[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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  • #437960

      Didn’t you just install it? How is it still saying IOS223[75] when it should be 38+37?


      I did install it less than five minutes before I tested it.


      Also, 37 + 38 = 75. Dunno if it helps, but I’m pointing it out anyway.


        Well then sure. Try installing the WAD files from a free pages ago and see if it works now.


        Did you a word there? I’m not understanding the sentence completely; install what WAD?


          Try installing sZGE, or sZFE if you find it. Then build content for it to see if it works.


          I already have sZFE installed on my Wii… I’ll reinstall it when I have time this week or weekend.


          Hello folks,

          I recently managed to make it all work and I appreciate all your efforts to make it happen.

          I ran into some troubles, though.


          First, I dont seem to be able to make the c3 tools work in merging folders together. Tried quite a feel times and some of them they dont even show on my list in game and others it actually shows, but arent playable due to ‘memory wii’ error.


          One other thing that Id like to know is if its possible to reduce a songs size in any way. I found Pink Floyd – Money on the deadlink’s topic but its size is 48mb. Tried to convert anyway and got the cant access wii memory error. You said that I cant have files to exceed the 40mb mark with my sd card, so I was wondering if I could somehow reduce its size.


            To get the Merge feature to work, you drop in the folders of the song you want to add, then pick the folder of a song in your packing folder that can fit the two songs. Of course, the issue being if the combined file size of the song folder is greater than 40MB, it won’t play in-game.

            As for the Pink Floyd song, here’s what RockBiink is for, if you don’t want to recompile a new CON. Looking at the song, it looks like it’s an old-style “let’s use the full audio on all the tracks” so it creates huge file sizes. Extract the 2 tracks at the top as separate mono WAV files. Then in RockBiink, drop them into the “Backing” text boxes. You will be able to create a Bink file that replaces the mogg file and should be very low in file size.

            To get the Merge feature to work, you drop in the folders of the song you want to add, then pick the folder of a song in your packing folder that can fit the two songs. Of course, the issue being if the combined file size of the song folder is greater than 40MB, it won’t play in-game.

            As for the Pink Floyd song, here’s what RockBiink is for, if you don’t want to recompile a new CON. Looking at the song, it looks like it’s an old-style “let’s use the full audio on all the tracks” so it creates huge file sizes. Extract the 2 tracks at the top as separate mono WAV files. Then in RockBiink, drop them into the “Backing” text boxes. You will be able to create a Bink file that replaces the mogg file and should be very low in file size.

            I tried once again merging files, heres what I did:

            -Downloaded Bridge burning, Arlandria and Let it go from this forum;

            -Openend C3 tools in merging options;

            -Dragged both _meta and _song files from arlandria there;

            -Searched the _meta folder of Bridge burning and selected it;

            -Repeated the process for Let it go

            -Changed the song.dta file to sZFE and 150.

            -Changed the packdlc file properly with:

            u8it 150_00000096_bridgeburning_meta 00000096.app -pack

            u8it 151_00000097_bridgeburning_song 00000097.app -pack


            wadpacker 150 203

            -Ran it and got the 150 and 151 files into my sd card.


            In the end, only Bridge burning was playable and both the others accused ‘cannot be restored to the Wii System Memory’. Both of the unplayable songs did not have their folder image and preview in game. Hope you could help me solve this problem since I believe i’ll be running into the 255 bug otherwise


            Regarding the Rockbiink though, I didn’t exactly understand what you meant. I downloaded it from page 25 of this thread and it gives me a screen with drums/stereo; bass/stereo; guitar/stereo; etc. What am I supposed to do with it to ‘Extract the 2 tracks at the top as separate mono WAV files. Then in RockBiink, drop them into the “Backing” text boxes. You will be able to create a Bink file that replaces the mogg file and should be very low in file size.’?

            Thanks in advance for your help anyway


              Looks like one of your steps for using the merger are out of order. You’re supposed to edit the songs.dta file just once. The song has to be in your packing folder already. Then you can add on songs and it will update the path to sZFE and 150, because it takes the first song it found to update the rest.

              Regardless, the issue could be that the meta file ends up being too big. You’ll have to remove a preview audio file or two out of the 3 songs. Then it should play. You might not need to rebuild the cache for this.


              I assumed too much on those brief RockBiink instructions.

              Take the song you want to convert and use C3CONTools to extract the mogg file.

              Open that mogg file in Audacity. Select the first track by clicking on the gray tab area under the volume control. Go to File > Export Selection.

              Save it as something like “left” and choose WAV.

              Choose the next track and export like before, but name this one “right”.

              Find out what instruments the song has playable. If you’re still in C3CONTools, you can open the song in Visualizer to see what parts it has.

              In RockBiink, enable the instrument parts the song has, including Backing. The parts can all be mono, except Backing.

              Go to File > Fill Instruments with Silence.

              Drag and drop “left” into the first box for Backing.

              Drag and drop “right” into the second box for Backing, which says Stereo.

