[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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  • #426286

    I have been reading this topic extensively for the past month or two, and have been in awe of all the work that C3 has done, and more so for Stack’s work on the Wii.


    I only just joined, because I have yet to add customs because of a few factors, and need some further guidance. I’ve been a little scared of doing something irreparable, and want to get this done on the first try.


    My research on the means for backing up the game for customs has yielded the following observations:

    1. All the different hard drive choices. I don’t have one yet, and some can run pretty pricey. Is there a definite guarantee?

    2. USB Loaders. Which is the guaranteed-to-work method on my (recently soft modded) NTSC 2007 Wii (Sys Menu 4.3) for Rock Band 3 compatibility? I have the retail disc of Rock Band 3.

    3. The means for all of the above to communicate with the Wii operating system. Video searches on the web have turned up numerous approaches to Rock Band generations (sZAE, sZFE, and a lot beyond and between), and numerous approaches when it comes to additional iOS resources (sorry for the vague terms, but I wasn’t sure what is safe to discuss in this matter).


    I’m assuming that asking for Stack’s exact console setup (to mimic) would be a no-no, even through a PM. If so, I completely understand, especially after all the hard work he put in making this tutorial (and the cause of C3 songs on Wii) possible.


    Sorry that was wordy, and for the insecurity of taking that next step. Just don’t want to screw up.

      I have been reading this topic extensively for the past month or two, and have been in awe of all the work that C3 has done, and more so for Stack’s work on the Wii.


      I only just joined, because I have yet to add customs because of a few factors, and need some further guidance. I’ve been a little scared of doing something irreparable, and want to get this done on the first try.


      My research on the means for backing up the game for customs has yielded the following observations:

      1. All the different hard drive choices. I don’t have one yet, and some can run pretty pricey. Is there a definite guarantee?

      2. USB Loaders. Which is the guaranteed-to-work method on my (recently soft modded) NTSC 2007 Wii (Sys Menu 4.3) for Rock Band 3 compatibility? I have the retail disc of Rock Band 3.

      3. The means for all of the above to communicate with the Wii operating system. Video searches on the web have turned up numerous approaches to Rock Band generations (sZAE, sZFE, and a lot beyond and between), and numerous approaches when it comes to additional iOS resources (sorry for the vague terms, but I wasn’t sure what is safe to discuss in this matter).


      I’m assuming that asking for Stack’s exact console setup (to mimic) would be a no-no, even through a PM. If so, I completely understand, especially after all the hard work he put in making this tutorial (and the cause of C3 songs on Wii) possible.


      Sorry that was wordy, and for the insecurity of taking that next step. Just don’t want to screw up.

      Thanks for joining. I’ll be able to help here.


      The homebrew that’s available lets you use an external hard drive or even a USB, but it has to be more than 8GB, and then that may be an issue. I haven’t done that. I bought an external 500GB drive and just paritioned one area for backups and the other for general storage. Maybe one works better?


      Also, someone was able to get customs working with the loader, Neogamma, I believe. You would still need to have the latest IOSes for that. Then it would let you continue using an SDHC SD card and all instruments. To run the game, you need IOS 249, so if you’ve followed the guide in the first post, you should set the USB loader to load the game like that.


      As for videos about generations, get the one that has them all. It’s best to install them all exactly like described (with the exact error code meaning it worked), and check if it actually works in-game. For customs, it’s best to use sZFE because I’ve made modifications to it that makes it easier to manage more songs.



      My console is set up more or less like in the video and in the guide. I basically followed the guide I linked to get the latest IOS patches. Then started putting customs in sZFE after the WAD files are installed.


      What model of hard drive did you use? Sounds like whatever you used worked well with your tutorial.


      The cIOS I’ve repeatedly come across is cIOS d2x, with recommendations from USB Loader GX’s website to put it on IOS 249. Since I’ve played discs that required updates in the past, I should have the latest legit IOSes, all before I even installed the Homebrew Channel. Would I need more cIOSes in addition to d2x to get Neogamma to run Rock Band 3 completely, like Hermes? I noticed in your cache reset video that you have it loaded on the loader “cfg”.


      I notice sZFE in reference to the folder on the SD(HC) card, which I do have already thanks to previous Music Store sprees. But I also notice torrents floating around for a wad by the same name. You mentioned your own modified sZFE, as well. What suits the purpose of this guide? Also, if it’s the wad, I read that not only does it do something special with the Music Store regarding purchases, but it also helps generate the ticket needed for this tutorial. I know when I downloaded a random song one day, and then checked the system with FSToolbox, that there wasn’t a .tik or .tmd for me to copy to SD for use with the Packer. I was able to get the common key from the NAND backup, though.


      Lastly, I saw two videos in the first post. One covers converting Xbox songs to Wii, the other about resetting the cache. Are there any video tutorials that I overlooked?


        It should not matter what brand. Any affordable external drive works if you’re planning on going that route.


        d2x looks like the cIOS you need for USB loaders. But you may not need one if you can run the game with Neogamma. I use cfg, but others work. I don’t think that one can load the disc for use with customs.


        This starting page is great for beginners as well.


        Your sZFE should be fine in that case. Where did you look for it though? It absolutely should be there if it was working before. If it’s still not working, you can use a WAD unpacker to open the sZFE wad you do have and get ticket file out of that. That one works too. Just make sure to get the tmd file I made.


        Well, the TMD file I recently updated.

