[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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    Dolphin is supposed to be able to use the SD card if you’ve imaged the card you were using. I’ve never gotten this to work though, so it may not even be possible. So if that doesn’t work, you may be out of luck. There’s no way to get the app files out of the BIN files for RB3 DLC, so you can’t load them in that way.

    I see, I tried and it did not work. Whatever.


    Another doubt that I have is that if its possible to emulate de Keys/Prokeys with a gamepad such as the Xbox, or even the keyboard from the PC. I used the ProKey GeckOS code and now my player 1 is the key, but I have no idea as to how to controll it, how to play it.




      It’s possible to get the parts playable with a different controller, though it won’t be as intuitive to play, it won’t be possible to hit all the buttons you need. Like, you can play pro guitar with a regular guitar controller, but you can’t hit the 6th lane.


      It’s possible to get the parts playable with a different controller, though it won’t be as intuitive to play, it possible to hit all the buttons you need. Like, you can play pro guitar with a regular guitar controller, but you can’t hit the 6th lane.

      What about the keyboard without an official Wii Keyboard?


      You can’t afaik. You need wii hardware (either the keyboard or the MIDI adapter) to play proper keys.


      Increment the values for each folder as you continue to add more songs. Use a calculator to easily convert the numbers as you go along. Each number counts as a “slot” of content and you can go all the way up to 500 or so.


      This above quote has me a little confused. I’m planning on running a NAND from a USB external hard drive (WD Elements 1T:cool: so I’ll be able to have more songs in the game.


      Will doing this allow me to go over the “500 or so” songs listed above?


        What about the keyboard without an official Wii Keyboard?

        Looks like I made a type. You won’t be able to hit all the buttons you need.

        So again, you could force Pro Keys to show, but I believe it will only hit the far left notes if you use like a guitar controller. So you would need the real hardware for that.


          So I have DLC already on my emulator. I already have 01 and 02 app in the folder. Do I overwrite them with my custom songs or can I put this in another folder? I have a Custom song there, but I have no idea what folder I put it in and now I can’t replicate it.


          Wii DLC works by generation, WiiNAND/title/00010005/Generation (in hex)/content/songs.app

          If a slot is taken, just change slot to 03/04, and change hex numbers acordingly. (Don’t forget path in DTA)


          If a song was packed for a specific generation, you cannot use it in another generation until you change relevant information in the DTA file.


            Now I have another question about getting customs working on vWii. I am unable to get any actual DLC for the packing portion for SD card packing and I am not sure exactly how to pack on the NAND because the directions aren’t too clear. How would I go about getting the key and other file?


            thanks stackoverflow0x!!


            someone will have a gecko code for activate overdrive microphone with button?

            I’ve tried everything, screaming, blowing, smashing the mic into my leg, everything but not activate.


              I’ve finally hit a big problem I’m unsure how to tackle. It has something to do with the amount of songs I’ve attempted to load into my library. The cause, I suspect, is one of two things:


              (a.) Too many BINs are being loaded and the game can’t handle it. This began happening when I hit around 1600 BINs.

              (b.) Too many songs are being loaded and the game can’t handle it. This began happening when I hit around 2,500 songs.


              I suspect the problem lies with the amount of BINs, since the song limit is supposedly 3,000 with the cheat, and this only started when I downloaded a few official songs, thereby increasing the number of BINs (since, with customs, I was using the same ~500 BINs for months but editing them to include multiple songs).




              1. Rock Band 3 would not keep the cached library file. Instead, it would insist on reloading all BINs at every startup. Annoying and extremely time consuming.

              2. Rock Band 3 would freeze when trying to access the SD card. I had to delete the cache file to get it to even attempt to load up.

              3. Rock Band 3 would freeze when the game began loading the BINs (if it didn’t freeze in #2 above).

              4. Rock Band 4 would freeze more often between loading songs on a setlist.


              So, questions:


              Has anybody hit this “upper limit” before?

              Was it related to the amount of songs, or the amount of BINs?

              How did you tackle it?


              For now, I’m just renaming one of my BIN folders to keep me below whatever the threshold is. For example, I’ll rename sZAE to sZAE1 to prevent the Wii from loading that folder. This way, I don’t have to delete any official DLC, and can easily access it later with a simple refresh.


              Obviously, though, I’d like to be able to load all of my files into one universal library. I’d rather delete some dud songs so I can have everything I want where I want it when I want it there. I know I’m close to the threshold, and I want to figure out the magic number, so before I delve into all that testing, I thought I’d ask here. Thanks!


              As we’ve discussed a few pages back, on emunand the freezing is normal when reaching a certain ammount of songs.

              I suspect it might unfreeze eventually if you let it sit, but seeing as on emunand for 3k songs it takes about 10mins to create the cache vs 1hour+ on real NAND, I suspect the freezing could take about the same ammount of time (it does take about 5-10min until it unfreeze on emunand).


              Freezing in the setlist though that is a first, never seen that happen on wii.


              on emunand here where it freezes: It freezes at first for 2-5 minutes on the menu where it asks to save your songs to sd card (where emunand users always says no), then it freeze for another 5 minutes or so entering the main menu. Then it does not freeze anymore, usually.


              I know for sure that on emunand 3k songs is possible (if you wanna wait through the freezing parts). Though someone else were having the freezing troubles on real NAND, I suggested to wait longer to see if the freeze would eventually stop and resume the game but he didn’t answered so we don’t know at this point. Note that it could take an hour or something (possibly the same ammount of time more or less than the cache creation)


              I’ve been trying to use custom songs on the vWii section of my Wii U. I’ve followed the tutorial exactly as it’s stated and when I go into the game it states :The License for Add-on contend has been deleted from the wii system memory”


              Can I get some help as to why that error may be occurring? It seems like the game is detecting that the content isn’t official DLC


              You need to install the provided wad file, you are expecting error -1022.


                Does anybody have the packing tools for Generations sZCE and and sZDE? I ran out of room in A and B for Harmonies Project upgrades.

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