[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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      This is the wanted error.


      The “”Add-on content is corrupted and cannot be restored from the SD card.”” error has usually to do with either the slot not being unlocked; or a wrong filename/path in DTA file.

      Makes sense. See below.




      I have no idea why the game would delete BIN files; stackoverflow might be able to help you to figure out why; maybe when using the real NAND method the game deletes wrong files?

      Well, this seems to happen for many people, so I’m not alone. It isn’t a big deal, because once I get my mitts on that sZFE WAD file I should be fine! That being said, an update:


      Progress, but roadblocks. Using Stack’s RB3 Wii Customs Manager, I noticed that “TMD Content Gen” and “Ticket Generation” are both set to sZFE… and as I haven’t acquired and installed that WAD, welp, I guess I’m out of luck for now.


      That being said, I grabbed Stack’s files for sZGE, which I DO have installed… but when I run the packer, I get an error.


      “Warning: Unrecognized DLC title ID 735A4745”


      …then a whole lotta technical numbers, etc., which seem related to why it is creating the .app files but is NOT creating the .bin files. This seems relevant:


      Packing b5f3bc6d.app …open (getfile) b5f3bc6d.app: No such file or directory

      Could Not Find C:UsersUserDownloadsRB3Wii-DLC-Packer.2.1RB2_DLC_*

      If it ain’t one thing, it’s another :ohdear:


      But thanks for any help thus far! I feel like I’m soooo close…


        Try uninstalling and reinstalling the WAD. That seems to do the trick sometimes.


        When you run the packer for sZGE, that error is normal since the wadpacker tool does not recognize the custom generation as a valid generation (as well as other actual valid generations). For it to make the BIN files, make sure you have the common-key file and console ID. Watch for other errors to see if it’s missing anything else.


          Try uninstalling and reinstalling the WAD. That seems to do the trick sometimes.

          Uninstalled and reinstalled the sZGE.wad using WiiMod. No difference, presumably because I can’t pack DLC for this WAD successfully and I don’t have the WAD for the DLC I can pack.


          When you run the packer for sZGE, that error is normal since the wadpacker tool does not recognize the custom generation as a valid generation (as well as other actual valid generations). For it to make the BIN files, make sure you have the common-key file and console ID. Watch for other errors to see if it’s missing anything else.

          That is strange, because I am using the same exact ng_id.txt and common-key when trying to use the packdlc.bat file. When it is packing for sZFE, it’s fine. When it tries to pack for sZGE, I get the following error. No BIN generation for me <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />



          I excluded some of the packing information that was successful from the top of the window.


            The fact it’s looking for the wrong app file. I thought I fixed that a while ago, and I did. So try this one that has the corrected TMD that should work.


              Success. You’re a gosh-darn hero, dude. Seriously. I appreciate this so much.


                Time to resurrect an old post.


                Regarding Lego Rock Band, I wrote a tool to simplify the vague process I described.
                Download DiscToDLC

                Unzip the archive and you should have the executable and a RBHP folder. Click Load to find the “songs” folder from an unpacked Lego Rock Band disc. You will need to have used Arktool on the ISO before hand. You know, the one you dumped from your disc with your Wii. The Arktool command would be this: arktool -e gen * extracted

                I’ve downloaded your DiscToDLC and ArkTools 7.0 but this command (arktool -e gen * extracted) is having no success for me. Granted, I am a nub when it comes to command line inputs.

                Here’s what happened:

                Fittingly, I have no idea what hdr/ark files are. I placed my extracted ISO in the folder, but that didn’t help. Neither did the readme provided by the creator of ArkTools. Or I’m just a dummy.


                But anyways, after you’ve selected the songs folder, the list should populate. You can right-click and extract a song to automatically convert it to the standard Wii customs DLC format (where you get a meta and song folder) along with the added bonus of automatically having the RBHP harmony upgrade applied. Just make sure to update the path in the songs DTA and upgrades DTA.
                For Keys upgrades, download the latest RBHP release and replace the provided files with the Keys version.

