I have the vocals charted, but Magma is saying none of the parts are implemented?

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    No you will need to copy and paste it to extend it. Just make sure each measure looks like the one before.



    Alright, so that’s what my Beat thing looks like right now.


    How would I go about copying it and pasting it? There are no events at the bottom that resemble the ones up top, and trying to copy and paste the thing up top, makes the song time double for some reason.


      Use the mouse to hilight all of the gems, then hit “CTRL+C”. After that go to where the gems end and hit “CTRL+V” to paste them.


      Use the mouse to hilight all of the gems, then hit “CTRL+C”. After that go to where the gems end and hit “CTRL+V” to paste them.

      You mean the gems in the Vocals track? Or in the midi editor? Cause there’s actually none down there. If you mean the gems, you mean paste them together like what I did here from the Vocals track?(I cant grab the actual gems up there for some reason);




        No you need the beat track to start at 1.1.00. Then open up the beat track and hilight all of the notes in it. Basically chart the beat track like you would the vocal track.


        No you need the beat track to start at 1.1.00. Then open up the beat track and hilight all of the notes in it. Basically chart the beat track like you would the vocal track.



        The beat notes are definitely starting at 1.1.00, as I have it in that picture.


        By beat track, is that completely different than the midi editor? Cause I had that open in my last picture. If not, is there a quick button combination/ menu way to open it?


          Just double click on the beat track to bring up the midi editor. Then copy what’s there so that you can extend it to the [end] event.


          Just double click on the beat track to bring up the midi editor. Then copy what’s there so that you can extend it to the [end] event.

          It will not let me copy whats on the Beat track down to the editor, I get the option to copy everything on the Beat track itself, but I can not paste anything down to the Midi Editor whatsoever after trying to copy.


          I apologize if it seems like I’m trying to test your patience, that’s certainly not the case.


          Nevermind, I’ve actually figured it all out, and have finally made the actual song all the way to the end


          I actually just drew the rest of the beats one at a time by myself, and fixed all the other errors Magma told me.


          I got to the end, and it told me that the song was made! So I guess I’m done here for now.

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