[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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    Yes, the red bar that loads songs is the cache creation.


    That’s interesting; though I won’t use newer versions anyways because of the filesize limit.


      Yes, the red bar that loads songs is the cache creation.


      That’s interesting; though I won’t use newer versions anyways because of the filesize limit.

      but i think it only happens 1 time, so in theory you can load the DLC/songs with an older Dolphin version, then use a newer version to play (like i did), with Ishiiruka RB3 actually looks pretty good, so i use it, but i had to use the Dolphin Dev to load all the cache


      I don’t mind. I prefer dolphin to load the cache every time it loads than having to respect 40mb for the song folder and 500kb or some ridiculous small number for the meta folder. Packing alot of songs in a single pack is more important than that, in other words.


      and you have you tried, not installing all at the same time, but 1 by 1? it is really tedious but it may work with any dolphin version

      you will have to re-do a NAND tho, or load a new again like i did if you have a real NAND

      then just install 1 dlc, open, save the songs, close and keep doing like that

      I remember for me it crashed between 500-650 songs

      I’ve tried adding one-by-one for 00000009 onward and it still doesn’t work. My Dolphin just stops working (either of them but in different ways) when 0000000F is approached.


      Doesn’t help that my packdlc.bat is apparently bugged compared to how it is for other people too—it can’t process many songs, only about ~10 or so assuming they’re not too big, or it crashes.


        I’ve tried adding one-by-one for 00000009 onward and it still doesn’t work. My Dolphin just stops working (either of them but in different ways) when 0000000F is approached.


        Doesn’t help that my packdlc.bat is apparently bugged compared to how it is for other people too—it can’t process many songs, only about ~10 or so assuming they’re not too big, or it crashes.

        well i have to sorry, since i discovered something now


        All the songs i have, are from DLC’s only, so in the tutorial of dolphin, i already lost a complete dlc just installing a custom song, but that is not the worst problem


        My game does not crashes when making the cache or loading, but, it does not detect any “custom” song, for example scans 2080 songs, which 3 of them are dlc, then when i search i have base songs + 2077, i can’t find the DLC songs


        BUT, doing a method change, using the beatles DLC (72394a45) instead of the Gen 1 DLC, it can detect 1 song of the 3 songs, but when i try to play it, it says “Song X Content cannot be restored on Wii internal memory”, even when the _meta folder is well structured, and i already copy-pasted the WII-DLC-Dolphin Files into my NAND


        To be noted that every DLC and every DLC song works without problems with my real NAND without the Dolphin-DLC Folder, just tried to move for the customs, but they do no not appear


        So welp, we’re in the same situation now xD


          Can you upload your NAND used with Dolphin? It can be cut down a bit if it helps uploads. There could be a problem that isn’t apparent from these descriptions.


            Can you upload your NAND used with Dolphin? It can be cut down a bit if it helps uploads. There could be a problem that isn’t apparent from these descriptions.

            I would but it is my real Wii NAND and welp i use the MAC and everything of that NAND to play online (even RB3 or other games, like GH:WoR), and that’s why probably the DLC works too without using the Dolphin-DLC Folder


            I will write what i did, first i followed everything like in the tutorial, downloaded 3 songs and welp since it is Dolphin, i started with 001_00000001, and then until 006_00000006 so total 3 songs, all of them there in the folder, ran RB3WiiPackTool.exe, created the .bat, ran the bat and created 00000001.app until 00000006.app, then i moved all these files into a DLC Folder (first on 1st gen DLC using 735a4145 _meta folder (sZAE), then Beatles DLC using 72394a45 for _meta folder (r9JE)), and replaced, deleted MSTORE.VFF from Wiititle0010000535a4245data (here is the save located on NTSC), and then i opened the game



            It scans everything, first i lost all the 1st gen DLC, and no custom songs to be found, then tried with Beatles DLC and just appears 1 song, and it doesn’t load with the problem “Song X Content cannot be restored to interal wii Memory”


            I used this Custom Song for reference http://keepitfishy.com/d.php?541c765d24bc8(Africa from Toto), and as can you see, it has the _meta folder well structured, and _song is there too


            Now, i didn’t tried with the default Dolphin NAND still


            EDIT: by the way, even tried with the example song and din’t work, but again, using 001_00000001 instead of 052_00000034


            Can you upload your NAND used with Dolphin? It can be cut down a bit if it helps uploads. There could be a problem that isn’t apparent from these descriptions.

            I’m using the NAND in the opening post here.


