[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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  • #420867

    Hey, first of all thanks for the tutorial.


    I’m running on a NAND Emu off a USB Hard Drive, I’ve got tons of official DLC loaded onto it and I’m not too bad with Wii modding. However, I just spent 4+ hours tinkering with these customs and I’ve made literally no progress. I can’t seem to make the Wii recognize them no matter what I do.


    I’ve tried packing them together via the folder merging tool and individually, used the sample song as a base to build off of and when that failed I tried a custom, re-checked folder names and song.dta files dozen times over, made sure to go back and delete the preview files, cleared my cache before every attempt, I really have no idea what I’m doing wrong.


    I had to create a /735a4645 folder, and I renamed + added the ticket to my ticket/00010005 folder as the tutorial said.


    I’m on a US Wii, I’ll dump a few related screenshots in hopes of getting a solution. I’d really REALLY love to play these customs. I downloaded 45 but I’m only trying to load a few at a time until I figure this out. If you need any other screenshots or anything I’ll happily provide.




    http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=264g768 … 38phfldVVQ


    http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2h3zqfp … 38psPldVVQ


    I also tried making the /735a4645 folder with and without the content and data sub folders, I thought since all the other folders in the title directory had them it may help, but it seemed to make no difference.


    Edit: Noticed the error in my packdlc.bat and fixed it, still no progress.


    It’s 4AM here and I started at like 11:30 so I’m giving up for tonight.


    Thanks in advance, I hope it’s just some stupid error I haven’t noticed.


      Some of the meta files are turning out to be quite huge, so watch for those. I’m not too sure how different that is on a emu NAND.


      But also relating to emulator, that is how I set up customs on it; by creating the folders necessary. Is the ticket you put in 00010005 the one I provided? Is it called 735a4645.tik? Make sure you’re putting your .app files in title/00010005/735a4645/content

      That folder also must have the provided 00000026.app and title.tmd files.


      Thanks a lot for this guide! I was able to get customs working :]


      I have a few questions though:


      1) Can you post an updated picture of how to convert XBox 360 songs to Wii? The one you have up on the original post says that it does not exist anymore.


      2) Any idea how one would go about finding Rock Band Network songs that are on the Xbox 360 but not on the Wii, so that I could convert these for Wii use? What about Rock Band 1 songs? Is the database (linked on the first post) the only known database with custom Wii songs?


      3) What is the purpose of packing songs together to “only take up one slot?” Was this intended for songs that have 2x Bass Pedal; to have two versions of a single song taking up only one spot?


      4) My most important question! What do I do if I already exceeded the 255 mark for the folder structures? Right now I’m at “259_00000103_YouKnow2xBassPedal_song” but I haven’t even bothered trying to pack any of the latest folders yet. Will it not work if I try because it is past 255? How do I get around this?


      5) Is there any known method for getting around the 1,000 song limit for the Rock Band 3 library?



      Thanks in advance for any replies!


        2) not on these forums

        5) nope


        Is Stack not around to help? :c


        I’m desperate about getting around the 250 limit.


          Yeah, agreeing with Nemo, I can’t openly condone the distribution of RBN. Not technically right. But as for the 255 issue, that should be fixable. Give me some time to look into a solution. It is recommended to pack songs together if you can so you won’t run out of room as it is now. Some 2x pedal songs may be able to fit, so always try.

          Yeah, agreeing with Nemo, I can’t openly condone the distribution of RBN. Not technically right. But as for the 255 issue, that should be fixable. Give me some time to look into a solution. It is recommended to pack songs together if you can so you won’t run out of room as it is now. Some 2x pedal songs may be able to fit, so always try.

          I’ll wait on a solution. If nothing comes up, then I may resort to packing random songs together. I only didn’t want to do that because I didn’t want to lose the previews, but I’ll do it if it’s one of the only ways.


          Furthermore, just this morning I found that the Pro Drums upgrades from the Harmony project doesn’t work for me.

          Can you maybe shine a little more light on what to do once you run out of space in the upgrades folder?

          I made additional folders to try to get around the issue. It looks like this:







          Some of the upgrades seemed to work, others seemed to randomly do nothing (even though I properly merged all the upgrade and song files as needed).

          Am I supposed to make a new spoof folder for every new upgrade folder? I assumed that 001 was the master list, and then you just made upgrade folders as you pleased.


            With newer songs, I’ve cut down the previews to 20 seconds or less because that means you may fit at least 2. It’s a decent tradeoff.


            As for Pro Drum upgrades, first I just remembered that I had just been copying them from the Xbox build and the drum configurations are probably wrong in the midi. I don’t know why it won’t be working though.

            One other thing to look out for is that the spoof file can only hold about 40 songs. I hit the limit recently and all the upgrades just failed for seemingly no reason. It doesn’t matter where the spoof DTA is but it can go in 003 or in other songs in sZAE. All that matters is that the game reads the updated DTAs first.


            I can merge folders together of newer songs without having to delete the previews at all, then?

            Still, do please let me know if you figure out a solution, because I will likely still run out of space with packing songs together.


            So are you saying that the drum upgrades may not work regardless since they are from the xbox build? And I just make a new spoof folder if I hit the limit of 40?


            Also, the Chart Fixes for the 2008 DLC don’t have songs.dta files with them. Do they not need them?


              Fixes refer to non-score-impacting fixes to songs, like a flipped drum note or something.

              Drum fixes may need revisions. I need to look into them.

              You can fit about 2 previews in newer songs, but you must still keep track of your file size.



              My last question for now is what constitutes as a newer song? That is, can you give me an exact date of when you started shrinking the previews, so I can refer to the release dates on the database and make notice of what songs I should and should not delete previews for?


                Just check the preview’s file size. If it’s 200 or more, you’ll get about 1 since the file size limit is about 512 kilobytes.


                So theoretically I could pack 3 previews together if they are at 118 kb each?

                And even at 228 kb each, couldn’t you still fit two?


                  Album art takes up more room and its just really more valuable than preview audio in my opinion. You’ll just have to compromise.

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