InevitablEnd’s Customs and Edits (2018-10-09 RISE)
Tagged: edits, fixes, inevitablend, phase, phase shift, pitched, pitched vocals, vocals, wii, Xbox360
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January 17, 2017 at 3:23 am #394746
Since I’ve downloaded a lot of songs for Christmastime, I thought I’d give back to this community by editing songs that are missing parts (mainly vocals since I use my Rock Band like a Karaoke).
The Glitch Mob, Mako, and The Word Alive – RISE
Since this is one of the few times I’ve charted everything by ear, let me know if anything can be improved. I’m also trying to figure out why the Venue camera seems to be stuck zoomed out on the crowd, so if anyone can help fix that, that would be great.v1 – League of Legends Worlds release
Reggie Watts – Fuck Shit Stack
Beatbox charted to Bass and Drums
v1 – April Fools releaseDa Vinci’s Notebook – Enormous Penis
Midi guide for vocals by MusicIsLife384 at MuseScore.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t chart the full barbershop quartet as there’s only 3 Harmonies in Rock Band 3, but I did as much of the song as I could.v1 – April Fools release
The Beatles – Hey Jude
Drums, Venue, and tempo map by Oscarj08/Sideshow
Midi guide from
Since Rock Band has limited space for keys, I kept the Right Hand parts and moved the early left hand portions to Bass. To prevent shifting back and forth for single notes, I changed some of them for the Pro Keys Expert, which makes the Hard and 5-lane Keys more “accurate” in terms of quick changes (since I removed chords on Hard).
The na na’s at the end are moved to the harmonies since Paul (the lead) is shouting stuff in between them. Those shouts are charted by ear since I can’t find anyplace that has them written as lyrics, so they may have some errors. Also fixed a bit of desync of the tempo map at the end.v1 – Added Guitar, Bass, Keys, Pro Keys, Vocals, and Harmonies to Oscarj08/Sideshow’s Drum Chart
Jason Mraz ft. Colbie Caillat – Lucky
Drums, Guitar, Bass, Pro Keys and Vocals based off MIDI from
Reductions done by myself. Also some of the Pro Keys spanned more keys than Rock Band supports, so I had to make some edits to those notes.v2 – Edits to Vocals/Harmonies.
v1 – Initial release with singletrack.George Pajon, Jr. and – Samurai Jack Theme
This is the extended theme since the original one would be too short (though the Aku talking at the beginning would be funny). There seems to be 3 guitars in this song, but since one has very few parts, I merged it with the lead guitar and put bass on the rhythm guitar.
v1 – Initial release
Mike Greene – Bill Nye the Science Guy Theme
Bass and Vocal MIDI from Percussion4Who from MuseScore
v1 – Initial release
Kelly Clarkson – Behind These Hazel Eyes
Original Chart by tails4eva and Pablo_Fenix85
Vocal MIDI from
Vocal edits, harmonies, and dry vocals by me.As far as I can tell, the 2nd Harmony seems to follow the 1st, but at a higher octave. At the end, a 3rd harmony joins for the longer sustained notes (you can still hear the 1st and 2nd harmonies going), but since that’s only at the end, I merged the 3rd into the 2nd.
v1 – Added Vocals and Harmonies
Men Without Hats – The Safety Dance
Original Chart by Blitzbob, Tails4eva, and BSBloom
Vocal MIDI from
Vocal edits, harmonies, and dry vocals by me.At 0:33:00, there is conflicting accounts on different websites of the lyrics being “And Sing!” or “Dancé/Danser” (French for “to dance”). Since the audio sounds more like it starts with a D, I went with Dancé so it’s easier to read. As a result, I had to export the midi as UTF-8 to support the accented e or else Rock Band would show it as an underscore (Danc_). Also I’m debating on whether or not to make the last few phrases into talkies, as they are hard to hit the right notes.
v2 – Edits to Harmony pitches, added dry vocals
v1 – Initial pitched vocals, fixed metadataJeff Pescetto – Ducktales Theme
Original Chart by tails4eva and BSBloom
Vocal MIDI by AngryDuck.Another nostalgic song I couldn’t bear to leave unfinished
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />. I found there’s also an extended, remastered version, but I’m unsure whether or not I want to keep working on this.
v1 – Added Pitched Vocals, Overdrives to Keys, Bass, and Vocals. Trimmed keys a little bit to fit band overdrive sync.
Original Charts by Team Cena.
Recharted by Jusey1 and m1999.
Vocal MIDI by Sebastian Wolff.
Edits to Vocal track, Harmonies, and Dry Vocals done by me.
Added Full-Length Song from the Portal Wiki (because the original got cut short)
Youtube comments indicated some issues with the Drums parts, but I’m not too sure how well I can fix those since I don’t play drums.Should be fixed now!v4 – Fixed drums to match Team Cena chart. Small vocal pitch edit.
v3 – Fixed more pitches and added HOPO to Bass and Guitar
v2 – Fixed Vocal Phrase markers and some pitches
v1 – Added Pitched Vocal and Harmony chart onto Jusey/m1999’s versionVic Mizzy – Addams Family Theme Song
Original Chart by tails4eva and BSBloom
Vocal MIDI by
Reductions and Dry Vocals by me.v4 – Edited Pro Keys track to match Vocal Pitch. Also tweaked timing on notes on Keys track.
v3 – Added Pitched Vocals to custom.
v2 – Added Vocals
v1 – Original ChartPlain White T’s – “Hey There Delilah”
Guitar parts done by TheBrownOneJT.
