Invalid Author ID

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  • #479819

      Options > Use unique numeric song ID, uncheck it. You can’t use cache wipe-proof IDs but you can compile until Nemo has time, if he does, to look into this.


      For now this is the only option, fixing this is a headache, working on it…


      I just want to say that its now June 2017 and its still not fixed because I am affected :'(


      Maybe the system should be rethinked from the ground up, drop Ids from users who dont need them? something like this..?


      C3 Universe should solve this issue somehow <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


        I just want to say that its now June 2017 and its still not fixed because I am affected :'(


        Maybe the system should be rethinked from the ground up, drop Ids from users who dont need them? something like this..?


        C3 Universe should solve this issue somehow <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


        Well, it’s 2018 now and I’m having the issue, too, just as I’m nearing publishing the first custom (a collaboration, of course!) under my own name. Damn.


          Basically, the solution I used was to take your Magma C3 author id from this site, which will be your unique first five digits. Then add 5 digits to your songs. This way, your prefix is always yours, and your song ids will be unique and follow the standard protocol. I realize this then makes you keep track of your numbers, but I’ve just created a spreadsheet for reference. It’s not automated, but at least it keeps it in the valid format (especially for those pesky Wii people ;-) ;-) ).


            I think I just had an idea on how to fix it. Now I only need to find time and will to check it…


              I am ready to submit my first custom but cannot until I figure out how to manually put in a song ID :crying:




                Click Options in Magma.

                Uncheck the box that says “Use unique numeric song ID”

                Click on the Game Data tab

                Under the Song ID box in the upper right corner overwrite what is in that field with your song ID number


                Note: Follow my advice on the prior post for generating your own song ID number.


                  Click Options in Magma.

                  Uncheck the box that says “Use unique numeric song ID”

                  Click on the Game Data tab

                  Under the Song ID box in the upper right corner overwrite what is in that field with your song ID number


                  Note: Follow my advice on the prior post for generating your own song ID number.


                  Ah. So simple! Knowledge is power. Thanks! …but now it won’t work on my Wii, lolol


                  Fixed this by using the ID ATJ-NG-HolyMountain, then using C3 Con Tools’ Quick DTA Editor to add a numeric ID for Wii users. Worked like a charm.


                    Boy, if it’s not one thing, it’s another…

                    You must supply a value for the following required field: Download URL (360)

                    Download URL (360)
                    The primary (and required) download URL. This should be a Magma-generated Xbox 360 RB3 CON file, ready to play in-game. Avoid archives (rar, zip, etc.) if possible. No LIVE files.

                    This is the error I get when trying to submit my custom. I dragged my CON into the box and it successfully snagged all the data. But what the heck is this? Do I have to upload my CON to, say, Dropbox first? I don’t have a 360… I have a CON generated from Magma that I successfully tested in my Wii.


                      Boy, if it’s not one thing, it’s another…



                      This is the error I get when trying to submit my custom. I dragged my CON into the box and it successfully snagged all the data. But what the heck is this? Do I have to upload my CON to, say, Dropbox first? I don’t have a 360… I have a CON generated from Magma that I successfully tested in my Wii.


                      Dragging the CON file only gives you a shortcut to have the info filled out for you. It is not hosing your file. You need a valid URL where you are hosting your CON file. All of mine are CON generated files from Magma that I upload to my Google Drive and link to the CON file from the shared link that Google supplies. I’m not sure what service you are using to upload your file (PLEASE DON’T USE MEDIA FIRE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS GREAT AND HOLY!!!), but whatever link is generated from your upload is the one you use. Are you using C3 to host files? If so, it should generate a link that you just copy and paste into the URL form fill.


                        Are you using C3 to host files? If so, it should generate a link that you just copy and paste into the URL form fill.


                        I’d like to, but I’ll be damned if I know how. This is incredibly frustrating. I don’t understand why there’s no guide to doing this. And if there is, why isn’t it coming up in a forum search or brazenly linked to?


                          There’s a nice big thread here (you even have a post in it ::giggle:: ):



                          In case you can’t dig and find the link to the page to get started, it’s below:



                          Again, this is just hosting. You are basically taking your CON file and hosting it. Many people host their own files on free media servers (like Google, Dropbox like you mentioned or others), but I believe Farratone created C3 Universe so people could host their files, see their stats, and compare how their custom was doing to others. Check out the thread I put there then sign up.


                          You’re almost there! Don’t be frustrated, you will persevere!


                            There’s a nice big thread here (you even have a post in it ::giggle:: ):



                            In case you can’t dig and find the link to the page to get started, it’s below:



                            Again, this is just hosting. You are basically taking your CON file and hosting it. Many people host their own files on free media servers (like Google, Dropbox like you mentioned or others), but I believe Farratone created C3 Universe so people could host their files, see their stats, and compare how their custom was doing to others. Check out the thread I put there then sign up.


                            You’re almost there! Don’t be frustrated, you will persevere!


                            I like how we’re both in two separate posts talking about the same thing <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                            As I said in the other post… from the FAQ:




                            What happens once we go live…

                            If you’re a user, meaning you don’t author, you need to be patient for a little more. When we will go live with the final version, which is soon, you can just go to the login page and log in. You can find your password in your My Profile page here on the forums, it’s called Unique token.


                            If you’re a C3 original author, you will find all your files and stats from the beginning of our time (April 2013).


                            If you’re an author, you need to first make sure you posted a song in the Customs database. If you have, when you log in you will be assigned the Unverified account. Request an upgrade from the File Manager and if we don’t find anything wrong with your request you will be given the upgrade quickly.


                            I’m not an author. And nowhere does it say how to become an author.


                              Fair enough. I had a song in the db because I used an outside hosting service (google drive). You’ll have to get your answer from someone more authoritative who probably can fast track you to be set up on C3U since, you know, you’re Atruejedi and such. =-)


                              To become an author you simply have to release a song (according to this FAQ). What I suggest is release a single song not hosted on C3U for now (you can use any other hosting service, google, mediafire, you name it), and then come back to C3U a few hours later maybe (I’m really not sure how long the verification takes) and then you should be ableto request space to actually upload on C3U and edit the release you just did with a C3U link.


                              I also had already some releases when C3U came live so I didn’t have to do this.

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