[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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  • #452751

      Okay, can you try checking on the Enable MMU setting in the game’s specific Preferences? You have to right-click it in Dolphin to do this.


      And also, by just replacing the sysconf, did you also replace any other files that may have come together with a downloaded folder?

        Okay, can you try checking on the Enable MMU setting in the game’s specific Preferences? You have to right-click it in Dolphin to do this.


        And also, by just replacing the sysconf, did you also replace any other files that may have come together with a downloaded folder?

        Enable MMU was already checked, should I uncheck it?


        When I first replaced Sysconf yes, I also replaced the other files you specified in the tutorial.


          Try both for MMU. It seems like something should be happening thouhg.

          If that still doesn’t work, PM me if you’d be interested in letting me remote into your computer to solve the problem.


          Been a long time since I tried this, and I’ve ran into an issue.


          Wadpacker just doesn’t seem to be running in packdlc.bat, and I can’t figure out why. Everything seems to be fine in the songs.dta and the packdlc.bat file itself but it just won’t pack a .bin file. I can’t think of how to fix it.


          EDIT: Nevermind, my hexadecimal is just a bit rusty.


          I’ve noticed that sometimes the packdlc.bat will do half of its function, then pause indefinitely at there wadpacker step, regardless of hexadecimal accuracy. Normally I just have to run the .bat again until it does all its work.


          I’m still using the last version of the packing tools, so I don’t know if that little hiccup got fixed in the latest release.


            What is it stopping at, precisely? What happens if you start packing from the one it stopped at?


            And also, I got those songs you mentioned reconverted. You can download them from the database and see if they work now.

              Did you get this solved? If it froze while loading, make sure you didn’t use all instruments mode without having loaded its upgrade.


              I was able to get a L:RB song to work! Using the Rawksd files from earlier I changed the .audio to .bik and I also changed the .chart to .mid and ran that through the C3 CON Tools MIDI cleaner, that part may not have been needed. I was surprised to see leader boards work. I saw that you and 1 other person had posted for “Accidentally In Love”.


              Unrelated to that, I’m not sure use Audacity to lessen the audio quality of xbox customs so they will play smoothly. Admittedly, I just got Audacity so I’m not that fluent in it. I was able to export the included moggs as oggs with multiple tracks at a lower rate, however those files were bigger than the original moggs so I figured I was doing something wrong. I didn’t try to merge or delete tracks due to being a novice with Audacity. The first time I tried it I wasn’t exporting as multiple tracks, but those were only mono and very small so I didn’t try them in game.


              How exactly did you get the LGRB songs to work?

              I did what you did in the first part of this post, but what next?


              I thought the latest RAWKSD would work, it loads the disc.

              But you can’t export RBA files for LEGO, like you can for RB1


                I don’t know how or what RawkSD does, but I can only recommend that you have the LRB disc, dump it yourself, and extract the songs from it. That way you can at least use the upgraded versions provided by RBHP.

                What is it stopping at, precisely? What happens if you start packing from the one it stopped at?


                And also, I got those songs you mentioned reconverted. You can download them from the database and see if they work now.


                It stops after it has created the app files but before it packs them into bin files, occurring at the “wadpacker ## 203” line. I have to close out the program when it hangs, but when I launch the program again, it usually works to completion. Sometimes I have to run it two or three times after that hang occurs to get it complete. Most times, the program does its full job without any problems.


                And thanks for the reconverts. I’ll try to test them either tonight or after my opening shift tomorrow. I just tried them, and they work perfectly! Thanks, Stack!

                  I don’t know how or what RawkSD does, but I can only recommend that you have the LRB disc, dump it yourself, and extract the songs from it. That way you can at least use the upgraded versions provided by RBHP.


                  RAWKSD is able to read RB/GH discs.

                  RB1 and the track packs

                  It is also able to export rba files of the GH and RB1 discs, but not LEGO.


                  I was able to export rba files from RB1.

