[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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  • #488438

    The link doesn’t work, did you take it down, or something?


      The link doesn’t work, did you take it down, or something?

      Seems “sorry” was accidentally appended to the link. This should work: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3CHceCo6lvhaElodW02eVFTd2c


      But back to asnwering your other concern. App files do matter. They’re needed to build the corresponding BIN. Why don’t you upload a sample of your current build folder. Anyone should be able to build the BIN files for you in this case.


      Were you able to find the cache file? You do have the correct path and there is a data folder. Your save and cache should be in there. But don’t worry about cache resets unless the song loading bar on the main menu finishes and you don’t see your songs in the setlist in-game.


      Seems “sorry” was accidentally appended to the link. This should work: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3CHceCo6lvhaElodW02eVFTd2c


      But back to asnwering your other concern. App files do matter. They’re needed to build the corresponding BIN. Why don’t you upload a sample of your current build folder. Anyone should be able to build the BIN files for you in this case.


      Were you able to find the cache file? You do have the correct path and there is a data folder. Your save and cache should be in there. But don’t worry about cache resets unless the song loading bar on the main menu finishes and you don’t see your songs in the setlist in-game.

      That’s exactly what happens! The bar loads completely, and a box in the middle of the screen says something about licensing, and then my songs don’t show up. I’ve been saying that for several posts now. ;-; Also, WiiXplorer thinks that the data folder is a file, so I can’t access what’s inside. What do I do in that case?


      Here’s the link to my DLC folder, it’s a work in progress atm. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5RbH7Z-EI6aU3p4T3JTSndfdU0


      The stuff in the 1st half and 2nd half folders are what I was using earlier, the stuff outside is what I was using for my resetted test run which didn’t work either cause the red bar is weird. ;-;


      That’s exactly what happens! The bar loads completely, and a box in the middle of the screen says something about licensing, and then my songs don’t show up. I’ve been saying that for several posts now. ;-; Also, WiiXplorer thinks that the data folder is a file, so I can’t access what’s inside. What do I do in that case?


      Here’s the link to my DLC folder, it’s a work in progress atm. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5RbH7Z-EI6aU3p4T3JTSndfdU0


      The stuff in the 1st half and 2nd half folders are what I was using earlier, the stuff outside is what I was using for my resetted test run which didn’t work either cause the red bar is weird. ;-;

      Uhh, I tried to load the customs you have in your RB3DLCpacker but the don’t create bins, maybe its the file.

      Edit #1 So I changed the packdlc.bat to create bins instead, right now im loading them.

      Edit #2 I tried to load them but it just said “Corrupted” so i feel its something with the file.


      Uhh, I tried to load the customs you have in your RB3DLCpacker but the don’t create bins, maybe its the file.

      Edit #1 So I changed the packdlc.bat to create bins instead, right now im loading them.

      Edit #2 I tried to load them but it just said “Corrupted” so i feel its something with the file.

      Did you get your own ng_id.txt? That might be the problem you have.


      Ok, this is driving me nuts. Nobody will answer me as to why my data folder is seen as a file by WiiXplorer. Please, answer!


      On a related note, if I downloaded songs from the store (like TTFAF), is there something special I should change?


      Did you get your own ng_id.txt? That might be the problem you have.


      Ok, this is driving me nuts. Nobody will answer me as to why my data folder is seen as a file by WiiXplorer. Please, answer!


      On a related note, if I downloaded songs from the store (like TTFAF), is there something special I should change?

      Yeah I used my own ng_id.txt, anyways try to use Fs-Tool box instead https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3CHceCo6lvhUTV6aWRqMkpORzg


      Yeah I used my own ng_id.txt, anyways try to use Fs-Tool box instead https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3CHceCo6lvhUTV6aWRqMkpORzg

      Is Fs-tool box another file explorer?


      Is Fs-tool box another file explorer?

      Yeah, it should work


      I need help, Some of my customs say “Cannot Be restored to system”, there’s only 14 out of my 73 customs. I already repacked before because I used to have around 20 that said “Cannot Be restored to system”, I don’t know what else to do


        Did you get your own ng_id.txt? That might be the problem you have.


        Ok, this is driving me nuts. Nobody will answer me as to why my data folder is seen as a file by WiiXplorer. Please, answer!


        On a related note, if I downloaded songs from the store (like TTFAF), is there something special I should change?

        I think for WiiXplorer, you have to enable an option in the settings to allow browsing access to save data. It has to be enabled each time you start it though. Then you should be able to open the data folder.


        Store-bought songs should work fine right alongside customs. You don’t have to do anything with those.


        Also, looking at your files, your common-key file is wrong. You have the right key, it’s just supposed to be in hexadecimal, not text.

        And based on your first and second halves, you switch over to sZGE when you probably meant to continue in sZFE. This would get you as far as having the song show up in-game, but not be playable since the DTA path is wrong. Don’t mix content generations. Keep sZFE completely separate from sZGE.



        I need help, Some of my customs say “Cannot Be restored to system”, there’s only 14 out of my 73 customs. I already repacked before because I used to have around 20 that said “Cannot Be restored to system”, I don’t know what else to do

        Which ones are these? Are you perhaps using an old version of sZGE/sZHE that did not have all the ticket slots flagged to accept new content past a certain number?


        (by the way, what number should i start with for sZGE


        I think for WiiXplorer, you have to enable an option in the settings to allow browsing access to save data. It has to be enabled each time you start it though. Then you should be able to open the data folder.


        Store-bought songs should work fine right alongside customs. You don’t have to do anything with those.


        Also, looking at your files, your common-key file is wrong. You have the right key, it’s just supposed to be in hexadecimal, not text.

        And based on your first and second halves, you switch over to sZGE when you probably meant to continue in sZFE. This would get you as far as having the song show up in-game, but not be playable since the DTA path is wrong. Don’t mix content generations. Keep sZFE completely separate from sZGE.



        Which ones are these? Are you perhaps using an old version of sZGE/sZHE that did not have all the ticket slots flagged to accept new content past a certain number?

        How do you change the common key to hexa from text? I never redownloaded the songs for when I restarted the custom process, so the different songs still have whatever path that I last packed them into.


        Edit: how do I find that setting for WiiXplorer?


        No I’m loading off sZFE. I’ve had old ones that don’t load and some new ones don’t load. Also I merged them all and one of songs I merged works while the other doesn’t.

        (by the way, what number should i start with for sZGE)

        I think he was talking to me.


          How do you change the common key to hexa from text? I never redownloaded the songs for when I restarted the custom process, so the different songs still have whatever path that I last packed them into.


          Edit: how do I find that setting for WiiXplorer?

          You should have HxD for this. Open the common-key file and paste the text code you have now into the right column in HxD. The final size should be 16 bytes, not 32.


          For WiiXPlorer, check the options from the main menu. I don’t remember it right now, but it’s some NAND option, I think. Default is off, should be on.


          You should have HxD for this. Open the common-key file and paste the text code you have now into the right column in HxD. The final size should be 16 bytes, not 32.


          For WiiXPlorer, check the options from the main menu. I don’t remember it right now, but it’s some NAND option, I think. Default is off, should be on.

          How do I use this right column you speak of in HxD? I can’t see it… I think.

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