First: Some background. Last year, I decided to release around twenty customs through the C3Next portal. As I finished a custom, I added its name and image to the C3Next Scheduler, and put a copy into my personal song data-base. So, in essence, the chart was registered, but not released, and my moderator could access the chart.
Eventually, I was advised that the next tour date may never arrive, and told to release the charts on my own. So, I started releasing these charts, one a week, every Saturday. That was halted, for a while, when the data-base went down, and the site moved.
Now: So, last Saturday, I tried to resume. I took the next song in line, and tried to “publish” it. But there didn’t seem to be any way to do that. So, I tried deleting the old chart, and re-uploading. That wasn’t allowed – an error message claiming the chart is already in the data-base. Any ideas?
How do I release a song, currently registered, but, essentially, kept private?