[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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      I am on NTSC. I’m using the common key ebe42a225e8593e448d9c5457381aaf7 that i found online and im using the ng id that i got from my nand backup. is this correct? I cant figure out what im doing wrong


      Edit: im using a physical disc to play the game if that makes a difference

      Physical disc would matter. You’d need to either dump your disc to an external USB drive and use a homebrew backup launcher to boot the game that way. Or set up a USB backup launcher to boot your disc with IOS249. That’s the patched IOS necessary to enable all the game’s features and customs. Make sure you’ve also got all your necessary IOSes patched as explained in the first post. If you’re not sure, run syscheck and post the log here to see if you’re missing anything.


      Stack, there’s a way to encrypt .bik files?

      Why do you need to do this though?


        Why do you need to do this though?


        Recently, I posted my first custom, of my own project, with full multitracks, and I just wanted to make them encrypted, just for precaution. There’s a way to encrypt it?


          Since I’ve been updating many of the custom files I downloaded using MiloMod, is there any reason I shouldn’t also update the album art to the 32KB versions from the Xbox files? They seems to be working fine so far, the ones that I’ve changed, and they look a lot nicer than the more heavily compressed and pixelated versions some of the Wii files have.


          Also, I know it’s probably foolhardy in asking this, but is there any feasible way to update/add album covers for the RB DLC that lacks it on the Wii? I know this would likely require cracking the official bin files, which I’m sure few want to do, and therefore wouldn’t be considered above board. It’s just a shame having so many tracks lacking covers while scrolling through.


          Thanks for any help.


          Physical disc would matter. You’d need to either dump your disc to an external USB drive and use a homebrew backup launcher to boot the game that way. Or set up a USB backup launcher to boot your disc with IOS249. That’s the patched IOS necessary to enable all the game’s features and customs. Make sure you’ve also got all your necessary IOSes patched as explained in the first post. If you’re not sure, run syscheck and post the log here to see if you’re missing anything.


          Why do you need to do this though?

          I tried using cfg and booting the disk with ios249 and it worked perfectly! thanks!



            Recently, I posted my first custom, of my own project, with full multitracks, and I just wanted to make them encrypted, just for precaution. There’s a way to encrypt it?

            I see.


            Since I’ve been updating many of the custom files I downloaded using MiloMod, is there any reason I shouldn’t also update the album art to the 32KB versions from the Xbox files? They seems to be working fine so far, the ones that I’ve changed, and they look a lot nicer than the more heavily compressed and pixelated versions some of the Wii files have.


            Also, I know it’s probably foolhardy in asking this, but is there any feasible way to update/add album covers for the RB DLC that lacks it on the Wii? I know this would likely require cracking the official bin files, which I’m sure few want to do, and therefore wouldn’t be considered above board. It’s just a shame having so many tracks lacking covers while scrolling through.


            Thanks for any help.

            It’s recommended to keep album art size small for Wii customs due to the meta app file size restrictions. You would be limiting how many customs you can pack per slot if even one of them was the high-quality art.

            Regarding official DLC, the game disc actually updates to add art to all the DLC, but for some reason it doesn’t work. To fix this, you’d have to manually update each song’s DTA and add the album art in each of its app files. But if you’re on SD card, then the DLC is stored in a BIN file that, if you downloaded through RB3, can’t be decrypted/decompiled as of now. You’d have to let it transfer to the NAND where it will be an accessible .app file, but I’m not sure if that’s actually possible or feasible.


              It’s recommended to keep album art size small for Wii customs due to the meta app file size restrictions. You would be limiting how many customs you can pack per slot if even one of them was the high-quality art.

              Regarding official DLC, the game disc actually updates to add art to all the DLC, but for some reason it doesn’t work. To fix this, you’d have to manually update each song’s DTA and add the album art in each of its app files. But if you’re on SD card, then the DLC is stored in a BIN file that, if you downloaded through RB3, can’t be decrypted/decompiled as of now. You’d have to let it transfer to the NAND where it will be an accessible .app file, but I’m not sure if that’s actually possible or feasible.


              I’m only packing one song per slot, so I think it’ll be okay.


              Could you elaborate on what you mean by “the game disc actually updates to add art to all the DLC”? I’m not sure if I understand what you mean? I was thinking it would’ve been good if they’d offered a patch for the old DLC, maybe it could just check when prompted and would patch over the original meta files with new ones containing correct art, but maybe that would have been too much effort.



                I’m only packing one song per slot, so I think it’ll be okay.


                Could you elaborate on what you mean by “the game disc actually updates to add art to all the DLC”? I’m not sure if I understand what you mean? I was thinking it would’ve been good if they’d offered a patch for the old DLC, maybe it could just check when prompted and would patch over the original meta files with new ones containing correct art, but maybe that would have been too much effort.

