[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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  • #452119

    Thanks, Stack.


    iPodwithnomusic, I hope it’s not the SD card reader on the Wii itself that’s acting up. That’d be rather bleak.


    I just reset my settings in Neogamma, launched the game, and it worked fine.

      There’s a DLC unpacked tool which I think works for getting the necessary files out of the bin files. Another option is to try to get ArkTool to unpack the disc yourself and get the necessary files out that way.


      Where can I get my hands on ARKTOOL ????


      I just followed this guide for the first time to add custom songs. I did it with just one song and everything worked fine. Then I went to add more and the game crashes when it tries to load them. I have everything labeled and packed correctly. I’ve tried loading the newer songs in one at a time and trying different songs but nothing seems to work. I’m manually labelling each song and putting them into their own packs because I couldn’t figure out the C3 con tool. Is there something I’m missing about adding in new songs?


        How are you adding them? Just downloading converted customs? When you’re labeling, are you removing the numbers in the folder name? Because you shouldn’t do that at least.


        Also, sometimes it takes just one song to be freeze-tastic for any that follow, regardless of careful packing. My experience with “Stairway to Heaven” and some of the Taylor Swift tracks can attest to that, as it may be faulty or missing components in the song. For example, one of the Taylor Swift tracks, according to Stack, was missing venue data that’s crucial to playability.


          I’m having quite some trouble to run this on Dolphin…

          I’ve taken a look at this thread for a while looking for a solution but I just don’t seem to find one.


          I followed the steps on the first post (I had to create the folders myself because they weren’t there at all) and it didn’t work;

          Then, after searching the thread I tried using the sZGE stuff, but after a while I think I found out my game’s folder is title0010000535a4245.


          I tried searching that and apparently that’s sZAE, not sure though.

          I looked up again here and didn’t find anything in that regard.

          Could someone help me in that regard?

          Here’s what my folder(s) look like, I tried using both the 535a4245 folder and the title0010005735a4745, but none of them worked at all.

          How are you adding them? Just downloading converted customs? When you’re labeling, are you removing the numbers in the folder name? Because you shouldn’t do that at least.


          I’m downloading the wii versions of the songs and adding them in by creating the individual folders and changing the numbers to the slot number followed by the hexadecimal number. Then I change the song.dta to sZFE/slot number and pack them together.


          Also, sometimes it takes just one song to be freeze-tastic for any that follow, regardless of careful packing. My experience with “Stairway to Heaven” and some of the Taylor Swift tracks can attest to that, as it may be faulty or missing components in the song. For example, one of the Taylor Swift tracks, according to Stack, was missing venue data that’s crucial to playability.


          Could it be the fact that I’m packing everything at once is causing a problem? Like because I’m packing a faulty song simultaneously with a working song an error is occurring? Should I pack them one at a time?


          Also, here is a picture of my labeled folders



          I am loading tracks using the vWii method on the WiiU.

          I have loaded over 500 songs individually without any problems, but my issue is

          I cannot for the life of me get “Creed – Higher” to load up. I keep receiving 2 different errors (song data became unavailable, and data cannot be restored) I have downloaded and redownloaded thinking corrupt files but thats not the case… Any help is much appreciated!


          I have just realized the my bins that i produced are 42mb in size. The working downloaded version from the store is only 19.2mb in size. So how can I slim that down if there already isn’t a preview mogg in there?

            I am loading tracks using the vWii method on the WiiU.

            I have loaded over 500 songs individually without any problems, but my issue is

            I cannot for the life of me get “Creed – Higher” to load up. I keep receiving 2 different errors (song data became unavailable, and data cannot be restored) I have downloaded and redownloaded thinking corrupt files but thats not the case… Any help is much appreciated!


            I have just realized the my bins that i produced are 42mb in size. The working downloaded version from the store is only 19.2mb in size. So how can I slim that down if there already isn’t a preview mogg in there?

            Where are you getting this “Higher” custom from? You would get a BIN file that large if more songs are in there. Take a song out to keep it under the limit.



            I’m having quite some trouble to run this on Dolphin…

            I’ve taken a look at this thread for a while looking for a solution but I just don’t seem to find one.


            I followed the steps on the first post (I had to create the folders myself because they weren’t there at all) and it didn’t work;

            Then, after searching the thread I tried using the sZGE stuff, but after a while I think I found out my game’s folder is title0010000535a4245.


            I tried searching that and apparently that’s sZAE, not sure though.

            I looked up again here and didn’t find anything in that regard.

            Could someone help me in that regard?

            Here’s what my folder(s) look like, I tried using both the 535a4245 folder and the title0010005735a4745, but none of them worked at all.


            The game’s folder shouldn’t be relevant at all for this. So ignore anything 00010000. Your 735a4745 folder does look correct though. Did you add the ticket file in the ticket folder of the NAND directory? It should be named 735a4745.tik.


            How are you adding them? Just downloading converted customs? When you’re labeling, are you removing the numbers in the folder name? Because you shouldn’t do that at least.


            I’m downloading the wii versions of the songs and adding them in by creating the individual folders and changing the numbers to the slot number followed by the hexadecimal number. Then I change the song.dta to sZFE/slot number and pack them together.


            Also, sometimes it takes just one song to be freeze-tastic for any that follow, regardless of careful packing. My experience with “Stairway to Heaven” and some of the Taylor Swift tracks can attest to that, as it may be faulty or missing components in the song. For example, one of the Taylor Swift tracks, according to Stack, was missing venue data that’s crucial to playability.


            Could it be the fact that I’m packing everything at once is causing a problem? Like because I’m packing a faulty song simultaneously with a working song an error is occurring? Should I pack them one at a time?


            Also, here is a picture of my labeled folders



            Packing everything at once shouldn’t be an issue, but there might be a mistake somewhere. Is this still about freezing at the library? Because I think when a song fails to load in a BIN, then the rest of the songs in the BIN won’t load in-game for that session. Packing one at a time shouldn’t be necessary, but loading them in 2 BINs at a time or so and letting the game cache it should help you track down the problem song.



            I converted the 360 con file into the wii format with C3 ConTools. This is the only song I ran across that gives me any kind of trouble, and i have converted hundreds of these without any problems. I am not packing this with other songs either, just as a single. I still do not understand the size issue I speak of. My bin files come to a total of 42.0mb, while the purchased from the store version is 19.2mb. And the download one should even have a preview mogg inside, whereas the converted won’t because ConTools always fail making a preview. Just not making sense to me…


              Oh I see. It’s an RBN song. But since it’s downloaded from the store, what is the problem? It downloads to sZEE, which means it shouldn’t be affected at all. There should be no conversion.

              Oh I see. It’s an RBN song. But since it’s downloaded from the store, what is the problem? It downloads to sZEE, which means it shouldn’t be affected at all. There should be no conversion.


              I want to combine all my songs into 1 package…


              The only way to combine alot of songs in one package is emulated nand. Using wszst you can pack up to 1.5gb per pack.


                The game’s folder shouldn’t be relevant at all for this. So ignore anything 00010000. Your 735a4745 folder does look correct though. Did you add the ticket file in the ticket folder of the NAND directory? It should be named 735a4745.tik.


                Yes, it’s there, in ticket0010005.

                I redownloaded it several times but it still didn’t work.


                Then I tried renaming it to 535a4245 and it didn’t work either so I just deleted it and kept the 735 one I downloaded from one of your previous posts.

                Still not working though.

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