[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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      I wanted to confirm this works, but it was still a bit unclear, so I’m going to edit your post, pumpkinpie, JUST TO MAKE SURE nobody else has to spend 2 hours researching… like I just did… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” /> <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” /> . Unfortunately, there’s a lot of vagueness and misinformation out there, so I hope this clears it up for posters and posterity and clarity. Here’s exactly how I got it working…


      How to Enable Cheats / Codes / [search term] on a Modded Wii Using USBLoader GX:

      1. Put your SD card in your computer. In the root of your SD card, create TWO new folders: one named codes (which we won’t actively use) and another named txtcodes


      2. In the txtcodes folder, create a new Notepad (.txt) file called SZBE69.txt


      3. There are other cheat codes out there, but this example only uses two cheats: one that removes the splash screens and another that raises the song limit to 3000. Paste the following information into the text file and save:


      Rock Band 3

      Hooktype: GxDraw

      Max Songs Limit is 3000
      208FBEDC 000003E8
      048FBEDC 00000BB8
      E0000000 00000000

      Fast Startup
      20B39ED0 80805847
      04B39ED4 00000000
      E0000000 00000000
      20B39EE0 80805868
      04B39EE0 80805847
      04B39EE4 00000000
      E0000000 00000000
      20B39EF0 808058D9
      04B39EF0 80805847
      04B39EF4 00000000
      E0000000 00000000
      20B39F00 92FECD00
      04B39F04 00000000
      E0000000 00000000

      4. Load USBLoader GX and select Rock Band 3. Press Settings.


      5. Select Game Load. Scroll down to Ocarina and select On. Save your changes.


      6. Press Back and select Ocarina. Select On for your desired cheats. Hit Create.


      7. Launch Rock Band 3. Once you acknowledge the usual safety warnings, it should almost immediately shove you into the intro cutscene. YOU DID IT!


      Auto-kick could be much tougher than it seems. Vocal overdrive on button seems possible. Unfortunately, even though the bugs with the debugger have been fixed, now the game runs very slow on most recent Dolphin builds. So I’d have to wait until that gets fixed so I could look into it.

      Thx u for the reaponse


      Hopefully the game will run normaly again with ongoing dolphin development


        Smart Folder Merge, if I recall correctly, requires you to first drop in the folder for the DLC you’ve already prepared for build. Then, it will ask you to choose the folder of the custom you want to add. This can be either the _meta or _song folder. After that, it should combine it with your already-prepared folder so all you have to do is just rebuild.

        I tested by putting 2 songs into 1 folder – They both show up in game but I get an error along the lines of “Cannot be restored to Wii system memory” when trying to load the second song (The first loads just fine)

        and I also had this error when using multiple .app files.


          I tested by putting 2 songs into 1 folder – They both show up in game but I get an error along the lines of “Cannot be restored to Wii system memory” when trying to load the second song (The first loads just fine)

          and I also had this error when using multiple .app files.

          Pay attention to the actual file structure to make sure it’s all correct. You should know how it’s supposed to go.


            Stack, is it true that these newer versions of Dolphin have the file size limit that just like the console has?


            Is there a tutorial out there which explains how to make multitrack customs into Wii-friendly versions that don’t stutter? I am more than willing to put the time and energy into “converting” some of these for the sake of allowing me and the rest of the community to enjoy them. I get so sad when I see an awesome custom we can’t enjoy! I just want to give back to this community, even if it’s in a small way, for all it’s given us!


            Some months ago I did test high quality’s .BIK files and it seems that the game didn’t stutter using these kind of files, using the Wii, you must sacrifice quality and to suit the dlc file size limit, using Dolphin, you can use .BIK at any quality or multitrack stems, and even create dlc without using Magma (Only recommended if you want to do a real quick test).


              I think the newest ones don’t even load DLC at all. It may be expecting a proper TMD, but I haven’t checked. Really, the best version for Customs in Dolphin is 5.0-2561. There you still had no file size limit.


              Hi StackOverflow0x
              Thanks for the gecko codes especialy fast startup & 3000 songs limit

              Anychance for A new codes for auto kick for drum pedal & vocal overdrive using wiimote button?



              I found a version that is stable enough to work with. So here are some new codes.

              $Deploy Overdrive if Possible
              04148764 4BEC7541
              04148764 38600001
              E0000000 00000000
              *If the instrument has enough energy to overdrive, it automatically deploys overdrive.

              $Auto Kick Drums
              048e47a8 01000000
              *Drums will auto play kicks.

              So it’s not quite what you think. First off, the game actually has some kind of built-in function for forcing Overdrive at any time, or auto-deploying it when you normally can. The above code is for auto-deploying overdrive when it can, possibly on all instruments. Even on Drums, it deploys automatically. It doesn’t wait for the Drum fills.


              Auto kick drums is simple. There’s also a function for this and this cheat just enables it.


                $Auto Kick Drums
                048e47a8 01000000
                *Drums will auto play kicks.

                You’re a legend! Seriously though, you’ve contributed a lot to using customs on Wii/Dolphin.

