[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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  • #440405
    Have you not gotten your ng_id file? Dropping in a BIN file from your SD card that you got from a downloaded song anywhere into C3CONTools should give you the right value. That should confirm the ng_id step is correct.

    I did that and it asked me what the hell I was doing (or something alone those lines); anyway, the program basically said “don’t randomly drop .bin files on this window.”


      Well, for starters, it’s not anywhere on C3 CON Tools…drop your BIN file on the Wii Converter.

      And of course, make sure you’re on the latest version of the tools since features aren’t added retroactively and you and Stack may be on different versions.


      Also, hi from reddit.


        Oh, my bad. When I used it, I thought I dropped it anywhere. Apparently dropping on buttons matter.


        I used the new ng_id and it still didn’t work. What else could I be doing? I’ll redo it with a different .bin (as a source for the new ng_id) and edit this message with the results.


        EDIT: It didn’t work.


        Also, hi from C3…


          It could still be a lot of things.

          Why don’t you try this. I hate to have to post this so early in development, but it has this neat little feature called a Sanity Check. Put it in your packing folder. If it passes that, then we can rule out some issues.

          It could still be a lot of things.

          Why don’t you try this. I hate to have to post this so early in development, but it has this neat little feature called a Sanity Check. Put it in your packing folder. If it passes that, then we can rule out some issues.



            Based on your date format, are you on the PAL version of the game? That would explain so much.

            Based on your date format, are you on the PAL version of the game? That would explain so much.

            No. I am on NTSC. I’m just like the European style of date formatting more.


            Stack – thanks for you answer earlier to me about converting from CON files.


            Do you (or anyone else here for that matter) have any issues with the following songs I’ve found from across the other customs forum ? I want to get them in the game, but there’s no point if they’re not at really good standard, I’d might as well wait for C3 releases. Or if there are any other issues in converting to wii.


            Aerosmith – Love in an Elevator

            Bloodhound gang – the bad touch

            Boney M – Rasputin

            MJ – Give in to me

            Marvin Gaye – Heard it through the grapevine

            Joss Whedon – The ballad of serenity

            Katy Perry – I kissed a girl

            Rammstein – Mein Hertz Brennt

            Rammstein – Engel

            Rammstein – Haifisch

            Rammstein – Ich Tu Dir Weh

            Rammstein – Rammlied

            Rammstein – Sonne

            Roxette – Sleeping in my Car

            Osmonds – Crazy Horses

            Tina Turner – Goldeneye

            Chris Cornell – You know my name

            Scorpions – Wind of Change

            Natalie Imbruglia – Torn


              Quality-wise, it depends on the author, of course. But they should convert and play without any issue.


              Thanks mate.


              Just wondered if you’d had any first hand experience with those particular songs and if they worked nicely in the game.


                Ok, first off…it’s taken me a while to read through this forum….lots of information to take in.


                I have 2 problems, actually they are the same problem, on different consoles.


                I have had all the RB3 DLC on my wii for a few years now.

                I’ve been trying to get it to work on my wiU.

                After reading through this forum/guide, I finally was able to download songs from the music store to my vwii ( :excited: ).


                I never used a usb loader in the past, but tried wiiflow, and poof, everything worked (had to change IOS to 251 on the vwii).

                The problem I’m having is that I can’t get the customs to work on either, I get same error. download content cannot be transferred to wii memory.


                I understand the console ID (I have both ID’s), now the common key is another story. I have the wii one, but not the vwii one.

                I did change the song.dta file (I’m only working on one song).

                All songs show as purchased on both consoles (so the wads are not the problem).



                1) What is the latest version of the RB3 packer?

                2) Am I suppose to copy the sample song file too (or is it just there for me to see).



                There are sooooo many songs I want to play…….


                StackOverflow0x is a wealth of information….thanks for your hard work and dedication.


                  I’m not too familiar with vWii, but is store-downloaded DLC working on it? Even under IOS 251? Despite being in a vWii though, you should still have about the same sysCheck as the kind posted here. Don’t worry about DTA files until content can actually be loaded. If you can get passed the content cannot be restored error, then you can worry about the DTA. The sample song is in there because it’s confirmed working. If you can get that one to show up, then other customs you add should certainly work.


                  Anything else should have the newest version on the first post. So more importantly, can you play store-downloaded DLC right now?


                    yes, I can download and play in-store dlc on both.

                    The problem arises when wii/vwii tries to load new content (the customs), that’s when I have problem.

                    Progress bar shows up, then console tells me dlc cannot be transferred to system memory.


                    I’ll just try the sample to see if that works.


                    about the 251, I tried 249 (like on the wii), and got booted back to wii menu.

                    One thing about the vwii and wiiflow, only 1 usb port will let you install games, but both read.


                      What about your syscheck? Post that to see if you have all the right IOS patches.


                      Also, you are using sZFE, right? You can also try making a packing folder for sZGE. Just install the wad from here. http://ge.tt/43ReAI82/v/0?c

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