                Yeah, the game disc basically tries to patch old DLC to add album art. And the album art files are all on there too. But for some reason, it just doesn’t work. To do it any other way is just really, really impractical.


                  When does it try to do that? When it loads them during the song selection screen, or..? How do you know that’s supposed to happen? I’m really curious because there’s nothing indicating that’s supposed to occur, so I’m wondering how people worked it out.


                    When does it try to do that? When it loads them during the song selection screen, or..? How do you know that’s supposed to happen? I’m really curious because there’s nothing indicating that’s supposed to occur, so I’m wondering how people worked it out.

                    All I know is the files exist on the disc. If I’m understanding it correctly, there is even space in the RAM allocated for it, but it’s never used. Other DTA updates do go through for older DLC, like the harmony upgrades for the Pearl Jam and Green Day songs.


                      I finally got a problematic file working! I’m so elated! I really didn’t think it would happen, but it looks like I’m getting a grip on how to edit customs for Wii. It’s weird to think that barely a week or so ago I was still struggling with how to even get customs into the game, and now it’s almost second nature.


                      Thank you Stack and everyone else who contributed support and information. I’m very grateful towards all of you.


                      Edit: Does anyone know why some customs previews are so quiet in-game? I’m listening to some in Audacity and they sound fine, and about the same level of audible volume as most others, but they are super quiet when I’m scrolling through the song list.


                        You can use the Smart Folder Merge to combine customs, I think. You could also do it manually by adding the files from one custom into an existing custom’s slot. I’m sure this is explained in the guide.

                        Sorry for the late thanks…but thanks….1 more question tho…

                        Let’s say I put 3 songs in one slot, do all songs have to have their dta files edited (correct gen and bin #?) or just the folder I’m merging into?.

                        It seems like I convert one song and then add the other ones without changing the folder numbers or dta’s.


                        Hi Stack, many thanks for this thread, it has been a great source.


                        I am having some problems with making customs work. I am using an emunand using uniiloader (Alternity has been a great help with this). I have a PAL wii, PAL emunand, PAL dlc, and get this to work by applying the wiird wii hack in uniiloader, My problem is that I cannot get custom dlc to show up in the game.


                        I have followed your tutorial to the letter, and cant even get just the original song in the packing tools to show up (i have tried both PAL packing tools and NTSC packing tools without success). What I think may be the problem for me and my setup is that the custom dlc is made from original NTSC files. Is there a way to convert those original files to PAL before using the packing tools )Or am i just looking at this wrong?


                        Thanks for any suggestions you can give.


                          I’ve used files from the database on my PAL Wii and they’ve shown up fine, though I’m just using a normal original disc and SD card.


                          Quick suggestion: are you certain you’re using P as the last letter for the customs folder and files and not, I think, E? P is for PAL regions and I think E is NTSC. So it should be sZFP.


                          I’m not trying to patronise you, but I’ve made silly mistakes like that before.


                            Sorry for the late thanks…but thanks….1 more question tho…

                            Let’s say I put 3 songs in one slot, do all songs have to have their dta files edited (correct gen and bin #?) or just the folder I’m merging into?.

                            It seems like I convert one song and then add the other ones without changing the folder numbers or dta’s.

                            Yes, all 3 songs need to have correct DTA paths in their data, otherwise it won’t work. The Smart Merger feature should do this for you if you’re using it.


                            Hi Stack, many thanks for this thread, it has been a great source.


                            I am having some problems with making customs work. I am using an emunand using uniiloader (Alternity has been a great help with this). I have a PAL wii, PAL emunand, PAL dlc, and get this to work by applying the wiird wii hack in uniiloader, My problem is that I cannot get custom dlc to show up in the game.


                            I have followed your tutorial to the letter, and cant even get just the original song in the packing tools to show up (i have tried both PAL packing tools and NTSC packing tools without success). What I think may be the problem for me and my setup is that the custom dlc is made from original NTSC files. Is there a way to convert those original files to PAL before using the packing tools )Or am i just looking at this wrong?


                            Thanks for any suggestions you can give.

                            Your packing may be correct, so it could be something still missing on your system. Have you installed the WAD for sZGP? After you do that, you would need to pack your DLC using the sZGP files provided. Then make sure you’re using the correct ng_id and common-key value. DLC files on their own are not region-specific. All that matters is what content gen you’re packing them in.


                              Yes, all 3 songs need to have correct DTA paths in their data, otherwise it won’t work. The Smart Merger feature should do this for you if you’re using it.





                              Thanks….now I’ll be able to reach the 3000 song limit…..

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