                This only works for Lego Rock Band. Rock Band 1 shouldn’t work because the audio is not right and won’t even upgrade with RBHP. If there are any issues, please let me know. I’m getting a bit better at this.

                Presuming I eventually have success with ArkTools and your DiscToDLC, is there any chance your lovely lil’ program could ever work on my extracted ISOs from Beatles, Green Day, or, dare I say, Rock Band 1? It’s been a long time, after all… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


                I would suggest using ArchiveExplorer instead of ArkTool. ArchiveExplorer has a GUI and has been updated since.. ArkTool is old. (I thought ArkTool did too?)




                Also; for TBRB songs; they have already been converted to RB3 and are available on this forums…. but there’s a server wipe today idk when they will be back.


                  Yes, I was about to say. Beatles had conversions here. Green Day is normal DLC, so this isn’t how you’re supposed to get it. And RB1 for Wii is not worth working with. The point of the tool is to match the LEGO songs with their RBHP files. That’s it.


                    Yes, I was about to say. Beatles had conversions here. Green Day is normal DLC, so this isn’t how you’re supposed to get it. And RB1 for Wii is not worth working with. The point of the tool is to match the LEGO songs with their RBHP files. That’s it.

                    I really should have spent that $10 all those years ago to export Green Day into Rock Band 3. Now it isn’t even possible… grrr…


                    I would suggest using ArchiveExplorer instead of ArkTool. ArchiveExplorer has a GUI and has been updated since.. ArkTool is old. (I thought ArkTool did too?)




                    Also; for TBRB songs; they have already been converted to RB3 and are available on this forums…. but there’s a server wipe today idk when they will be back.

                    I have incredibly poor timing, it seems.


                    Edit: ArchiveExplorer doesn’t work for the Wii disc images, only XBOX… well, crap. Alas!


                    I’ve had this same problem many times, and I finally found a solution that always works for me.


                    Go into your Wii settings, then data management, and look at the Wii save data. Find any data that can be copied to the SD card (even homebrew channel save data works), and copy it. Then you should be able to play RB3 without the error. Let me know if this works.


                    I was getting the Unknown Error, Disabling SD Card problem and this fixed it, for whatever reason. Thanks, dude!


                    Hey i am playing RB3 on Dolphin Emulator and I’m trying to figure out how to get custom songs on it. Is c3 con tools not a thing anymore because I can not find the download anywhere. Thanks



                      Edit: ArchiveExplorer doesn’t work for the Wii disc images, only XBOX… well, crap. Alas!




                      I would suggest to try to extract the disc using Dolphin (or any other means); maybe it doesn’t deal with the Wii image but I’m pretty sure it will deal with the ark files. (Anyways; it did with a PS2 one, so it’s not only xbox.)

                        For SD card users, the limit is 40 MB, so make sure your merged customs don’t exceed those file size limits. The limit on _meta folders is about 500 KB, so watch that one as well. If you want to fit as many customs as possible into one slot, you can safely delete the preview mogg files found in the _meta folder for a song. Since the limit is about 500 KB, it’s easy to reach this limit first when merging.



                        Again, make sure song .bin files aren’t larger than 40 MB, meta files aren’t larger than 500 KB, and that any .APP files aren’t larger than 400 MB or they most likely won’t load in the game.


                        In my experience, these statements haven’t proven accurate. I’m under both of those limits, and I can fit six songs in some BINs, but they won’t show up. Other BINs with two songs seem fine. Can anybody shed more light on what the actual file size limits are?


                          What are the file sizes of some of those examples? I have only seen file size be a consistent factor, so it must be it.


                          For one 400mb is not the limit for app files at all. The limit it as least triple that. (probably more than that). Never understood why that limit is written in the guide. In my experience 1.5gb (maybe even more; I might test to find the actual max filesize) works fine.

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