[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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  • #490190

    Hi there, I have added many customs with no issues until now… need some help please.


    I used wii converter as usual, no errors, changed the file numbers, songs.dta etc, everything went smoothly.

    I added it just like i did the others, but I get an error when I select the song saying it cannot retrieve from system memory. The artwork loads, but there is no preview and it errors when I try to play it. I tried reinstalling, and clearing cache.


    I uploaded it here to see if anyone can take a look to see what I’m doing wrong, or if its just a corrupt file.



      The MOGG is encrypted, but I’m guessing that the file size is either too large for the Wii to handle, or the MOGG is too complex, or a combination of both.


        Yes, at 41MB, it’s just barely over the 40MB file size limit for a single app file. But then again, this is an RBN release. Should you even be posting this here?


        ok, so I install the sZGP wad, get the error message but that is ok. Then following the tutorial on page 1 I have to use which ticket file name, and amend the DTA with which path? I understand that the ticket file name will be the same as the folder name in the title/00010005/ folder.


          ok, so I install the sZGP wad, get the error message but that is ok. Then following the tutorial on page 1 I have to use which ticket file name, and amend the DTA with which path? I understand that the ticket file name will be the same as the folder name in the title/00010005/ folder.

          Your DTA paths should read “sZGP” instead of the default “sZAE” and the number will be the first number of the folder’s name.


            Edit: Nevermind, I think I figured it out.


            I would delete this post, but I don’t know how.


            Hi, back again. Still no success. I install the sZGP wad. It creates the folder title0010005735a4750content which has an app file and tmd file. In ticket0010005 it creates the ticket 735a4750.tik. I edit the dta path to read sZGP52. I use the sZGP packing tool and put the app files into the title0010005735a4750content folder along with the tmd file, overwriting what is there. Start the game, when it gets to play songs, it shows found 0 downloaded content, then found 1 downloaded content. No custom shows up in the song list though. Any suggestions?


              Hi, back again. Still no success. I install the sZGP wad. It creates the folder title0010005735a4750content which has an app file and tmd file. In ticket0010005 it creates the ticket 735a4750.tik. I edit the dta path to read sZGP52. I use the sZGP packing tool and put the app files into the title0010005735a4750content folder along with the tmd file, overwriting what is there. Start the game, when it gets to play songs, it shows found 0 downloaded content, then found 1 downloaded content. No custom shows up in the song list though. Any suggestions?

              Don’t change the DTA path to 052. Start at 003.

              I didn’t know you were just on app files, but everything else seems correct. Did you follow everything in this guide? How are you booting the game?


                So, out of curiosity, what actually happens if you have Black Hole Sun or one of the other RB1 “blacklisted” songs in RB3 Wii? Does the game ignore it, or does it warn you that the file isn’t compatible, or something?


                It ignores it (according your files have the same ids as the originals), but you can use the gecko cheat to make the game skip this check. Gecko codes are listed on the OP.


                  And speaking of that code, I had to make a new one after there were problems with the code on a real console. This version of the code should still work the same. It just does the same thing a little differently.

                  Unblock LicensingConflicted Songs
                  047F0590 8083C9D7
                  047F0594 FFFFFFFF
                  047F0598 8083C9D7
                  047F059C FFFFFFFF
                  047F05A0 8083C9D7
                  047F05A4 FFFFFFFF
                  047F05A8 8083C9D7
                  047F05AC FFFFFFFF


                    Do song previews have to be mogg files? I wanted to increase the volume of one, but I don’t think I can save in mogg format.


                      Do song previews have to be mogg files? I wanted to increase the volume of one, but I don’t think I can save in mogg format.

                      The best you can do is just set the volume to 0.0 instead of the -2.0 default when converting a custom. The .bik format works too, but it can’t match mogg for quality and file size.


                        The best you can do is just set the volume to 0.0 instead of the -2.0 default when converting a custom. The .bik format works too, but it can’t match mogg for quality and file size.


                        I made a bik version, and that does seem to work fine, and at least I know I can potentially make louder previews this way, though you are correct about the larger file size.



                        So, a problem with getting customs in general, and I understand that the old database may not be kept up to date much, if at all any more, but some of the Wii links are dead and I was wondering if it’d be possible to still get copies of some of them? I did report a bunch of them via the in-built system, but, as I said, I’m not sure if it’s maintained any more.


                        If the database links are unlikely to be updated, then I would appreciate it if someone might be willing to send me copies that they might have.


                        Note: I am not asking for the files that were removed due to getting official versions (the ones in red), I’m talking about the customs that appear to no longer have valid links and that I can’t make a Wii version of myself due to protected mogg files.


                        There’s also some files in the new database I’d love to get Wii versions of, but I feel like the pre-existing Wii versions in the old database might be better to focus on right now as they’d probably be easier to obtain.


                        Thanks, also I apologise if this is the wrong place, but I wasn’t sure where else to ask.


                        Hey Stack, I’m back


                        The packing is still hit or miss. Sometimes it makes bins, sometimes it doesn’t.


                        Anyway, I now get the restored error when trying to play the song instead of at the main menu. I went to clear the cache, but I literally cannot find the file anymore. WiiXplorer won’t let me access the NAND on this SD card and the disc won’t even be mounted.

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