              Generate the script and if you have RadVideo installed, run it and it should build a bink file which you can use instead of the mogg file.

              Looks like one of your steps for using the merger are out of order. You’re supposed to edit the songs.dta file just once. The song has to be in your packing folder already. Then you can add on songs and it will update the path to sZFE and 150, because it takes the first song it found to update the rest.

              Regardless, the issue could be that the meta file ends up being too big. You’ll have to remove a preview audio file or two out of the 3 songs. Then it should play. You might not need to rebuild the cache for this.


              I assumed too much on those brief RockBiink instructions.

              Take the song you want to convert and use C3CONTools to extract the mogg file.

              Open that mogg file in Audacity. Select the first track by clicking on the gray tab area under the volume control. Go to File > Export Selection.

              Save it as something like “left” and choose WAV.

              Choose the next track and export like before, but name this one “right”.

              Find out what instruments the song has playable. If you’re still in C3CONTools, you can open the song in Visualizer to see what parts it has.

              In RockBiink, enable the instrument parts the song has, including Backing. The parts can all be mono, except Backing.

              Go to File > Fill Instruments with Silence.

              Drag and drop “left” into the first box for Backing.

              Drag and drop “right” into the second box for Backing, which says Stereo.

              Generate the script and if you have RadVideo installed, run it and it should build a bink file which you can use instead of the mogg file.


              I managed to make the merging tools work, the problem was the song.dta path indeed, thanks.

              The pink floyd song though, I couldn’t. Followed the exact steps you pointed out but in the end it accuses “Error opening the audio input file.” when I try to run the script that was generated.

              One interesting thing I found is that each wav I extracted had exactly 33mbs. Both of them.


              # Error running: bink C:Program Files (x86)RADVideomoney 1.wav C:Program Files (x86)RADVideodummy.bik /d950000 /m3.0 /O /L4 /p8 /R44100 /b16 /c1
              # Input file error: binkmix C:Program Files (x86)RADVideodummy.bik C:UsersvitorDesktopRockBiinkBetaAudioblank44.wav C:Program Files (x86)RADVideobinkalicious.bik /T0 /O /L4 /R44100
              # Input file error: binkmix C:Program Files (x86)RADVideobinkalicious.bik C:UsersvitorDesktopRockBiinkBetaAudioblank44.wav C:Program Files (x86)RADVideobinkalicious.bik /T1 /O /L4 /R44100
              # Input file error: binkmix C:Program Files (x86)RADVideobinkalicious.bik C:UsersvitorDesktopRockBiinkBetaAudioblank44.wav C:Program Files (x86)RADVideobinkalicious.bik /T2 /O /L4 /R44100
              # Input file error: binkmix C:Program Files (x86)RADVideobinkalicious.bik C:UsersvitorDesktopRockBiinkBetaAudioblank44.wav C:Program Files (x86)RADVideobinkalicious.bik /T3 /O /L4 /R44100
              # Input file error: binkmix C:Program Files (x86)RADVideobinkalicious.bik C:UsersvitorDesktopRockBiinkBetaAudioblank44.wav C:Program Files (x86)RADVideobinkalicious.bik /T4 /O /L4 /R44100
              # Input file error: binkmix C:Program Files (x86)RADVideobinkalicious.bik C:Program Files (x86)RADVideomoney 1.wav C:Program Files (x86)RADVideobinkalicious.bik /T5 /O /L4 /R44100
              # Input file error: binkmix C:Program Files (x86)RADVideobinkalicious.bik C:Program Files (x86)RADVideomoney 2.wav C:Program Files (x86)RADVideobinkalicious.bik /T6 /O /L4 /R44100


                Looks like the program is installed into your Program Files folder. I thought the script should regardless where the executable is. But also, try setting the executable to “binkc” if you’re using a newer version. Also, remove spaces from file names just in case it can cause errors. The WAV file size is fine. The output Bink file should be 4-8 MB, if I had to guess.


                I managed to make it work but differently.

                Using Audacity I manually deleted some of the tracks and then saved it as an .ogg file, marking the mix custom songs option under “edit/preferences/import/export”. Then exported it as an .ogg file and finally used a program called OGG2MOGG to generate the mogg file and it worked. I may create a tutorial that you could add in the thread if you want, it was very intuitive.


                Another thing that I discovered in my tests was that the size of the .meta generated file cannot exceed 500kb.

                I managed, for example, to have more than 1 preview working in a pack. But ran into troubles when the meta file that was created had over 500kb. You could also add this info on the thread if you want, it might be helpful for someone else.


                  There is a reason why we don’t do what you did. I’ll let stack explain it, but to others: follow instructions. They’re there for a reason.

                  There is a reason why we don’t do what you did. I’ll let stack explain it, but to others: follow instructions. They’re there for a reason.

                  I dont quite get what you mean. I had troubles in converting songs that were over 40mb since the wii only recognizes under 40mb files. The solution I came up with was editing the .mogg and taking out some of the tracks.


                  Is there anything wrong?

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