[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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    You mean using the DLCpacker?, I suppose I’d have to edit the dlcpack.bat, could you give me more specifics?


    I don’t use it, I use wszst, but I just downloaded it and packed the song that comes with it, and unpacked.


    Command: u8it file.name -unpack


    Not sure how to specify folder, it sends it to ”-unpack” I tried different combinations, maybe stackoverflow can help with that.


    Thanks for the info, will try that as soon as possible probably not tonight though, but I’ll let you know if it works, I’m sure I’m not the only one looking for this kind of workaround instead of syncing manually all the tracks.


      For Rock Band 1 songs, don’t bother with RawkSD since their versions are different. Also don’t bother with the on-disc files because the sync and various other issues. You’re better off just converting the XBOX version’s CON files for them. Then, you can even incorporate the RBHP upgrades after Wii Converter spits out the working Wii files.


      This thread has gotten long, so pardon my laziness in advance concerning my next question.


      I’ve now gotten quite a bit of customs successfully uploaded (all Beatles, all Zeppelin, and 24+ songs as part of an ultimate Setlist Checklist of songs featured across all of Harmonix’s works) and I’m getting up to 160.bin territory. What’s the highest that sZFE can allow, #1), and #2) Are sZGE and sZHE up and running now, with full capacity for both? The last post I read about sZGE (but not the latest) is that it only had a small capacity (up to 010.bin). #3) I think you mentioned that sZGE requires a new TMD and TIK. Were all the above provided in earlier posts and I just carelessly missed them, and is there an accompanying WAD that will accommodate new content?


        sZFE goes up to 500.bin.

        sZGE also goes up to 500. Inside this one, you’ll find a WAD that you’ll need to install to make this content generation work.

        sZHE is not at full capacity yet. Also, it hasn’t been tested, but maybe content generations can go higher than 500? Someone close to that should let me know to test.


        Oh, that is awesome to know. Here I thought 250-something was my limit. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


        Any .tik or .tmd that I need for sZGE? Or can I just use what is currently in my packing folder (and has been generating a lot of success so far)?


          No, everything relating to sZGE is all provided in the sZGE archive from the download.


          Okay, here’s a cheat code update.


          After isolating and testing each cheat, the only cheat code that keeps freezing my game/Wii is “Unblock License-Conflicted Songs”, using all hook types. Every other code seems to work (still have yet to go beyond 1000 to test if that other code’s typo fix worked…)


            Okay, can you try the code by just adding this at the end of last line of code?

            E0000000 00000000


            No dice.


            It’s not a huge biggie. As long as I can verify that the max songs code works, this one will be negligible.


            I’m curious, Stack. When you convert customs to Wii format shortly after a release day, do you just use the options provided (read: Wii Converter) in C3ConTools, or are there additional steps you take for your official conversions on the database?


            Reason I ask is my stumbling upon all the other work outside of the C3 umbrella, including your set of songs. The tracks from BABYMETAL, authored by Nightmare Lyra, especially caught my interest….


              Yes, Wii Converter takes care of most of the customs released. It’s why it’s there in the first place. However, in the case of multitrack songs, you may experience stuttering if the tracks aren’t properly reduced. For C3 releases, only I do those. You would have to manage that on your own if you find something in Other Customs that becomes a problem in-game.


              I’m assuming Magma or another tool comes into play (by manually editing) to make sure proper reduction happens? I’m guessing that Wii Converter can only do so much in that respect. I haven’t used it yet, but do the CON tools in general have a way of flagging which tracks still need proper reduction?


                No, but it’s safe to assume anything with full drums (3 stereo tracks) and all instruments plus Keys will cause issues. There shouldn’t be that many of them though.

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