[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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  • #463002



    I am not sure, it’s years since I originally hacked my wii.


    Here is my syscheck log:


    sysCheck v2.1.0b13 by Double_A and R2-D2199
    …runs on IOS58 (rev 6176).
    Region: PAL
    System Menu 4.2E (v482)
    Priilaoder installed
    Homebrew Channel 1.0.0 running on IOS0
    Hollywood v0x21
    Console ID: 123876413
    Boot2 v4
    Found 131 titles.
    Found 46 IOS on this console. 1 of them are stub.
    IOS3 (rev 65280): Stub
    IOS9 (rev 1034): No Patches
    IOS11 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
    IOS12 (rev 526): No Patches
    IOS13 (rev 1032): No Patches
    IOS14 (rev 1032): No Patches
    IOS15 (rev 1032): No Patches
    IOS17 (rev 1032): No Patches
    IOS20 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
    IOS21 (rev 1039): No Patches
    IOS22 (rev 1294): No Patches
    IOS28 (rev 1807): No Patches
    IOS30 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
    IOS31 (rev 3608): No Patches
    IOS33 (rev 3608): No Patches
    IOS34 (rev 3608): No Patches
    IOS35 (rev 3608): No Patches
    IOS36 (rev 3608): No Patches
    IOS37 (rev 5663): No Patches
    IOS38 (rev 4124): No Patches
    IOS40 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
    IOS41 (rev 3607): No Patches
    IOS43 (rev 3607): No Patches
    IOS45 (rev 3607): No Patches
    IOS46 (rev 3607): No Patches
    IOS48 (rev 4124): No Patches
    IOS50 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
    IOS52 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
    IOS53 (rev 5663): No Patches
    IOS55 (rev 5663): No Patches
    IOS56 (rev 5662): No Patches
    IOS57 (rev 5919): No Patches
    IOS58 (rev 6176): USB 2.0
    IOS60 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
    IOS61 (rev 5662): No Patches
    IOS62 (rev 6430): No Patches
    IOS70 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
    IOS80 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
    IOS202[60] (rev 65535, Info: hermesrodries-v6): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
    IOS222[38] (rev 4, Info: hermes-v4): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0
    IOS223[75] (rev 4, Info: hermes-v4): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0
    IOS224[57] (rev 65535, Info: hermesrodries-v6): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
    IOS236[36] (rev 65535, Info: rev 3351): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access
    IOS249[56] (rev 65535, Info: d2x-v10beta53-al): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
    IOS250[57] (rev 65535, Info: d2x-v10beta52): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
    IOS254 (rev 65281): BootMii
    BC v6
    MIOS v10
    Report generated on 2016/02/03.
    Does that tell you?
    If not, When I get my hands on the WAD which slot do I install it?

      Syscheck looks good.

      You’ll need the sZFE or sZGE WAD, depending on which one you want to use. Install on IOS 249. Sometimes uninstalling it and reinstalling it helps for some reason.


      Thanks for coming back to me.

      If it try sZFE and it doesn’t work, do I need to uninstall sZFE before installing sZGE.


      Depending on which WAD I use do I have to change the meta song file?




        You don’t have to uninstall it. But if you switch gens, you have to use its dedicated packer. Keep your sZFE stuff separate.


        Sorry..switch gen and keeping separate is drawing a blank for me. Can you explain in detail what you mean. Please don’t kill me for being a noob! ;-)


        I used the PAL packer installed sZFE Wad. Got the error -1022 so it installed.

        But..my custom still doesn’t work. :-(


        I’ve tried downloading dlc and it works fine…


        What’s the difference between sZFE vs sZGE? (I haven’t found that wad yet)



        Just on a whim I copies the bins to the sZFP (PAL?) Folder.


        I am another step closer.

        I can see the song in the list but get the Lemon Tree cannot be restored to the Wii System Memory.


          That error sounds closer. Maybe you made a mistake in the songs dta path.

          About keeping things separate, have separate folders for every content generation you’re packing. So sZFE is all contained within one folder and sZGE in another.

          Oh, and since you’re on PAL, your content Gen has to end in P. sZFP, sZGP, etc. Sorry if there’s been confusion there.



          THANK YOU for being so patient and helping me through this.


          Exciting times ahead, I’d better get downloading some customs.


          If I get time I might write a PAL aide mémoire to save you future pain.


          Thanks again




          I’ve managed to get either customs OR my instruments to work. Latest d2x on 249 and Hermes 223. If I load the game with 249, customs work and my guitar lights up but won’t work. If I load the game with 223 then the guitar works but the customs don’t. What am I missing here?


          Able to help anyone with other customs issues while I’m here.


            Post your syscheck. Something must be misconfigured for that to happen.


            I am completely stumped on how to get my packer to generate the .bin files. I managed to get one custom working through the sd card. but now my packer will not generate the bins. I will pm you a link to a zip that has my compression setup.


            All Help Appreciated



            Edit: Now I feel really dumb. I remade my common-key folder but spelt it wrong. I fixed it. i will not be sending that zip to you


              Hello all. I was just wondering where you go next, when you’ve filled sZFP & sZGP? Can I add on from the last slot number in sZMP? Also, if I’m never, ever going to download those DLC’s, is it safe to fill those generations? I never thought I’d ever need to ask this question (and I’m not there yet), but this site has introduced me to all sorts of bands I would never have known about. Thanks in advance


                Are you sure you’ve absolutely filled up all your available DLC slots? You can pack more than one custom into one file. And you should too since most customs are about 8 MB and you will fit about 4 customs in one BIN file instead of just one.


                  Hi Stack. Yep, from previous assistance from yourself and others, I’ve been packing 2/3 songs per slot. I’ve been keeping to under 40MB, and under 500kb? sZFP 52-499. And I figure I am halfway through sZGP (03-268)? I have just over 1260 songs (yes, my wife keeps telling me it’s too many).

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