[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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      I did this. Didn’t work. Also, I went back and installed literally ALL of the wads provided in the guide. And STILL it wouldn’t load the songs.


      Now how do I fix the issue where the harmony upgrades won’t produce either 001.bin or 002.bin? Have you seen my .dta files? Did I completely screw that up?

      I like pop, I like soul, I like rock, but I never liked disco.


      Upgrades works a bit differently on emulated NAND so I can’t be sure if you’re doing it right or not to be honest.


        Is using a USB Loader considered emulated NAND?

        I like pop, I like soul, I like rock, but I never liked disco.


        No; unless you are using it to load an emulated NAND.


        Just to clarify; I am the one using the emulated NAND method; I never used the SD card method so yeah; there’s some differences I can’t help you with.


          I even tried to edit the .bin files so they resembled my other downloaded songs. Still no luck. I even used the sample project from the RBHP download and tried to upgrade the only song that was listed in there because I just so happened to have Bring Me to Life, and STILL it comes up as corrupted!


          Oi, I frickin’ need a complete video guide right about now.

          I like pop, I like soul, I like rock, but I never liked disco.


            The thing about a video guide is I can’t unprepare my system and reprepare it all in one go. Let’s just walk through this a step at a time.


            For RBHP, that spoof file has to be in sZAE because the game reads that first. For this, you need a separate folder just for making BIN files for sZAE. This folder should have all the same parts as the sZGE folder for it to make BINs. That means you need sZAE’s title.tmd, title.tik, and banner file (this should be 000001d2.app). If you don’t have those, I can help you set that part up.

            Then for the upgrades midi, you’ll want to have that on another odd-numbered slot, like 003. If it’s in 002, it will assume it’s the song folder to 001, so it won’t get cached. Upgrade files are treated as a meta folder. This also means it has the same limit of about 500 KB, so keep that in mind.


            For general customs, sZGE is still recommended. I see you’ve gotten as far as having the game reject it after loading. You’re close. This is the part that stopped me from making any more custom generations, because it can be hit or miss at first. Do you have the correct common-key and ng_id? Those could be reasons for it failing. Don’t worry about the banner file. It wouldn’t let you build the BIN without it. If it’s still not working, could you post a sample of your packing folder for sZGE? Don’t include all the songs for this because I’d want to check it for other potential problems. It seems you have the WADs installed correctly. But also remember that uninstalling and reinstalling sometimes does the trick as well, especially if it wasn’t installed with the correct IOS at first.


            And also, you are booting the game under IOS259, right?


              You are booting the game under IOS259, right?

              I have a long list of IOSes that I don’t know what to do with. How do I know if I’m doing that?


              The common key I have, it has no extension and thus when I open it with Notepad, the resulting text is not hexidecimal. And I got the ng_id from an existing DLC from the Wii on which I was trying to play it.

              I like pop, I like soul, I like rock, but I never liked disco.


              In your loader there should be an option to choose which IOS you want to use to boot the game.


                In your loader there should be an option to choose which IOS you want to use to boot the game.

                I’m not using a USB Loader tho.


                What loader? WiiMod? WiiXplorer?


                The common key I have, it has no extension and thus when I open it with Notepad, the resulting text is not hexidecimal. And I got the ng_id from an existing DLC from the Wii on which I was trying to play it.

                I like pop, I like soul, I like rock, but I never liked disco.


                I don’t think the loader matters; though I’m pretty sure USB Loader GX is the most popular.


                Load the game through a loader and use IOS259.


                  Sooooo… I absolutely CAN’T boot the game by itself?

                  I like pop, I like soul, I like rock, but I never liked disco.


                  Try it through the loader and find out by yourself?


                    Wait a minute, IOS259? My Wii doesn’t have it, and I can’t find it.

                    I like pop, I like soul, I like rock, but I never liked disco.


                    In the tutorial there’s a link about homebrew stuff; which contains an IOS pack. Would be a good idea to install those I guess.


                      In the tutorial there’s a link about homebrew stuff; which contains an IOS pack. Would be a good idea to install those I guess.

                      It is seriously not there. I looked for it in that guide. I’ve installed the game to my USB Loader and it says nothing about IOS259. I think it only goes up to 255.

                      I like pop, I like soul, I like rock, but I never liked disco.

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