Original Vocal MIDI by gbrademeyer from MuseScore here.
Reductions and edits to vocal midi done by myself, as well as dry vocal track.
C3 discussion here.January 17, 2017 at 3:24 am #480299Reserved, just in case.
January 18, 2017 at 12:10 am #480323Also, just curious, but are we able to post songs that are in Rock Band 4/DLC? Like adding Keys to Semisonic’s Closing Time, for example. Or is that something more for the Harmonies Project as an addon?
January 18, 2017 at 12:19 am #480324Also, just curious, but are we able to post songs that are in Rock Band 4/DLC? Like adding Keys to Semisonic’s Closing Time, for example. Or is that something more for the Harmonies Project as an addon?
Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope, Closing Time was available before RB4 anyway!
January 18, 2017 at 1:00 am #480326…. Closing Time was available before RB4 anyway!
You sure? According to the C3 database, the wiki, and the Microsoft Store, Closing Time was made available as DLC for Rock Band 4 on October 17-18th, 2016 as Rock Band 4 had been released on October 6, 2015.
January 18, 2017 at 7:23 am #480338You sure? According to the C3 database, the wiki, and the Microsoft Store, Closing Time was made available as DLC for Rock Band 4 on October 17-18th, 2016 as Rock Band 4 had been released on October 6, 2015.
It was released by C3 when there was a weekly release
January 18, 2017 at 10:38 am #480339Also, just curious, but are we able to post songs that are in Rock Band 4/DLC? Like adding Keys to Semisonic’s Closing Time, for example. Or is that something more for the Harmonies Project as an addon?
If you don’t bother to read the rules you’re not gonna have a future in any forum on the Internet.
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>
January 18, 2017 at 2:39 pm #480343If you don’t bother to read the rules you’re not gonna have a future in any forum on the Internet.
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />
I was going to say he would fit right in, seeing as how almost nobody ever does!
January 18, 2017 at 6:04 pm #480350If you don’t bother to read the rules you’re not gonna have a future in any forum on the Internet.
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />
I am aware of the rule of not posting full, licensed songs, I meant edits/addons to those songs, like in my example of adding the Keys track to a RB4 song, as RB4 does not have keys (like how the Harmonies Project adds Harmonies and Keys to older songs/DLC). Though now that I think about it, you wouldn’t be able to play it then
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” /> (unless something in the future adds support I suppose).
January 20, 2017 at 5:45 am #480399“Want You Gone” has been updated to version 4. I went through the Team Cena video of “Want You Gone” frame by frame to update the drum charts, as there were some issues and complaints with Jusey1’s original rechart. It should now be an exact sync of the track, but whether or not it’s playable is another question, as I can’t play drums very well to test it.
January 30, 2017 at 7:58 am #480748Edits to tails4eva’s DuckTales Theme and Safety Dance are done. Links are in his thread.
January 30, 2017 at 4:29 pm #480754Hi InevitablEnd, thanks for the conversions, i do some WIP customs, about UTF-8 midis,how put special characters like = `´ ~ ^¨ in reaper template, works on compilation?I try to convert or chart some Brazilian songs i need to do this on vocals.thanks for your hard work put vocals on customs.i can share some Reaper projects of mine, if you interessed, can you put vocals tracks on my first custom, is french, called je t’aime moi non plus?February 1, 2017 at 5:59 pm #480869Hi InevitablEnd, thanks for the conversions, i do some WIP customs, about UTF-8 midis,how put special characters like = `´ ~ ^¨ in reaper template, works on compilation?To export in UTF-8, open Reaper and go to Options -> Preferences -> Media -> MIDI and it should be the last option.
Accents are under UTF-8/Unicode, so they should work (like the “Dancé” I did in Safety Dance), though I don’t know about other symbols since I haven’t tried yet. This makes me wonder if symbol characters like Chinese, Japanese, etc. work (I may test this out later). Then again, some symbols are multi-syllable, so they may not work well with Rock Band…
i can share some Reaper projects of mine, if you interessed, can you put vocals tracks on my first custom, is french, called je t’aime moi non plus?I’ve been mostly doing songs that I enjoy (so I can bear hearing it over and over), know, and are semi-popular so I can find a midi easier for syncing. Since I don’t understand French, I’m not sure how much help I can be, though for that song in particular, it looks like it’s mostly talking, right? If I remember right, French also has a lot of silent characters, so even if I find the lyrics, I may not be able to sync it correctly since I won’t be able to understand what I’m doing
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />.
Maybe I can try to see what I can do, but I can’t promise anything, sorry.
February 1, 2017 at 6:19 pm #480871i can share some Reaper projects of mine, if you interessed, can you put vocals tracks on my first custom, is french, called je t’aime moi non plus?
Someone ordered some moaned french? PM me :^)
February 8, 2017 at 2:45 am #481143Thanks InevitableEnd, i will try your tip/tutorial with some brazilian midis, my uncle says to me to do some portuguese songs, i will try this in my future projects, thanks a lot you helped me. -
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