[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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    If I understand correctly; you got customs working using DLC files and you’re worried about not being about to pack more than 3 songs per packs.


    Use wszst ( http://www.mediafire.com/file/ws4ssf3eofg7iik/emuNANDpacking_windows.zip )


    It packs for sZAE (I honeslty never tried other generations; it might work?) only for NANDs (app files) and you can pack more than 1GB per packs.


    If I understand correctly; you got customs working using DLC files and you’re worried about not being about to pack more than 3 songs per packs.


    Use wszst ( http://www.mediafire.com/file/ws4ssf3eofg7iik/emuNANDpacking_windows.zip )


    It packs for sZAE (I honeslty never tried other generations; it might work?) only for NANDs (app files) and you can pack more than 1GB per packs.

    I do not understand?

    my problem is. the only custom song 001.app and 002.app work and others do not.


    the custom songs in the game. No picture, no preview


    when i play the customs songs get this message


    except this song is the first is working


    convert songs separately with the sZGE program.

    or maybe you see had to convert the 4 songs at the same time.

    which is the problem of the other songs, I did the same as in the first song but do not work.


    How are you managing your songs; are they both in the same pack or different packs? You need to manually change the path in the DTA (sZGE/000/) to the right number for the pack you’re making; though you have to remember: the app filename is hexadecimal and the path in the DTA file in decimal, they must match. Once you changed one song in a single pack; you can use C3 CON tools to merge the songs together; and using app files you can merge a good number of them.


      What exactly are you trying to do? For Dolphin, all you need are the app files for the customs.


      I see what I did wrong. You can download the corrected one from the same link or you can remove the “v1” part from the bik name. I don’t know how that got there.

      Thank you very much, I figured that out when I tried to rename all the files of the custom, thank you very much for this song. You’re the man .


      New question, Stack. If I delete a custom in-game (let’s say Sideshow’s version of Bloodlines by Dethklok ), will that remove all its relevant data from the song cache file? Or is a song’s dta path hardcoded into the cache regardless of the song’s future existence?


      If so, will I thus be able to install Gigakoops’ version in its place using the usual methods without having to cache reset?


      You could if you change the small name (the “folder name” of the song) to match the old oversion; and keep the same ID. In other words; you’d have to make sure it’s “identical” before replacing the song.


        Hey all – quick question regarding raising the limit of the songs allowed to 3000.


        Are these the proper steps to take on a modded Wii:

        1) copy and paste this and save in a text file named SZBE69.txt


        Rock Band 3


        Hooktype: GxDraw


        Max Songs Limit is 3000

        208FBEDC 000003E8

        048FBEDC 00000BB8

        E0000000 00000000


        Fast Startup

        20B39ED0 80805847

        04B39ED4 00000000

        E0000000 00000000

        20B39EE0 80805868

        04B39EE0 80805847

        04B39EE4 00000000

        E0000000 00000000

        20B39EF0 808058D9

        04B39EF0 80805847

        04B39EF4 00000000

        E0000000 00000000

        20B39F00 92FECD00

        04B39F04 00000000

        E0000000 00000000


        2) Place the text file on your SD card in “/Wii SD/usbloader/codes/”

        I am using USB loader GX


        3) then in USB Loader GX under rock band/setting/Ocarina – click on the file


        I am getting close to 1000 songs so want to make sure I know what to do to increase the limit, and as well I will try the fast start up.


        Thanks !


          Try to see if Fast Startup works like that. Then you can be sure the max songs cheat will work. The format looks correct.


            Thanks Stack – will give it a try !!


              Well at first it didn’t work, said that codes weren’t found.


              After a little more research I found out that I had to turn on Ocarina in the usbloader settings (DUH!) and then it worked fine !


                Alright. Now you can safely proceed with the other codes posted if you’d like. The 3000 song limit has been confirmed working by others.


                another question about dolphin
                I delete songs DLC official guiding me through the file where allsongs.xlsx
                the dlc are divided by many folders ejem:https://s10.postimg.org/7gkt3clh5/Sin_t_tulo_7.png, as knowing that folder number it corresponds to certain numbers DLC? https://s4.postimg.org/ty3gkwxi5/Sin_t_tulo_6.png
                I need to remove songs I do not like, and also to load faster the game
                there any way?


                Since there’s no way to access the music store on dolphin; the only way to delete precise songs is knowing which slots corresponds to which song. As for loading the game faster; there MAY be a solution (I myself have most DLCs and is tired of the 2k+ packs loading each time; even if it only takes 2-3 minutes on SSD); You can use u8it to unpack the official DLCs; and you can merge them together like customs; though you need to move the DTA file back one folder (where it’s usually for wii customs) so the merging can occur. I’m pretty sure at 1-2gb per pack (slot) you can pack all official DLCs in one generation. While you can do this for all normal DLCs; I’m pretty sure you’ll have to take special precautions for pro guitar/bass upgrades if you have them; they don’T work exactly the same way; and I haven’t tested yet if you can merge them. You can identify them pretty easily: Instead of having a songs.dta in the pack there will be an upgrades.dta and there will only be one pack for the upgrade (i.e. only the meta folder). By the way; if you used the DLC tools that snatches the DLCs from nintendo servers (like NUS Downloader does kinda); there’s a collection manager that comes with it; you can use that to identify songs. If you used the hard way instead (copying DLCs from your wii’s NAND) you still can use the song manager; find it (I don’t think I’m allowed to link it; since it also has other sensible files); and put all your DLCs (all the generation folders) in a folder called “RB-Archive” in the root of your NAND; then point the collection manager to your NAND; it will find all the songs; then just move the ones you want to your NAND.


                To answer your question about DLCs being separated; every folder you shown are generations; but they are shown as hexadecimal; so sZAE is in fact 735a4145; while sZGE is 735a4745. If you google “dec to hex” or “hex to dec” you’ll find a hexadecimal to decimal converter. Same with the DLCs inside it; they are hexadecimal numbers; so 0000000F would be 015. If it can help you; here a link that has all the DLCs that has an ID in their DTA file (so not the few first generations; but the rest) with the songname artist and slot; which is at the end of the line at the format generation_slot. http://www.mediafire.com/file/cbt9eudt711khgi/idlist.txt


                I don’t know if it’s the same situation with you; but when the game loads for me; it loads every slots the tickets hold. So even if I have zero DLC/customs in my NAND and I have the full sZAE ticket; it will load 250+ “songs” anyways; just because the ticket is there. So if you merge all of the DLCs in a single generation; you’d want to delete the unused tickets. I’d suggest keeping 2 generations to keep things simple: 1 for official DLCs; one for custom songs.


                Also; just so you know; on DOlphin, the 3000 song limit cheat can be modified as high as you want (well; I don’t if there’s a limit, but 5000 so far works fine). For people on real wii reading this and having the urge to try this on an actual wii; I already did. Even if you modify the cheat at 3001 songs; the game will freeze upon creating/loading the cache. It only works on Dolphin. (This was on Emunand; it could be worst on real nand). As an example on how to midify it; here the 5000 songs limit cheat:


                $Max Songs Limit is 5000
                208FBEDC 000003E8
                048FBEDC 00001388
                E0000000 00000000


                When you say to drag an official DLC into the wii converter, how do i get the DLC on my computer in the first place?

                Also, where do I find the common-key file? Thanks in advance.


                Assuming you are using the SD card method; your official DLCs are on your SD card located at root/dlc/sZXX/XXX.bin; where X are variables.


                Google something like wii common-key and you will find it.

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