In Flames

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  • #390987

    Would be cool to have some In Flames songs in Rock Band, guitar parts are pretty awesome!


    Behind Space


    Artifacts of the Black Rain



    The Hive

    Embody the Invisible


    Bullet Ride

    Pinball Map

    Only for the Weak


    Reroute to Remain


    Cloud Connected

    The Quiet Place

    My Sweet Shadow

    Take This Life

    Come Clarity

    The Mirror’s Truth


    Delight and Angers

    The Chosen Pessimist

    Sounds of a Playground Fading

    Deliver Us

    Where the Dead Ship Dwells



    A long list of songs that would be very fun to play IMO, with an average difficulty for some of those… and other ones pretty tough!


    If I remember correctly, Take This Life is on RBN.

      If I remember correctly, Take This Life is on RBN.

      You remember incorrectly. Take This Life as far as I know only appeared in Guitar Hero 3


      Right… And I’m unable to do Take This Life (except for the vocals hehe)! So I need easiest songs! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />

      If I remember correctly, Take This Life is on RBN.

      You remember incorrectly. Take This Life as far as I know only appeared in Guitar Hero 3


      Really? I thought it was.

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