                Hi Guys,
                I have a modded wii and once upon a time I had RB2 dlc’s
                working via nand emu but now, it appears it’s stopped working
                and RB2 only loads the default songs it’s come with.
                I’m pretty sure I still have all the DLC’s but can’t seem to
                figure out where they are and how to get RB2 to recognize and
                load them. Eventually I’d like to re-pack all the DLC’s to
                shorten load times.
                I tried to follow this guide too and dropped a rb.con file in the following path ie: title/00010005/735a4645/song.con
                is the song supposed to be a .con file?
                Also, is there a tool that can help you read the DLC’s off
                your external USB drive? ie: something equivalent to xbox 360
                content manager but for the wii?
                Thanks in advance, any help would be greatly appreciated.

                  DLC, if it was downloaded to your system NAND, is downloaded to folders similar to this:title0010005735a4145content.

                  Usually the last 4 will change depending on the content generation the DLC is in. The DLC will be in .app format. If DLC was downloaded to the SD card, it will be in a folder called private. The DLC will be in .bin format.


                  Does repacking even speed things up? It wouldn’t be worth the hassle of putting it together in the first place.


                  No, the Wii does not use Xbox DLC files. C3 CON Tools has a Wii converter. All C3 releases have proper Wii versions as well. Use those files and pack the DLC yourself. The reason pre-built customs aren’t distributed is because the built DLC varies per user. We don’t have a tool to read DLC off the built content files since those are expendable and not worth managing. Instead, customs are managed before building. I did start on a tool that helps with this, but it’s not finished. You can find that here.


                  Hi Stack Overflow,


                  First off, thanks for your time and awesome work!


                  The DLC file were’s downloaded onto an external USB drive system NAND.


                  Does this mean both RB2 & RB3 use: :title0010005735a4145content for their DLC file path?


                  RB2 seems to be more stable than RB3 as RB3 tends to crash my wii all the time.


                  From my experience repacking DLC’s on the Xbox 360 DID cut down on loading time significantly but I guess it’s different on the WII?


                  I’m still learning how to use packer so I’ll most likely have more questions until I get it working lol, bear with me and thanks again for your time and help!




                  I just looked again at my DLC file path and it looks correct:




                  However, my wii is still not loading the DLCs, I also tried clearing the cache by deleting the MSTORE.VFF file but still no luck. I don’t get it, what am I missing here??


                  any help again would be much appreciated – I think I just want to get these DLC’s working first before I tackle packing DLC’s. thanks again in advance!


                  They both do; but I don’t think RB2 will load RB3’s file format.


                  Usually; on emuNAND on RB3, the more songs you have the more time it will take to get to the main menu and be able to browse it. It does not matter if they are scattered in 2000 slots or if all slots have around 75 songs in them. I believe loading all those DTA entry is alot for the wii.. near 3k songs the wii will freeze for quite a long time when booting it through emuNAND.


                  On RB2 (Which is VERY far back in my memory) it would also freeze for a while when loading the game with a large ammount of songs.


                  The only thing that speeds up when you pack large packs is the cache creation; as far as I know.




                  Thanks for your input! The DLC’s were downloaded through RB2 I think even before RB3 came out and I DID have all the customs working at the time but now they won’t load, I’m not sure what changed as I haven’t touched my setup since! (and this is a VERY long time ago)


                  As mentioned in my previous post I’ve tried deleting the cache, still not luck.


                  I also tried re-patching ios37 on the NAND, still no luck


                  I’m not sure what else I could try, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


                  As far as I know, ways for RB2 customs did not work with RB3 until StackOverflow and possibly other people actually work on it to find a solution. I might be wrong though, but that’s what I understood.


                  I suggest to try to repack your app files using the new method.


                  I think the newest ones don’t even load DLC at all. It may be expecting a proper TMD, but I haven’t checked. Really, the best version for Customs in Dolphin is 5.0-2561. There you still had no file size limit.



                  I found a version that is stable enough to work with. So here are some new codes.

                  $Deploy Overdrive if Possible
                  04148764 4BEC7541
                  04148764 38600001
                  E0000000 00000000
                  *If the instrument has enough energy to overdrive, it automatically deploys overdrive.

                  $Auto Kick Drums
                  048e47a8 01000000
                  *Drums will auto play kicks.

                  So it’s not quite what you think. First off, the game actually has some kind of built-in function for forcing Overdrive at any time, or auto-deploying it when you normally can. The above code is for auto-deploying overdrive when it can, possibly on all instruments. Even on Drums, it deploys automatically. It doesn’t wait for the Drum fills.


                  Auto kick drums is simple. There’s also a function for this and this cheat just enables it.

                  big thanks for the new codes


                  i recently plaeyd rb3 online (im usng wii console not dolphin)

                  one thing i noticed that the game shows all songs that i have including songs that arent playable online, is there a way so it only displayed songs that playable online ?


                  I have followed this guide and got custom rb3 songs to work on my wii. But the midi pro adapter and my drums do not work on rb2. Is it possible to get the songs from rb2 and put them on rb3? If so is there a guide I could follow? I can’t seem to find any custom songs made that were in the rb2 setlist.

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