              A question, what does title.tmd and (a lot of zeros)26.app? since by default the DLC has both of these files (any, i’m trying with The Beatles DLC, since i do really like Gen 1 DLC), anyways with using them or not, no new song is shown in RB3 (Dolphin)


              I’m getting crazy with this, i know this is not your fault StackOverflox0x since i’m doing something wrong, but i want to find what is indeed wrong xD


                NOW FINALLY I MADE IT, FINALLY IT WORKS on my Dolphin, everything worked using GEN5DLC instead of others, just replaced the custom .app, 26.app and title.tmd, and finally loads custom songs


                The Gen5DLC in Hex is 735a4645, on letter is sZFE


                Ahh i’m so happy now


                And all of this works with my real NAND from my Wii, so i didn’t had to use the stock Dolphin NAND or the Dolphin-DLC files


                  NOW FINALLY I MADE IT, FINALLY IT WORKS on my Dolphin, everything worked using GEN5DLC instead of others, just replaced the custom .app, 26.app and title.tmd, and finally loads custom songs


                  The Gen5DLC in Hex is 735a4645, on letter is sZFE


                  Ahh i’m so happy now


                  And all of this works with my real NAND from my Wii, so i didn’t had to use the stock Dolphin NAND or the Dolphin-DLC files

                  So there are people who got customs working on newer dolphin versions.

                  I read through all the site “Dolphin branch master” to figure out what version changed the handling of the custom dlc.

                  I discover that was when the devs moddified the detection of DLC by reading the .tmd instead of reading the folder contents.

                  When the method of detection was by reading the folder contents we were able to pack even a 1.5GB song folder and a meta folder of circa 15mb.

                  It was so sad the fact I can’t use newer versions of dolphin to be able to play a lot of customs.

                  My hopes are someday someone figure out how to do this in newer versions or create some tool.

                  Now I’m stuck with the old versions and my hopes are dying.


                  Sorry for my bad english!(<


                    So there are people who got customs working on newer dolphin versions.

                    I read through all the site “Dolphin branch master” to figure out what version changed the handling of the custom dlc.

                    I discover that was when the devs moddified the detection of DLC by reading the .tmd instead of reading the folder contents.

                    When the method of detection was by reading the folder contents we were able to pack even a 1.5GB song folder and a meta folder of circa 15mb.

                    It was so sad the fact I can’t use newer versions of dolphin to be able to play a lot of customs.

                    My hopes are someday someone figure out how to do this in newer versions or create some tool.

                    Now I’m stuck with the old versions and my hopes are dying.


                    Sorry for my bad english!(<

                    Oh i see

                    This works without problems for 001 to 002 to inf, but i can’t pack multiple songs in one .app (it won’t show for some reason), but doing all of them separately works

                    What dolphin version are you using? 4.0.2? i’m using Ishiiruka 988, which is equivalen to some latest Devs of Dolphin 5.0


                    One of the dev versions after 5.0 broke it for the DLC filesize. If you want to pack big packs gotta go with a not-so-recent version. If you dig in this thread you should be able to find the exact version where the change occured.


                    Also; you can modify the cheat for more than 3k songs on Dolphin without (gamebreaking) problems.


                      So there are people who got customs working on newer dolphin versions.

                      I read through all the site “Dolphin branch master” to figure out what version changed the handling of the custom dlc.

                      I discover that was when the devs moddified the detection of DLC by reading the .tmd instead of reading the folder contents.

                      When the method of detection was by reading the folder contents we were able to pack even a 1.5GB song folder and a meta folder of circa 15mb.

                      It was so sad the fact I can’t use newer versions of dolphin to be able to play a lot of customs.

                      My hopes are someday someone figure out how to do this in newer versions or create some tool.

                      Now I’m stuck with the old versions and my hopes are dying.


                      Sorry for my bad english!(<

                      5.0-2561 was the last version you could use before the DLC implementation was changed. You can modify the TMD file to have correct values for filesize and hash, but it’s more work and still won’t let you go over the 40MB limit.


                        Welp since i made to install Customs on Latests Dolphin Devs with real Wii NAND, but 1 by 1 and not being able to pack various in 1, i have some questions :B


                        I have successfully installed 10 songs and all of them work, but


                        1. That means i can install 999 songs per DLC? i mean, since it has 3 slots before the first _, anyways i’m sure i won’t be installing more than 100 songs lol


                        2. Some custom songs at the end, actually don’t end and get bugged, usually with the xbox-> wii conversion, is because the conversion?


                        Thanks, and really thanks StackOverflow0x for everything

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