[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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  • #428216

    Good news, after some deliberation, I’ve managed to get some customs working and in the game…..


    Thanks to Kixero via PM, I’ve now managed to get the fstoolbox app working – For any other PAL user out there, the 535a4245 folder won’t show. Instead you need to create a 535a4250 folder within FSTOOLBOX folder (just like 535a4245) and place the MVSTORE file from there into the 4250 folder. It will then work.


    I have found a couple of errors in the songs, so I shall post in here once I have loaded all 100 or so songs…


    OK – so after a mammoth project and a number of cache resets and reloads of all the packs – this is what I’ve found.


    1) Hotel California – I can’t get this to load into the game regardless of which pack I add it into. It shows as a pack loading, but just as it’s about to complete, the Wii freezes and it makes that loud buzzing noise. Tried a number of times, just won’t go in.


    2) America, fuck yeah – this only works if you delete the _prev.mogg file. In a pack I used a different preview rather than this song. It’s a 459kb file so assume it’s too big for the wii and causes issues.


    3) Superman – Black Lace – this freezes at kaleidoscope stage. Looking at other parts of this forum, probably needs a new midi file !?


    4) General thing I’ve noticed – sometimes when loading a pack of say like 5 songs, often the 1st song in the pack wouldn’t appear but the rest would. A cache reset and reload sorted this always.


    I am now having a blast going through and playing all my favourite stuff. Love Nightwish !!!

      OK – so after a mammoth project and a number of cache resets and reloads of all the packs – this is what I’ve found.


      1) Hotel California – I can’t get this to load into the game regardless of which pack I add it into. It shows as a pack loading, but just as it’s about to complete, the Wii freezes and it makes that loud buzzing noise. Tried a number of times, just won’t go in.


      2) America, fuck yeah – this only works if you delete the _prev.mogg file. In a pack I used a different preview rather than this song. It’s a 459kb file so assume it’s too big for the wii and causes issues.


      3) Superman – Black Lace – this freezes at kaleidoscope stage. Looking at other parts of this forum, probably needs a new midi file !?


      4) General thing I’ve noticed – sometimes when loading a pack of say like 5 songs, often the 1st song in the pack wouldn’t appear but the rest would. A cache reset and reload sorted this always.


      I am now having a blast going through and playing all my favourite stuff. Love Nightwish !!!

      Okay, yeah I’ll look into this.

      1. Hotel California should be working. I just tested it now. I don’t know what to say. Try it alone and see.


      2. America, yeah that’s a big oversight. I had this one on my console before, so I must have accidentally made a preview that was too large. 15-second previews are the only thing ever worth it. A new one should be up now.


      3. Superman was reuploaded. Maybe the venue was converted bad at some point. I got it loading.


      4. What you are describing sounds like you are adding songs to a songs.dta file, then changing it out or adding more to the same file. The game won’t read the songs.dta file after it has been read once (after a cache refresh), so you have to move on to other song slots. Otherwise, it’s just some random error that is difficult to diagnose.


      I decided that I’ll save my money (with an anime convention coming up) and try the Neogamma approach instead of hard drive/USB. Stack, the fellow you mentioned that got customs to work, did that person happen to mention what cIOS (including slot and base number) he/she used for Neogamma to run on, and if anything extra is needed for instrument support? I’ve got the installation files for both d2x and Neogamma so far (free time away from work is another story).


      Alternately, if Neogamma gets updated into the main tutorial, I can put off this project ’til the update for accuracy’s sake (not to mention the safety of my Wii, as well).


        You cam still try running the software. If it doesn’t work right away, we can still figure it out from there.


        First of I would like to thank all that have contributed to this thread and especially its author who has made so hard work.


        I had read it time and time again, trying to implement the steps proposed to a PAL wii, yet to no avail.


        It seems that is the only way in order to add custom songs and download DLC content for the game.


        I would describe what has taken place, since I was able to see that the steps mentioned were mostly for NTSC wii’s and not PAL ones.


        1) We have to softmod wii.

        2) Then homebrew channel should be installed.

        3) a usb loader (gx in this case) is used for the game.

        4) Unlike the proposals here, the game works for me under ios 223 (for instruments to be recognized) and not 249 or 248 (that most users propose). I have not 248 at my disposal.

        5) I had installed the sZAP and on files like this video here

        one by one seeing also the error that I had to see (by this step I had not seen any change on my sd card)

        6) I run the programs found here and more specifically the packer2.0 folder and I add only 1 song in a new slot.

        7) The bins are created fine, and I transfer them under the folder in SD card: private/wii/data/sZFP

        (data/sZFP folder did not exist even if i had installed the wads mentioned earlier, yet I created it).

        I transfer ONLY the bins, nothing else.

        8) I start the game and is as nothing has taken place as far as the addition of custom games is concerned.

        9) I had not used fstoolbox since i) I’m a little bit worried to use it, ii) I think that I do not need it, since I’m adding one game per one slot at a time.


        So my questions are:

        i) is fstoolbox necessary?

        ii) do I have to install something that it really needed and I have not done so?

        iii) d2x cios for pal users is it a necessity?


        A big thank you again!


          You need the PAL ticket and TMD files.

          This comes up a lot and I don’t know if I had posted this yet.



