I think we are going to have a major problem…

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      I think we are going to have a major problem here soon…


      Apparently; Microsoft’s investor, ValueAct, is seeking to achieve some major changes to Microsoft. 1st one being to remove Steve Ballmer and replace him with ValueAct… 2nd one being and I quote “they might target the Xbox division and try and get rid of it altogether. This would allow Microsoft to focus on other products and mainly Windows.”


      In other words, there is a chance of Xbox being sold to somebody else and being changed (For the good or for the worse) -or- just being removed completely (The consoles and games will stay around but no longer will be made and Xbox Live will be gone for sures).


      So ye’h… I think we have a major problem here.


      Note: I know this isn’t Rock Band 3 related but since we primarily do customs for the Xbox 360 (Wii being the 2ndary console), this would cause great issues… Especially to those who want to have both official DLCs and Customs…


      Source: http://www.eteknix.com/microsoft-invest … -division/


        With all of the money that’s already been sunk into the Xbox One, we have at least until the end of the new generation of consoles, which is many years off. I wouldn’t worry.


          I’m not sure how this is a problem – we’re already in the sunset.


          The only changes will be if Harmonix serves up an RB4 someday, or Phase Shift mans up and adds vocals.


            Yes, Microsoft getting out of the console industry would be a major problem.




            How old are you? You don’t seem to really understand what that article is saying or how much power an investor with a 1% stake in a company has. Your doomsday scenario is a bit far-fetched. There is no story here.

            The only changes will be if Harmonix serves up an RB4 someday


            Not that RB4 will support customs anyways ….

            The only changes will be if Harmonix serves up an RB4 someday


            Not that RB4 will support customs anyways ….


            It would suck if it didn’t. I probably wouldn’t even bother getting it unless it was just an outstanding setlist. IMO this website is doing more to keep RB around and relevant than HMX (understandably though).


            I think most of us have dropped a pretty penny on games, DLC, and peripherals. Seems a shame to punish us. I can understand the issue of having people pirate DLC though.


            It’ll be interesting to see how the consoles handle save files and the like.

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