Intense Animations

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  • #394996

      So Ive noticed this in alot of my venues. I tell the vocalist to do the [intense] animations but, they always seem to do just the standard play animations. I want the ones where they look like they have the mic off the stand, in thier hands are screaming into it. I’ve managed to do in one song but I have no idea how. Am I missing something else?


        Nobody tells the singer how to behave, you should know that.


          Nobody tells the singer how to behave, you should know that.


          I own the band, I should have a say as to how they act on stage! XD



          I own the band, I should have a say as to how they act on stage! XD

          That’s what Slash of GnR said, Then a riot broke out ! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


            It might be dependent on the song genre. That dictates how the animations should behave. For example, you might not get as an intense animation on a pop song versus a metal song. See my MiloMod topic for more information on this.


              the song genre, animation speed and I guess sections, change the animation

              like example: “prc_verse” intense is a bit different to “prc_chorus” intense


                From what I’m getting, you may have not placed any “[directed_vocals]” shots or anything? Those shots mostly persist of songs with screaming in them


                  From what I’m getting, you may have not placed any “[directed_vocals]” shots or anything? Those shots mostly persist of songs with screaming in them


                  No those are special shots, with pre determined animations. I’m talking about when the vocalist is normaly playing, so in shot such as V_near or v_closeup, v_behind etc.


                    Yeah those kinds of shots “coop_v_closeup, near, or behind” are in the venue track. The [melody], [intense] and [play] really just determine the attitude of the character.

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