[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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    About to start this process again and apologies if this is a dumb Question.


    I downloaded a whole slew of Wii customs from the old C3 database. How do I know which ones are sZAE or sZFE ?

    The guide says to change to path to sZAE. I’m assuming I just follow this instruction and do that or is this dependent on the song downloaded ?. I’m using RB3 Wii DLC Packer 2.1.


    The Wii versions of those should not have any issues. Make sure you’re not download the Xbox version and converting it yourself.

    Well I’m very confused now. The new database only has the link “Download for Xbox 360” and the Legacy Database is down, at least for me. Won’t show up on Edge or Chrome.


      About to start this process again and apologies if this is a dumb Question.


      I downloaded a whole slew of Wii customs from the old C3 database. How do I know which ones are sZAE or sZFE ?

      The guide says to change to path to sZAE. I’m assuming I just follow this instruction and do that or is this dependent on the song downloaded ?. I’m using RB3 Wii DLC Packer 2.1.

      The current guide suggests sZFE. It all depends on which content generation you’re building with. By default, they all have sZAE, but you’re supposed to change that out to match the current content generation and the number of the folder it’s in.


      Well I’m very confused now. The new database only has the link “Download for Xbox 360” and the Legacy Database is down, at least for me. Won’t show up on Edge or Chrome.

      Legacy DB still works for me. Keep trying the link.

      Current database is still missing all the downloads, unfortunately, so you’ll have to wait until that gets fixed. Sorry.


      Thanks…What’s content generation and where is that defined ? How do I know which files to change or sZFE or leave as sZAE.


      I’m assuming it’s not song specific. Just make sure i’m packing them together in groups of either sZAE or sZFE but dont mix them up.


      What’s the max number of .BINS I can pack into a single directory ? Do sZFE and sZAE have limitations ?, if so what’s the max ?


        Use sZFE. Suggested starting point and capacity are in the first post.

        Hi guys,
        Well I seem to be tripping at hurdle one, to get the most out of this custom lark I want to get uneek running on my wii, but the scene seems very quiet and i’m struggling to piece everything together.
        Please could someone give advice and maybe answer my questions below?
        1. I have a 240gb external hard drive. If I want to use this for uneek, do I format the whole drive as FAT32, or do I need to partition it with the 2nd partition used for games etc.
        2. What are the advantages of using the step by step (Advanced guide) linked in the first post on the customs for wii thread opposed to the installer I’ve seen on the sneek page?
        2a. Is there a tutorial for using the installer.
        3. I’m on 4.2e does my virtual nand need to be the same?
        Many thanks

        My turn to be the noob lurker-turned-attempter…

        I followed the steps in the OP to try to play customs on my SD card. I’m getting the:

        “The License for Add-on content has been deleted from the Wii system memory. To use the add-on content, re-download…”​

        message, trying a few different songs one at a time. (Grease Lightning, Maniac, 18 and Life)


        Initially, I tried creating an sZFE folder on the card, smart merging one song with the given “Fluttering Romance” song, packing that, and copying the bin files to that folder in the card. Names and text file seemed to have been edited to the correct pattern (054, etc.).


        Then after that yielded the above error, I downloaded the sZGE rar StackOverFlowOx linked a bunch of pages back. Used wad manager 1.7 to install that wad. (I have no idea if it did anything or not, how can I tell?) I still had to create the sZGE folder in the /private/wii/data folder. Made necessary changes to dta files to match sZGE. Tried again for a couple of songs. Same error.


        I assume my ng_id.txt is correct, since I recall getting a much different error early on using an incorrect id. I’m about ready to tear my hair out with this error.


          The WAD will have installed correctly if you get an error. Use the default settings in the installer.

          If that’s still not doing it, are you sure the common-key is correct? If you have legit DLC downloaded, did you get the ng_id that way?


          It was a 2011 error after the wad install. I’m pretty certain the ng_id.txt is right because I did the dragging of a random bin file from a dlc I purchased off the store into the wii converter window and saved the file that had 8 chars in it.


          The common-key, I’m semi sure. I pulled it from a couple of different sites and both times it looked the same.


            You sure it was error 2011 and not error 1022? That could be the problem there if you’re not seeing the correct error at the WAD install step.


            It was 2011 using wadmanager 1.7 and ios36 (249 made my remote disconnect and not reconnect).


            Just now I tried YAWMM and it allowed me to control the install using my remote and 249. When that was done, I got a 1022 error. Launched the game and got an “Add-On content cannot be restored to the wii system memory” error instead. After that, I removed what’s in the sZGE folder, redid the packing process and used a different song with the sample song. Same Add-On content cannot be restored error.


              Well, if the first WAD installer failed because of IIS 249, perhaps you should try reinstalling the IOSes from the guide linked in the first post. And also post a syscheck of your system to identify any other issues.


              I went back, installed ios236, then followed the directions for installing d2x cIOS (http://gwht.wikidot.com/d2x). Then went and tried the WADManager is it still makes my remote disconnect the moment I select ios249. Went and used Yet Another Wad Manager again to have it select ios249 and install sZGE.wad. Still got


              Opening “sZGE.wad”, please wait… [+] Installing WAD, please wait…

              >> Install Content #-1… Error! (ret = -1022)

              0 files(s) successfully installed and 1 failed…




              When I ran Syscheck, the csv output says this:

              sysCheck v1.6.2 by Erik Spyder
              Region: NTSC-U
              The system menu v513 is running under IOS58 (rev 6176)
              Hollywood v0x21
              Console ID: 144384597
              Boot2 v4
              Found 100 titles
              Found 33 IOS on this console
              Found 17 IOS Stubs on this console

                Use a newer syscheck. The error on the sZGE WAD is correct, so that should be okay. IOS249 disconnecting your remote still sounds like your 249 isn’t the newest or correct version. But the correct syscheck should confirm that.

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