        It fixes a bug that prevents you from having more than about 288 folders and lets you have up to 500 songs.


        (Sorry I get a little thorough in my queries. :sweatdrop: )


        That’s the thing. I don’t have the sZFE wad yet. The only thing I have currently that says sZFE is the generation folder on my SD card, which appears to have a few songs on it. Should I get my hands on the sZFE wad we’re looking for, I want to make sure it’s the right one.


        Speaking of boatloads of choices, there’s a guide on gbatemp I found regarding hard drives: http://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/USB_Device … ility_List


        Needless to say, lots to choose from, with varying degrees of success reported by users there, with notations on which loaders.


        There’s also a USB Game compatibility list on the same site (http://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/USB_Game_C … ty_Table#R), and a guide specific to the Rock Band and Guitar Hero series (http://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/Rock_Guide), but no mention about Rock Band 3 on either page; those particular guides may be old. Daunting, yes? That’s why I hadn’t settled on a solution yet. :sweatdrop:


        EDIT: That beginner’s page looks like an excellent resource! :excited: I’ll read that in the meantime. Thanks for your help and patience with me. :shobon:


        While were on the subject, has any progress been made regarding running customs with the retail disc? Last I read, a back-up on a hard drive has been the only reliable method.


          Generally an external hard drive will work. I have a Seagate drive that’s served me well all these years. When you have it running, don’t worry – Rock Band will work. Run it like in the video and everything will work as expected.


          Someone else did get customs working off a retail disc. It was through Neogamma. I have never used it though. Try that first.


          And yes, get sZFE. I thought you had it already.


          My apologies. ^^;


          EDIT: I found something in my search. DLC_Gen_6_sZFE. Let me know if this is what it should look like. Inside is a title.tik, and package.txt. The latter reads: “Rock Band 3 – Generation 6 DLC




          The former, when viewed in TextEdit, reads: “Root-CA00000001-XS00000003—¸1¡Zº›‡ IÊ]—Ñ$d¥±



          EDIT 2: This might work? http://www.demonoid.ph/files/details/2547185/


            Yes yes, that’s usually what it looks like. You know what to do.


            Hello there, I need some help with getting my customs to work on my Wii. I have already softmodded my Wii, using 4.3U firmware. I also have my backup RB3 installed on my USB thumb drive and can play it via a USB loader. I tried following the guide but I have gotten frustrated and confused.


            First a question. My NTSC US copy of RB3 on my USB drive is not labeled as “sZFE” in my USB loader. Is that normal or do I have a weird copy of the game? This was backed up from a legally purchased US copy of RB3 wii.


            Now onto the problem. The ticket supplied in the DLC packing tools doesn’t work for me. I pack the files, create the .bin files, paste them to my created directory of privatewiidatasZFE, run the game and it says the content license has expired. Also, when I try to use FSToolbox to reset the cache, the store file gives me an error of “fopen” or something like that. I tried to download a free dlc song to my real NAND and use Fstoolbox to put the ticket on my sd card so I can rename it on my PC. When I ran the batcher again with that new ticket I still got the same error.


            What files do I need to have on my SD card to get it to work? Does the ticket file and the common key need to be on there too? Sorry if this is a lot of questions. I am using an SD card, my real wii NAND, and a USB backup copy of RB3. What am I doing wrong?


            I haven’t had the time to start my own quest yet, but here’s what I gathered.


            sZFE stands for two things: There’s the DLC content folder on the SD card, representing the sixth generation of Rock Band DLC. There’s also a separate WAD by the same name, which you have to search the ‘net for, that once installed on the Wii marks all music store songs as purchased. I believe that following that action, a ticket gets generated that you can use to replace the placeholder ticket in the packing tools. You’ll need the updated TMD that Stack supplied just a few posts ago in response to my questions, as well.


            As for the common key, here’s what Stack supplied in his first post (start of topic):


            “There is one last step that SD card users must do before running packdlc.bat. You need your console ID and if you backed up your NAND and kept the keys.bin file it made, you can get your key by opening that file in a hex editor of choice and writing the 8-digit value written in the top-right into the ng_id.txt file. Alternately, you can also open any DLC you’ve downloaded before and write down the 8-digit value at 0x08, without spaces. You’ll also need the Wii common key, which is fortunately quite easy to get. A program that generates it should replace the placeholder file in the packing tools folder.”


            I grabbed a common key during a previous attempt at customs (before getting appropriate replacement files for the placeholders), but I don’t remember how I got it at present time. The common key and ticket file do not need to be on the SD card; only the info from them is needed for the packing materials.


            Hope that covered everything. Stack can correct me on this one if I missed something.


            Thank you for responding <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />. I will give that a shot today and see if I can get it worked out <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />. Another thing, I need to have the actual song file on my PC’s hard drive in order to use the customs, correct? Say I downloaded “Them Bones” by Alice in Chains, I would need to have the song itself from a CD/iTunes on my computer too?


              Customs already include the audio. All you need is either the Wii version of the custom or to get the Xbox version and use C3 CON Tools to convert it to Wii using Wii Converter. Then follow Stacks instructions.


              That would be very nice, but I am unable to download LeFluffie C3 or the Wii Converter. The link supplied in the guide doesn’t work for me at all. Just leads me to a page with the C3 logo and a “DL” below it. Clicked on that and nothing happens.


                You’re not looking in the right place. Like my signature.


                Ahh I see, thank you <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

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