                  Convert them to CONS (using C3Con tools of course).

                  Then convert them to Wii files.

                  That all works fine and dandy, I get the required files.

                  Problem is when I run them thru the DLC packer, I get the following error:


                  396_0000018c_rb1ballroomblitz_meta path is /000/content/ should be /396

                  dta file looks like this:



                  this happens with all the songs I exported as rba files.


                  fyi, I’ve had plenty of success with customs and TB:RB imports.


                  If I haven’t said this before, I will now……StackOverflow0x is the one with all the answers…..


                  One more thing, do you know if you can reset your cache on the vwii yet?


                    You need to understand that the RBA to CON conversion in C3 CON Tools expects Magma accurate RBA files. You may be having problems there because RawkSD might not be creating proper RBAs.

                      I don’t know how or what RawkSD does, but I can only recommend that you have the LRB disc, dump it yourself, and extract the songs from it. That way you can at least use the upgraded versions provided by RBHP.


                      RAWKSD is able to read RB/GH discs.

                      RB1 and the track packs

                      It is also able to export rba files of the GH and RB1 discs, but not LEGO.


                      I was able to export rba files from RB1.

                      Convert them to CONS (using C3Con tools of course).

                      Then convert them to Wii files.

                      That all works fine and dandy, I get the required files.

                      Problem is when I run them thru the DLC packer, I get the following error:


                      396_0000018c_rb1ballroomblitz_meta path is /000/content/ should be /396

                      dta file looks like this:



                      this happens with all the songs I exported as rba files.


                      fyi, I’ve had plenty of success with customs and TB:RB imports.


                      If I haven’t said this before, I will now……StackOverflow0x is the one with all the answers…..


                      One more thing, do you know if you can reset your cache on the vwii yet?

                      Yeah, but I don’t know what it’s doing to magically convert the on-disc files to whatever it wants. It has to be straight from the source with no intermediary, preferably. And no, I think the RB1 stuff is still useless. Sync issues, or the fact that they were basically videos makes them less ideal. Would not recommend.


                      What’s the problem with resetting the cache on a vwii? You have access to the filesystem, right?


                        Regarding Lego Rock Band, I wrote a tool to simplify the vague process I described.

                        Download DiscToDLC


                        Unzip the archive and you should have the executable and a RBHP folder. Click Load to find the “songs” folder from an unpacked Lego Rock Band disc. You will need to have used Arktool on the ISO before hand. You know, the one you dumped from your disc with your Wii. The Arktool command would be this: arktool -e gen * extracted


                        But anyways, after you’ve selected the songs folder, the list should populate. You can right-click and extract a song to automatically convert it to the standard Wii customs DLC format (where you get a meta and song folder) along with the added bonus of automatically having the RBHP harmony upgrade applied. Just make sure to update the path in the songs DTA and upgrades DTA.

                        For Keys upgrades, download the latest RBHP release and replace the provided files with the Keys version.


                        This only works for Lego Rock Band. Rock Band 1 shouldn’t work because the audio is not right and won’t even upgrade with RBHP. If there are any issues, please let me know. I’m getting a bit better at this.


                        Would this program work for AC/DC Live, or does that have the same issue as RB1?


                        Also, Korn’s “Y’all Want a Single” has nothing on the download page for the Wii link.

                        And “Love on the Rocks” by Neil Diamond is still in CON format.

                        And this is the only thing on Rod Stewart’s “Baby Jane” link:

                        And “Moonrise Pt.2: Nightfall (2x Bass Pedal)” by The L-Train is also blank on its Wii link.


                          Sorry if I’m beating an old drum since its been a while since I’ve logged on but I’m still having trouble resting my cache. I keep going through the fstoolbox and dumping the mstore.vff there but there are still customs up where there are no bin files for them. Should I just take the sd into my computer, delete the mstore.vff and replace it with a brand new empty one? I tried through the ftp server but I’m still not having luck with any of that

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