          Get the updated PAL version of the tools. I’m adding this to the first post. Unpack. Write your ng_id. Write the common key file. Let the tool I wrote generate the batch file and see if it works correctly. It should, but tell me if the latest doesn’t work.


          Thank you for your prompt response.


          Now, concerning your answer (it seems to me that):


          1) I do not need anything else apart from your new packer version which

          2) will do the TMD file and ticket on its own?

          3) The ng_id I had written it before. Now, in order to add the common key file, then I have to convert your original file from binary to txt one, since I’m adding the key by using wordpad.

          –NO IT REMAINS AS IT IS–

          4) I’m doing the process again and report back.


          edit: I did the process and new binary files were created. I transfered only these files in SD card, nothing else. I was able to see that the game was more slow, yet no more songs showed up in the song list or any bar about loading appeared. It is the 1st time that when I pressed the home button on my wii in order to return to the menu, it stuck and I had to force close it.


          I have a 000.bin which I did not transfer to SD card. Its size is 66.5kb.

          The files I created had the following sizes:

          052.bin: 125.5 kB

          053.bin: 15.7 MB

          054.bin: 275.0 kB

          055.bin: 8.7 MB


          I transfered the 000.bin file as well. Now, opening the game did not seem to stick, yet still, the song list is 83 songs. Any ideas?


          Also I want to mention that the packdlc.bat is looking like this:

          u8it 052_00000034_NLFR_meta 00000034.app -pack

          u8it 053_00000035_NLFR_song 00000035.app -pack

          u8it 054_00000036_BonJoviAlways_meta 00000036.app -pack

          u8it 055_00000037_BonJoviAlways_song 00000037.app -pack


          wadpacker 52 4


          with the last digit being 4, since I have 4 files in there.


          Thank you.


            I don’t know why what you described happened. I think when that happens, it’s because of a bad cache. Though if nothing has loaded, I don’t know why it could be happening.


            Have you ever had DLC working? You may need to have all the latest IOS patches from the guide in the first post. Then at least that part should be like everyone else. You will need FSToolbox to eventually go in there and reset your cache when things aren’t working. And also, the tool that comes in the pack makes the packdlc.bat for you. It also lets it auto-erase files you don’t need (like 000.bin) so it is less confusing.


            Thank you again.


            I do not have the time at the moment to check it again. The thing is that by installing the wads, as I said before, I was not able to see and change to my SD card. Is this normal?


            Meaning: it seems that what I’m doing is not affecting the game at all. The bins somehow are disconnected from the game itself.


            The -data- file under private/wii, I had to create it. Also, from your videos I was able to see that you have all these files inside it like sZAP, sZAE, e.t.c. in your SD card. I did not have any of those. I created only sZFP. Have you created all these yourself, or they were created from your programs?


            Now, I had not DLC working, since I do not have internet connection while doing the process. Is this affecting it? Also, in order to have DLC I have not figured out how to use the slots and the songs you have included. The slot case was more straightforward to me.


            In the RBHP package you provide you mention sth about spoofing file, yet about PAL, there is not such a file there, so I supposed that this package has to do with NTSC wii and not PAL.


            If I have some more questions or progress I will let you know. Just a last one: do you remember sth specific about PAL versions that you had to do with other PAL users and I have not done already? May be not, but just in case.


            EDIT: And now that I have read your answer having more time at my disposal: it seems that I’m doing sth wrong, since, the 000.bin file, should not be there. Is that correct.

            I will redo the process and find out.


            Thanks once again.


              Your SD card should not be changing by itself. You may need to download something from the store first which means you will need an internet connection. Don’t worry about RBHP yet as you will need to have downloaded the songs you want first anyways.


              In game, you should be able to enable SD card mode to download to. I’d not, what does it say?


              I did everything from the beginning using your new folders and files. The bin files that are created -I ‘m able to find- that are identical as the old ones.


              Still I transfered them to SD card without this 000.bin file. The game did not face any problem, yet no loading bar appeared.


              I do not exactly understand what you mean by running the game and simultaneously loading the SD card: I have always the SD card plugged in the wii, if this is what you mean.


              Now, when I try to update songs via the game, it says that I have to use wii shop channel (in every in-game option from the 3 available).


              I’m still looking into it.


              Any further idea will be welcome!


                Yes, I think I remember hearing about that error. That can mean that you will have to install everything in the guide from the first post. The shop channel needed to be updated and you may need to run it once. I’ve only ever heard of this so bear with me. Make sure when you’re in the game, that you enable SD card mode through the settings and if it gives you an error, what is it.


                I would like to thank you for your patience all this time long!


                Now, concerning the SD card, I did what you told me in game and the error report I’m getting is:

                error unknown, loading from sd card


                please go to options->sd card settings and load your sd card later

                your sd card was not loaded


                This was ~ the message I received.


                Is the picture more clear now?


                  So it’s not reading your SD card? Is it SDHC?

                  How far did you get on the guide? Looking over it, Chapter 2 is what you should do and should indicate if anything else is not working for you. Do the ModPack stuff first if you haven’t already. But certainly do install the shop channel. This could be very important.


                  Then, definitely install all the WADs past that point. You should end up booting the game with 249 like everyone else and therefore the rest should work like everyone else. Tell me how this goes.

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