make this possible <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


    Songs I think about:


    If Eternity Should Fail

    The Red & The Black

    The Book of Souls

    Tears of a Clown

    Empire of the Clouds


    Thanks for reading <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


    I would work on Empire of the clouds but I don’t want to work on the full song and then it just gets released for dlc.


      I would work on Empire of the clouds but I don’t want to work on the full song and then it just gets released for dlc.


      If you go with that thought pattern, you wouldn’t make a single song.



      If you go with that thought pattern, you wouldn’t make a single song.

      Only reason is as the song is too long and if it does then i wasted a load of my time.


        Only reason is as the song is too long and if it does then i wasted a load of my time.


        Not nessesarily. You have a copy of it. Granted you can’t share it here if it got released but you have a version that you made.



        Not nessesarily. You have a copy of it. Granted you can’t share it here if it got released but you have a version that you made.


        Then again i can keep my custom and play it on RB3 with keys i guess <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


        And update it with something from RB4 <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        Honestly as far as any major risk of being released on official Rock Band DLC I think the main ones to worry about would be Speed of Light and Tears of a Clown. The rest of the album is really good but those are the most publicized songs on the album. The others would most likely only be released if Harmonix released the entire album. (All of this is just baseless speculation on my part though.)


        As for my picks, definitely adding a vote for The Red and The Black, The Book of Souls, and Empire of the Clouds (even though they’re the three longest songs on the album). But I’d love to see any/all of the songs from it charted in some fashion at some point.


        I’ll try to do “Empire of The Clouds”.

        I know it’ll be a bitch to do, but it will be worth it.


        I’m gonna do unpitched vox, if that’s fine?


          Hahahahahahaha Rock Band releasing any more Iron Maiden DLC…


          Seriously. As cool as it would be, most of Iron Maiden’s biggest hits are already out. It may happen, but especially with the longer songs I’d think you may be better off charting it yourself.


          I might tackle some Iron Maiden songs from Brave New World and A Matter of Life or Death eventually but that’s not going to happen anytime soon.


          I’ll try to do “Empire of The Clouds”.

          I know it’ll be a bitch to do, but it will be worth it.


          I’m gonna do unpitched vox, if that’s fine?

          I did make a thread asking if anyone wants to help but no one replied.


          If you want i can try do vocals, there is already a guitar chart out there and i was going to use that and do the rest.


          But the tempo map don’t work with the tab making it harder.


          And i will do animations.


          Honestly as far as any major risk of being released on official Rock Band DLC I think the main ones to worry about would be Speed of Light and Tears of a Clown. The rest of the album is really good but those are the most publicized songs on the album. The others would most likely only be released if Harmonix released the entire album. (All of this is just baseless speculation on my part though.)


          As for my picks, definitely adding a vote for The Red and The Black, The Book of Souls, and Empire of the Clouds (even though they’re the three longest songs on the album). But I’d love to see any/all of the songs from it charted in some fashion at some point.


          When i look at the top ten best songs on book of souls, empire of the clouds is at number 1.


          Happy to see my thread is getting a lot of reactions <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Good luck for charting Empire of the Clouds it’s a huge piece of work <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


          Thank you!


          Any updates on how Empire of the clouds is coming along?

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