[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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      Oh forgot to say, i also tried using your content generation (sZGE), put the 0000000001.app, title.tmd with 2 custom songs app, and of course the ticket in the tickets folder, so, when i started the game with emunand, the content bar appeared and started to load the customs along with my 6 dlc wothout a problem, but then when it finished a ¨finding downloable content¨ message appeared and only loaded the 6 dlc songs <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


        Oh, that would happen if the TMD is incorrect. Did you get the latest TMD that I posted? The old one only had support for 4 songs.


          yes, the new one has files up to 493 i guess, and the customs must start at 003_000000003,right?

          i don’t know what to do now, i’ve tried everything, if only one wii user could tell me if he/she use emunand perfectly and show me his syscheck or something…


            Well, syscheck would have to be the same anyways. If emunand is anything like Dolphin, you just have to have files in the correct place. So does that mean you do have the TMD file in the same folder as the DLC is? The custom you’re packing isn’t exceeding 40MB or something odd like that is it?


              no, i mean, the wii systemcheck, with the homebrew channel apps called syscheck, so i could see what ios are installed in the console, and yes, i’ve done everything good, the tmd in the app folder (for the sZFE content, also the 000000026.app), and the app files are good too, they don’t exceeed the limit of 40mb and 500kb on meta folder since i don’t merge the songs, i put 1 song for each app file


                Then, what does your syscheck look like? I hope you mean 00000026.app literally and not with as many zeroes as you’ve written. That would be a mistake.


                  oh, don’t worry, i;m just lazy to write the exact numbers of 0, but the numbers in the .app’s are the correct, also i wanna know the syscheck (cios, ios base, type of usb loader) of someone who can emulated nand and load customs without any problems, i could say that i use USB LOADER GX, and i open it woth ios 250, then load the game and emunand with ios 249 – ios base 56

                  What are you using it for? Basically, when you have the RAD Video Tools installed, you can drag and drop left and right mono audio files into the text boxes for the appropriate instruments. When you’re finished, you can generate a script that will create a bink file that should work in the game.

                  I don’t know why I’m using it per se. I just need to make a .bin smaller.

                    What are you using it for? Basically, when you have the RAD Video Tools installed, you can drag and drop left and right mono audio files into the text boxes for the appropriate instruments. When you’re finished, you can generate a script that will create a bink file that should work in the game.

                    I don’t know why I’m using it per se. I just need to make a .bin smaller.


                    For the song info bin, u have to make a preview of only 30 secs.

                    For the song bin, u could reduce the numbers of channels the song has for each instrument, some of the xbox 360 customs that are multitracks stems has like 16 of them


                    Could you help me? I’m using Dolphin, I followed EVERY single step of your tutorial, but everytime I get to the part where it loads the songs Dolphin crashes <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />

                    Here’s the log:


                    58:08:951 SrcNANDContentLoader.cpp:217 W[DIO]: CreateFromDirectory: error opening C:/Users/—-/Documents/Dolphin Emulator/Wii/title/00000001/00000002/content/title.tmd


                    It’s the same error always, the weird thing is that problem is not in the RB3 folder

                    The game works perfectly without the customs, the problem starts when I try to put some


                      Use an older version like 4.0-4233. New versions broke something that hasn’t been fixed.


                        Stack, i edit and export some mogg files from xbox to wii, everything is fine, but when i pause the game and start playing the audio desync from the chart, it´s even more funny when i pause the game a few times and the audio desync in ramdomly parts, also i think the practice sessions also doesn´t work


                          btw, i edit and export the moog files in audacity…


                            Yeah, you’re not supposed to do that. That’s what RockBiink is for. Export the mogg to wav files and make a Bink file out of it that won’t have those issues.


                              already tried with that script, the problem is that the drums in some songs has 3 wav files (i think it’s kick, snare and whaterver it is), and the program only allows me 1 file to put (2 in stereo), also when i play the song sounds really bad and slowly

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