[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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    Then may lead to either the ng_id or common-key file being wrong. Make sure those values are correct and then repack the BINs.


    I did, I even tried those two files again repacking sZFP and it loaded correctly so it is not the problem in id files. I suspect that title.tmd file is to blame… Still the same, using sZGP generated files the game says that they are corrupted and deletes them.


      Okay, that’s odd.

      And this is happening even if you just pack 003 and 004 in sZGP? Can you show me what ticket files are on your Wii’s ticket folder?


        Hi to you all.

        I registered, firstly to say thanks, secondly to ask for help. We are having a lot of fun playing these customs but seem to have the exact same problem as Leryan previously mentioned. I have managed to play customs using sZFP, but I appear to have run out of space (slots?), so I’ve been trying to use sZGP with no luck. Wii is softmodded 4.1E.


        The packer that comes with sZGP will only make the first 2 files into bins, but makes all the app files. I’ve read and re-read this forum many times, and I’m delighted with what I’ve managed to do so far, but if only I could load all the songs at once (as other users have stated, 1000 or 3000 song limit? I only need 522… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />, until the next c3 release!). Please can one of you clever people assist? Cheers

        Okay, that’s odd.

        And this is happening even if you just pack 003 and 004 in sZGP? Can you show me what ticket files are on your Wii’s ticket folder?


        Ok, now I redownloaded your sZGP package and just put in my ID files. I packed the test song, reset song cache on WII and it still says it is corrupted and deletes it.

          Hi to you all.

          I registered, firstly to say thanks, secondly to ask for help. We are having a lot of fun playing these customs but seem to have the exact same problem as Leryan previously mentioned. I have managed to play customs using sZFP, but I appear to have run out of space (slots?), so I’ve been trying to use sZGP with no luck. Wii is softmodded 4.1E.


          The packer that comes with sZGP will only make the first 2 files into bins, but makes all the app files. I’ve read and re-read this forum many times, and I’m delighted with what I’ve managed to do so far, but if only I could load all the songs at once (as other users have stated, 1000 or 3000 song limit? I only need 522… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />, until the next c3 release!). Please can one of you clever people assist? Cheers

          But did you get the right one? I just posted this a page ago and it’s certainly able to make more BINs than 2.


          And also, did you actually run out of room in sZFP? What BIN did you stop at?


          Okay, that’s odd.

          And this is happening even if you just pack 003 and 004 in sZGP? Can you show me what ticket files are on your Wii’s ticket folder?


          Ok, now I redownloaded your sZGP package and just put in my ID files. I packed the test song, reset song cache on WII and it still says it is corrupted and deletes it.

          It’s really starting to become concerning. Can you try download it one more and try the modified ticket file in there?


            Hi StackOverflow0x


            Thanks for the reply. I’m pretty sure I did use that sZGP, I know I tried a few. I can’t download it now, though – nothing happens, no error message, no download, nothing. When I say I ran out of room, in my sZFP folder, I have bins 52-391, and it works fine. Better than fine, perfect, couldn’t be happier. As soon as I try anything round 399+, rb3 crashes with that high pitch issue Sin Ominous mentioned a few posts back. Full crash, hold the power button down to reset crash. I just figured I’d run out of room, which is why I tried to use the sZGP packer. Human nature being what it is, those unloaded songs are ‘the best ones ever’!


            The other thing I wondered was how to pack 2 songs together? If I’ve understood correctly, for example, in sZFP my first song is 052.bin Fluttering Romance, so I can add another song to 052.bin, or have I got it wrong?


            Finally, can I go backwards in sZFP (starts at 052 presently) using bins 51-01 without breaking anything? Thanks for your help


            It’s really starting to become concerning. Can you try download it one more and try the modified ticket file in there?


            I redownloaded it again and used the file, It is still the same (corrupted content, unable to load). Well, lets wait for zimbabwean to try and load and see if he will have the same problem.


              Oh, I see my link stopped working for some reason. Try this instead and hopefully that works.



              You should have been packing more that one song this whole time. I’d suggest using the Smart Merger feature in the Wii Converter part of C3CONTools. You select the song you want to add and then select the destination. You just have to watch out for meta files greater than 500 KB, which averages to about 2-3 songs with preview audio and album art. You can fit a few more if you start removing preview audio. The song folder has to be less than 40 MB as well, so you have to keep both in check. Regardless, it is still better than one song at a time because you will run out of BINs slower.

              I wouldn’t recommend using 01-51 in sZFP. It’s for some few RBN songs and would be harder to manage. Not necessary since you should be able to go to 499 BINs in sZFP.


              If the new download works, tell me how that turns out. Also, uninstall and reinstall using the new WAD file. And make sure you get the same return error as in the instruction videos out there.


                Hi Stack

                The download doesn’t work. And I see when I try the wadpacker with a merged song, the bat file reduces, so I guess I’ve done something wrong! I’ll keep plugging away.


                Edit. I’m obviously doing something wrong with the merge tool as well. Files merge OK, source files delete, but only original song shows up. Am I missing something? I checked the dta file, it shows the original file names e.g. song 1/sZFP/054 for the target, song 2/sZFP/056 for the source in the same songs.dta




                The download worked this morning. I will try it after work today. Thanks


                For some reason my game loads up only to 429.bin file in sZFP. Just so you know, zimbabwean, when trying yours. Please test sZGP with a song or two so I can see if it’s a problem related only to my setup.




                  Thanks Stack, that packer worked perfectly. I did lose one original RB3 song, but I must have deleted something by accident. I still couldn’t get 2 songs in one folder to work, but I’m up to 517 now (I seem to remember I had 522 once). I’ll see if I can find the missing ones, but to be honest, I am not as bothered as I once was, the amount of brilliant songs you guys have given me. It’s like that cliche – the soundtrack to my life!


                  Leryan, that download that Stack has loaded is the one. My first song was 005_00000005 if that helps. I had also deleted and moved some between 020 and 029, and the packer realised that. And then I put the bins into sZGP folder on sd card, ran the mstore.vff, and reinstalled, uninstalled, reinstalled all the wads. Good luck


                  I can believe it, I still have the same problem, I rechecked ID files, used last packer, repacked everything and still get corrupted files message… Ill try and format and SD card tomorrow… I rly dont know what is happening as sZFP works fine.


                    Have you uninstalled and reinstalled the SZGP WAD? All the problems I ever had with this came back to the install somehow.


                    For some reason reformating SD card helped! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                      Another thing that might have caused an issue, though apparently not in your case, is if a hidden file accidentally made it into your packing folders. That happened to me once and I got unexplained errors on load, so watch for that if similar problems persist.

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