[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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      No. sZGE is set so it matches the conversion. What did it do after you unflagged bits from the ticket? Does it still loop?


      I didn’t tried unflagging the bits; I wanted to make it work before trying that. I’ll give it a shot.


        Yes, only flag the ones I’ve mentioned. That way it only loads what it needs and could reduce the chance for an error somewhere.


        I have like 80 customs and so far all of them that I’ve tested work except two. The first is Sell Out by Reel Big Fish which I downloaded from the customs database here. The other is a WIP of my own creation, that worked when it was just guitar and bass but I’ve added the vocals/drums and it doesn’t work any more.


        Both songs appear in my music library. When I hover over Sell Out, I get album art, preview audio and the instrument difficulties. When I hover over my own custom, I get instrument difficulties but nothing else. On both of them, if I select it and choose a difficulty, it says “SONG NAME cannot be restored to the Wii System Memory.”


        Do you happen to know what’s up? It’s a hard problem to search for a solution to because the wording is similar to another, more common error…


          For the first one, can you confirm that the _song folder is in the right place? That seems like the kind of error you’d get if that were the case.

          For your custom, you said you added some parts. If you did, the DTA the game cached would be outdated. You could reload just this custom if you don’t want to wait for an entire cache refresh. And also, check to see if the _song folder is in the right place. Should be the number after the _meta folder.


          For the first one, can you confirm that the _song folder is in the right place? That seems like the kind of error you’d get if that were the case.

          For your custom, you said you added some parts. If you did, the DTA the game cached would be outdated. You could reload just this custom if you don’t want to wait for an entire cache refresh. And also, check to see if the _song folder is in the right place. Should be the number after the _meta folder.

          I can confirm that that the _song folders are in the right place (I wrote a python script a while ago to rename the folders and edit the songs.dta file automatically and it works for all the other customs, and also I just double checked them). I wrote over MSTORE.VFF with a 0 byte file (I’m on the vWii so just deleting it isn’t as easy) so the cached dta shouldn’t be an issue, should it?


          EDIT: I worked on my own custom a little more and now it’s working. Still no dice on Sell Out, though.


            Do you have any other custom in “Sell Out”‘s slot? Did you check to see if it has all the required files? You could also try packing it in a later slot because that has worked for others before.


            Do you have any other custom in “Sell Out”‘s slot? Did you check to see if it has all the required files? You could also try packing it in a later slot because that has worked for others before.

            No, all my customs are in their own slots (which I’ve been meaning to do something about, but I don’t know the best way to go about it…). I’ll try packing it in a later slot, though.


            Best way would be to use a USB HDD through an emulated NAND. Your pack size would go to about 1.5gb (maybe even more? max I tested on real wii was 1.5gb).


            Settup an emulated NAND that works with RB3 is tricky though; if you don’t know about this stuff and is interested I can help you; just PM me I’ll point you in the right direction.


            With this method you’ll only need to manage a full single generation and a bit of a second (so basically; two if you have alot of songs) to get to 3000 songs instead of well you know; all 10-11 of them.


            Moving Sell Out to a later slot didn’t help, unfortunately.

            Best way would be to use a USB HDD through an emulated NAND. Your pack size would go to about 1.5gb (maybe even more? max I tested on real wii was 1.5gb).


            Settup an emulated NAND that works with RB3 is tricky though; if you don’t know about this stuff and is interested I can help you; just PM me I’ll point you in the right direction.


            With this method you’ll only need to manage a full single generation and a bit of a second (so basically; two if you have alot of songs) to get to 3000 songs instead of well you know; all 10-11 of them.

            I actually had an emulated nand that works with RB3 just lying around from the last time I tried to get customs working on it. I gave it another shot and it appears to be stuck on this screen:



            The “Press + Button” text isn’t appearing and none of the buttons on the remote do anything.


            That being said, the emulated nand lives on a flash drive rather than a hard drive proper (so it’s probably pretty slow), and the light on it is flashing quite a bit, so maybe it’s just loading? I’ll let it sit for a while.


            Until now, all my attempts to get customs working on an emulated nand resulting in the game loading fine but the customs just not being in the music library, so this is new at least <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


            It will only freeze like that (for seconds; then freeze; then resuming, for a few minutes) if you have over 2000 songs. Near 3000 it’s almost impossible to use the music store (which is basically useless since you can use your PC to manage songs); but the gameplay should be fine.

            As for freezing like that and the message not appearing I’ve never seen that happen. Are you using a full emulated NAND (AKA booting the game inside the emunand) or simply a save emunand? I’ve never got it working using a save only emunand; only with full emulation.


            I suggest to make a full emulated NAND (using the tools of your choice) with only the minimal files and your own serial number. Once it’s done do an official update INSIDE the emulated NAND (Do not update your real NAND!!!); visit the store to get your own tickets back (purchased stuff) and try using Uniiloader (again; inside the emunand) to boot the game. That’s how I got it to work. (2 partitions on the drive: NTFS for games and FAT32 for the emunand; both primary). Once this is set you should be able to load the game through uniiloader; use cheats; and use custom(and official DLC) songs. You can use ShowMiiWads to install the WAD files to the emunand if you have trouble figuring how ticket works on emulated NAND (which I think is covered by the tutorial anyways). You can also transfer your savegame (or copy) from your real NAND using a NAND explorer and copy it at the same place in your emunand.


            This emulated NAND should work for everything; and should not require any modification (cIOS; etc); pure 4.3x firmware with no alteration with everything homebrew working (or almost, so far only FTPii didn’t worked in my case).


              Yeah, try another slot to see if that does it. The emunand problems seem like it could be the wrong IOS using to boot the game, or unpatched IOSes. But right now, since you’re so close doing this the other way, it’s probably best to stick to that until we can figure it out.




                Keep a watch out for scores from previously played songs. Over time as more songs get added, you will start to see them disappear. Leaderboards will still know rankings on their end, but to you affected scores will be like you have played the song for the very first time.


                If you have any achievements that rely on just Rock Band 3 disc songs, do those now with/without autoplay before you progress further, because scores can start to disappear from disc songs, too. Turning SD Card mode off at the title screen will help in this effort.


                Happy playing though, as my 1342 songs can testify.

                I’m suffering from this a long time and I’m positive Disc songs’ scores does not disappear like DLCs and Exported ones. Been through this more than 3 months, never lose any disc song’s score.


                  Just a warning: Newer versions of Dolphin seems to have incompatibilities with some NANDs. Even my Guitar hero WOR DLCs returns an error message in the newer versions. In Rockband 3, it happens in the screen where the songs are loaded. They freeze when loading between !200 and 1500 most of the time. I have to boot the game a lot of times hoping it will not freeze and I’ll be able to play. It became near the 5.0 700 (branch) master version. Using any version above 4.0 7700 to 5.0 stable version the error will not occur;


                    I’m suffering from this a long time and I’m positive Disc songs’ scores does not disappear like DLCs and Exported ones. Been through this more than 3 months, never lose any disc song’s score.

                    I see no reason why it wouldn’t disappear. As I made a tool to view your saved scores, once you reach the maximum capacity, scores will start to be overwritten. But you can also micromanage all that if you wanted to.


                    Regarding the Dolphin issue, I don’t have Guitar Hero to test, but I’ve been using 5.0-1131 with RB3 and everything was fine. But I also don’t have a full real NAND – just the bare minimum to get customs working for testing.

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