[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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  • #438260

      OGG2MOGG will give you pausing problems in-game. It does an imperfect job at simulating an actual mogg file, so I wouldn’t recommend it for this situation. Bink files don’t have that problem.

      Yes, meta files cannot exceed 500 KB or so. Previews fill it up fast, so you’ll fit one or two in most cases.

      OGG2MOGG will give you pausing problems in-game. It does an imperfect job at simulating an actual mogg file, so I wouldn’t recommend it for this situation. Bink files don’t have that problem.

      Yes, meta files cannot exceed 500 KB or so. Previews fill it up fast, so you’ll fit one or two in most cases.

      Oh, I see what the problem is now. I will try once again to use the rockbiink then and report my results.

      Thanks for your help


      ok, I got a problem. I have everything set up and most of my songs are working correct. I have about 7 or so songs that I tried to make that either dont work, or stutter. I have my DLC on an sd card in bin files. I did not keep a record of which songs are which bin files. Is there a trick to where i can get the title information from a bin file?


        In your packing folder, the first 3-digit number should be what each BIN file has. Otherwise, you could try this to unpack your BIN files, but you really shouldn’t have to.


        got it, thanks stack. I had recklessly deleted all the files after I made the .bins. extracting the bins and then extracting the apps got what I needed. thanks


        How do I know if I installed sZFE WAD correctly?


        EDIT: reread your post… gonna attempt to rebuild a .bin of a song… is that what you want me to do?


        EDIT 2: Here’s what I get in Wii Mod when installing the sZFE wad.



        [+] Opening “Rock Band 3 DLC Gen 6 [NTSC] sZFE.wad, please wait… OK!


        [+] Intalling WAD, please wait…

        >>Reading WAD data…

        >>Installing ticket

        >>Installing title…

        >>Installing content #1… Error: (-1022) Content did not match hash in TMD

        Try with AHBPROT mode or an IOS with the correct permissions.



          That is the error you should be expecting. Try to see if it works now.


          Hey Stack, I’ve tried to use the rockbiink in order to create smaller files for songs that are bigger than 40 mb but it didnt work.

          I compiled everything right with binkc and the last version of RAD Video. I changed the mogg for my recently built bink and made the bin file out of it.


          The wii recognizes the song, but when I try to play it, it freezes when loading.

          Any ideas?


            Sounds like you either didn’t create the appropriate tracks or didn’t update the DTA with the new track configuration. For example, if the song originally had 6 drum tracks and it’s being mixed down to 2, then you have to generate the new info or the game will crash expecting more tracks.

            Sounds like you either didn’t create the appropriate tracks or didn’t update the DTA with the new track configuration. For example, if the song originally had 6 drum tracks and it’s being mixed down to 2, then you have to generate the new info or the game will crash expecting more tracks.

            I guess it might be this DTA track issue. How am I supposed to generate a new DTA?


              File > Generate DTA Snippet.

              It copies the correct DTA info you’ll need for the tracks section based on what you have checked on or off.

              File > Generate DTA Snippet.

              It copies the correct DTA info you’ll need for the tracks section based on what you have checked on or off.

              That was exactly it. It worked as expected after changing the DTA.

              Thanks <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


              Back to my first issue in September that I still can’t fix…packdlc.bat won’t make a .bin…


              EDIT: I ran RB3WiiPackTool.exe to see what would happen…still didn’t get a .bin


              @echo off

              u8it 001_00000001_ToolLateralus1x_meta 00000001.app -pack

              u8it 002_00000002_ToolLateralus1x_song 00000002.app -pack

              u8it 052_00000034_nlfr_meta 00000034.app -pack

              u8it 053_00000035_nlfr_song 00000035.app -pack


              wadpacker 1 2

              wadpacker 52 2


              del RB2_DLC_*

              del title.wad

              del 000.bin



                Remove the first line of the bat and add a pause at the end of it. It should show you the error it stopped on.




                Come again, wadpacker.exe?

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