[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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      The audio being slowed down could be because of the downsampling in Audacity, if it was done wrong. You can feed the program the audio at its original quality since the Sample Rate will be lowered through Bink.

      I guess this needs some instruction.


      Instruments can be stereo at the most, which uses two audio tracks. Drums have to be merged to stereo, if you’re working with multitracks. Split the stereo track in Audacity and export the left track first, then the right track. Import them in that order.

      Some instruments, like bass, can be converted to mono because they benefit less from stereo tracks. Just tick one box and put the audio in the first box.


      When you aren’t dealing with multitracks, you can set the instruments to match the original mix as closely as possible. So don’t enable Keys if the song doesn’t have any, etc. This is necessary for matching the DTA later. In the Backing audio boxes, put the left and right tracks in there. Everything else can be the blank file, in mono.


      I hope that makes sense. Generating the DTA bit you posted will come later.


        Alright, I just went through and did the FTPserver, but when I went into boot settings it didnt have the part for the second NAND option. Anyway, I went through and connected the sd card to my computer and couldn’t find the MSTORE.VFF. I ended up finding the folder but the file wasn’t in there. Whenever I put the card in my computer it’s there but not in FileZilla.


          Were you using WiiXplorer? You’ll have to go into the settings and enable nand access because it’s default off for safety. Only then can you find the cache on the system. SD card doesn’t have to be involved for the cache in this process.


            Yeah I was in WiiXplorer. When I go to the Boot setting menu where it’s supposed to have the NAND option our only shows the Boot IOS option. So I think that’s where mr problem is lying and idk why it’s not there


              Let me figure out what’s happening with that.


              In the meantime, has everyone had a chance to see all the codes I’ve created for the game? Since a USB loader is required to do customs, you should all be able to use cheats too. Some of them are very useful. Here’s everything I’ve made so far.

              $Fake Pro Keys (Player 1)
              289E9B82 00000C00
              0490B5FC 8086B771
              E0000000 00000000
              *Press B+A on P1 Wiimote to activate
              $Fake Pro Guitar (Player 1)
              289E9B82 00000410
              0490B5FC 8086B74D
              E0000000 00000000
              *Press B+Plus on P1 Wiimote to activate
              $Fake Pro Keys (Player 2)
              289E9B82 00000C00
              0490B698 8086B771
              E0000000 00000000
              *Press B+A on P1 Wiimote to activate
              $Fake Pro Guitar (Player 2)
              289E9B82 00000410
              0490B698 8086B74D
              E0000000 00000000
              *Press B+Plus on P1 Wiimote to activate
              $Max Songs Limit is 3000
              04B41560 000003E8
              04B41560 00000BB8
              E0000000 00000000
              $Crowd Meter Increases
              2010611C EC211028
              0410611C EC21102A
              E0000000 00000000
              $Fast Startup
              20B39ED0 80805847
              04B39ED4 00000000
              E0000000 00000000
              20B39EE0 80805868
              04B39EE0 80805847
              04B39EE4 00000000
              E0000000 00000000
              20B39EF0 808058D9
              04B39EF0 80805847
              04B39EF4 00000000
              E0000000 00000000
              20B39F00 92FECD00
              04B39F04 00000000
              E0000000 00000000
              $No Video Venues
              0488EA1C 00000000
              *Sets a white background instead
              $Auto Play Mode
              0412A44C 4BFFFAFC
              04184024 4BFFFA5C
              *Auto plays all instruments. No overdrive.
              $Fake Microphone 1 Connected
              20A3F24C FFFFFFFF
              04A3F244 00000002
              04A3F248 00000002
              E0000000 00000000
              $Fake Microphone 2 Connected
              20A3F2C0 FFFFFFFF
              04A3F2B8 00000002
              04A3F2BC 00000002
              E0000000 00000000
              $Fake Microphone 3 Connected
              20A3F334 FFFFFFFF
              04A3F32C 00000002
              04A3F330 00000002
              E0000000 00000000
              $Unblock Licensing-Conflicted Songs
              047F0590 FFFFFFFF
              047F0594 FFFFFFFF
              047F0598 FFFFFFFF
              047F059C FFFFFFFF
              047F05A0 FFFFFFFF
              047F05A4 FFFFFFFF
              047F05A8 FFFFFFFF
              047F05AC FFFFFFFF
              *Enables the following songs if you have them:"Black Hole Sun", "Dani California", "Hier Kommt Alex", "Rock 'n' Roll Star"
              $Concentration Mode
              04CB9188 80CB7368
              *Replaces video venues
              $Video Venues Always Appear
              04CB91F0 3F800000
              *Do not combine always with never
              $Video Venues Never Appear
              04CB91F0 00000000
              *Do not combine never with always. Won't stop videos in All Instruments Mode.

              Some are for testing and previews. Max Songs Limit increase, Fast Startup, and Unblock license-blocked songs, however, are must haves. You lose nothing and it only improves the experience.


              I haven’t gotten to try them on my console yet, but the setup should be similar to this guide. It just wants a text file with codes and slightly different formatting. Anyone brave enough can try them right now.


              I’m having issues getting this to work. It worked the first time I tried the sample song in the package but since then it won’t work. Now when Wii caches the songs from SD it errors out saying can’t restore to system memory on my added songs. I followed the same procedure and everything. I’ve tried too many times to mention. I even tried the emu NAND way but it freezes when cacheing. My file structure is fine, double checked it 5 times. The sample song won’t even work anymore. Any suggestions?


                Have you changed anything about your system IOSes? Did your ng_id get overwritten at some point? Is the common key file not 0? Post your syscheck if you can as it will help.


                what do I use to get syscheck?


                Ok I figured out that my ng_id got overwritten. Thanks for that. Now I’m having problems making a pack of songs with C3CONToolsv361. I’m trying to make a Shinedown pack but only 2 of the 4 songs will work. The other 2 says “can’t be restored to system memory” when launching the song to play. They show up in the list and everything. The SD icon shows up too. I checked the sizes of the folder and resulting files. the Meta folder is only 300k and the bin file is only 20mb. Only one mogg file in the Meta folder too.


                  If they’re showing up in the list but can’t load, then it’s probably because the path of the song is wrong. Check the DTA and make sure sZAE/000 isn’t accidentally being left in. It should match what the other two songs have there.


                  Checked that. Everything is set up correctly to my knowledge.


                    And the rb3pack tool that comes with the latest archive, does that let it go through properly without error?

                    Are the songs that are failing the last two in the DTA?


                    one was first and in another pack it was the last 2. I’ve decided to split them into single files


                    Update:Ok splitting the the songs up still results in some of them not working. I got the songs from C3 datababse so they should be working I assume. The songs in question are Shinedown, Enemies and If you Only Knew. And GnR, Paradise City. I have gone over the steps several times checking the dta file, the file structures and even re-extracting from the downloaded zip.All my other songs are working including a pack of 6 GnR songs.


                    Update 2: Ok I went back and checked the file structure one more time and found that in the songs folder the song files were not in a folder with the song name, they were just in the songs folder itself. Checked the zip file and that’s the way it was in it. So it wasn’t structured right to begin with. I added the folder and now it works, at least 2 of the remaining three songs do. Paradise City still doesn’t work. Folders and file structure is all correct.Might want to check the song yourself to see if it works for you.


                      Okay I see. Those two Shinedown songs converted incorrectly for some reason. The corrected versions are up now and this time it should be working.

                      Paradise City might still be a bad venue conversion from an older version of C3CON Tools that I forgot to reconvert at some point. I’ll redo that one and check in-game.


                      Ok thanks for your help. I’ll test later when you have fixed it.

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