[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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      There isn’t much of a “packer” for Dolphin anymore. All you really need is u8it. But, the issues you’re having sound similar to issues with a mixed up region that the SYSCONF can cause. Like, of you’re on the NTSC game loading PAL DLC, or the other way around.

      Or, it could have nothing to do with the file size and you might be cutting out a problem DTA very early in the pack.

      Hi;; maybe if I use the u8it.that comes with the normal rb dlc packer …i can surpass this problem, gonna try that, thank you very much ….


      So I figured out something. Whenever I try to load the customs onto the Wii using the sZGE folder the files just get deleted and the Wii says Add-on content is corrupted. Then I load up the SD card on my pc and all the bin files I put in sZGE are just gone. Completely empty folder. Would you happen to know what is causing this?


        Sorry, my reply was mispositioned regarding your last question. The same is still true though. Is the WAD installed correctly? Are the ng_id and common-key values correct?


        EDIT: Nevermind trying something.



        I’ve had this error many times, and it took me awhile to find a good fix! First thing to do is check your Wii System memory through data management, and if there is something called Rockband DLC, delete it. Usually there isn’t though, so while in the data management screen, copy anything from the Wii system memory to the SD card, and you should no longer get that error.

        Like, literally everything on my Wii to the SD, or just the Rock Band stuff? What if somethign can’t be moved?


          No, probably only RB stuff. What that screen is trying to do is if you had legitimate content on the NAND, it will turn it into BINs for you. Something makes a mistake somewhere and it thinks there’s content in there and it fails to pack it.


          EDIT: Nevermind trying something.

          If this is what I think this is for, keyboard dongle? Make sure the game is booting with IOS249 and that you have IOS249 installed from the homebrew guide in the first post.


          Like, literally everything on my Wii to the SD, or just the Rock Band stuff? What if somethign can’t be moved?


          No, I said copy anything, so just one games save, and Rock Band saves can’t be transferred. Like I literally go into Data Mangement, copy like Super Mario Galaxy or something to my SD card, and the error goes away. I’ve had the error many times and this is the only reliable fix.


          However, this is assuming you’ve already checked the data management screen to see if there is save data called like “Rock Band DLC” or something, and if there is, moving that to your SD card would fix it.


            Not that the Data Management screen should even stop you from copying things. Since you’re already using WiiXplorer anyways, you can copy any save data freely. The check has to do with save data folders that might have something in them. You’d find these in the 00010005 folder under one of the various hex representations of sZAE-sZME.


            If this is what I think this is for, keyboard dongle? Make sure the game is booting with IOS249 and that you have IOS249 installed from the homebrew guide in the first post.

            Thanks. I just tried reinstalling IOS249 and then installing the Hermes222/223 IOS and the keyboard dongle still doesn’t even light up. Is it possible that the dongle is just dead? It now seems to just flash on briefly when the Wii is turned on. Also, I installed the sZGE wad and have the tik file and the common key and ng id are correct. I use all of those files for the sZFE folder and all customs on there work.


              The not even lighting up part sounds like a hardware issue. Because it’s always blinking otherwise for me. Run a syscheck and show me what it looks like. And when you installed the sZGE WAD, what were the steps you took?




              sysCheck v2.1.0b19 by Double_A and R2-D2199, Nano

              …runs on IOS58 (rev 6176).
              Region: NTSC-U
              System Menu 4.3U (v513)
              Drive date: 2007.02.13
              Homebrew Channel 1.1.0 running on IOS58
              HomebrewFilter ist nicht installiert
              Hollywood v0x21
              Console ID: 147422537
              Boot2 v4
              Found 144 titles.
              Found 53 IOS on this console. 5 of them are stub.
              IOS3 (rev 65280): Stub
              IOS4 (rev 65280): Stub
              IOS9 (rev 1034): No Patches
              IOS10 (rev 768): Stub
              IOS11 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
              IOS12 (rev 526): No Patches
              IOS13 (rev 1032): No Patches
              IOS14 (rev 1032): No Patches
              IOS15 (rev 1032): No Patches
              IOS16 (rev 512): Stub
              IOS17 (rev 1032): No Patches
              IOS20 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
              IOS21 (rev 1039): No Patches
              IOS22 (rev 1294): No Patches
              IOS28 (rev 1807): No Patches
              IOS30 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
              IOS31 (rev 3608): No Patches
              IOS33 (rev 3608): No Patches
              IOS34 (rev 3608): No Patches
              IOS35 (rev 3608): No Patches
              IOS36 (rev 3608): No Patches
              IOS37 (rev 5663): No Patches
              IOS38 (rev 4124): No Patches
              IOS40 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
              IOS41 (rev 3607): No Patches
              IOS43 (rev 3607): No Patches
              IOS45 (rev 3607): No Patches
              IOS46 (rev 3607): No Patches
              IOS48 (rev 4124): No Patches
              IOS50 (rev 14889): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
              IOS51 (rev 4864): Stub
              IOS52 (rev 15661): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
              IOS53 (rev 5663): No Patches
              IOS55 (rev 5663): No Patches
              IOS56 (rev 5662): No Patches
              IOS57 (rev 5919): No Patches
              IOS58 (rev 6176): USB 2.0
              IOS60 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
              IOS61 (rev 5662): No Patches
              IOS62 (rev 6430): No Patches
              IOS70 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
              IOS80 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
              IOS202[57] (rev 65535, Info: hermes-v5.0): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
              IOS222[38] (rev 65535, Info: hermes-v5.0): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0
              IOS223[38+37] (rev 4, Info: hermes-v4): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0
              IOS224[37] (rev 65535, Info: hermes-v5.1): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
              IOS236[36] (rev 65535, Info: rev 3351): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access
              IOS246[37] (rev 65535, Info: d2x-v3): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
              IOS247[57] (rev 20, Info: rev 20): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
              IOS248[56] (rev 20, Info: rev 20): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
              IOS249[56] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
              IOS250[57] (rev 65535, Info: rev 18): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
              IOS254 (rev 65281): BootMii
              BC v6
              MIOS v10 (DIOS MIOS 2.6.1+)
              Report generated on 2015/10/31.



              There is the syscheck. I put the sZGE.wad onto an SD card and ran the WAD Manager v 1.7 and installed the sZGE.wad onto the Wii. It gave us a -1022 error which my friend says is normal.


                Have you tried uninstalling the sZGE WAD and then reinstalling it the same way?


                Okay so apparently we had to get the sZGE tik file and put that file on the wii also. I got it already and the sZGE works now. The only problem left I have is trying to get the keyboard to work. Thank you though for everything!


                EDIT: So just kidding, I only got sZGE files working up to file #31. After that anything that I try to load says it cannot be added to Wii when I turn on SD card mode.


                  Let me look into why it’s stopping at 31.
                  Your keyboard dongle might not work. Do you have USB devices to check of the ports work?


                  Edit: There’s no reason for it to stop at 31. Did you do something wrong? Can you try skipping to 33?


                  The USB port definitely works. I play drums a lot and the mics plugged in also work. I’m not sure whats up with the files. I guess I’ll just re-number the songs.


                  EDIT: So we put in the title.tmd file for sZGE and the 00000001.app file into the nand and the songs work. Although, some songs keep looping at some parts.

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