[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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      No, you can’t. A mogg file is an ogg file with Harmonix’s proprietary “mogg” header in front of it. Audacity ignores the mogg header and skips straight to the ogg header and reads from there. Audacity can’t save to .mogg, it’ll save to .ogg. And then you don’t have the mogg header, which in turn means the game can’t pause/unpause the song without losing sync. And all Rock Band songs are multitrack, in that they all have multiple channels. Customs labeled “multitrack” have different audio in each channel, whereas normal customs have silent channels…but the channels are there and are needed by the game. If you take the Stairway to Heaven stereo ogg that Phase Shift converter gives you, and you change the name to .mogg without adding a mogg header, the game will crash. If you added a fake mogg header or the mogg header from another song, the game will still crash. The only way to end up with an audio file that the game won’t crash with, it’s to have Magma generate the correct mogg file with the proper file structure and the corresponding mogg header.


        That’s strange indeed, because C3 customs (wii ones) works fine, except the song everybody’s changing, when i missed a note on keys/ pro keys, the vocals stopped sounding, had to fix it myself placing the vocal tracks in the correct instrument (vocals).

        About the encryption, i heard that u can convert from CON to Phase shift and u get the decrypted audio, but i’m not sure, and i’m not sure if that works with mutitracks customs.

        I’ll need to look into that.

        And if you find a Wii conversion of a C3 custom that still causes stuttering, then I need to know to fix it. I can’t test everything and can only assume that if a custom me


          I’ll need to look into that.

          And if you find a Wii conversion of a C3 custom that still causes stuttering, then I need to know to fix it. I can’t test everything and can only assume that if a custom me

          Hi, just for help. The custom “a Day in life” of the Beatles does not work correctly, even using the wii version, but I don’t know who converted, just trying to help.

          The custom “dull life”, “yeah yeah yeahs” i converted myself to wii version works , but it like “pauses” a little in 2 parts of the song, for example. The strange thing is there’s customs bigger than these two that work well. I was able to run customs like 45, 68 mb perfectly.


          I think I see a part of my mistake, have been using strictly using the new DB and converting the CON to wii, and I now see that the legacy DB has some (if not most) of the songs I am looking for in wii format (Thanks again to Stack!!).


            No, you can’t. A mogg file is an ogg file with Harmonix’s proprietary “mogg” header in front of it. Audacity ignores the mogg header and skips straight to the ogg header and reads from there. Audacity can’t save to .mogg, it’ll save to .ogg. And then you don’t have the mogg header, which in turn means the game can’t pause/unpause the song without losing sync. And all Rock Band songs are multitrack, in that they all have multiple channels. Customs labeled “multitrack” have different audio in each channel, whereas normal customs have silent channels…but the channels are there and are needed by the game. If you take the Stairway to Heaven stereo ogg that Phase Shift converter gives you, and you change the name to .mogg without adding a mogg header, the game will crash. If you added a fake mogg header or the mogg header from another song, the game will still crash. The only way to end up with an audio file that the game won’t crash with, it’s to have Magma generate the correct mogg file with the proper file structure and the corresponding mogg header.

            forgot to tell that you can convert to mogg using rb dlc tools


              I love how you think you know something I don’t know. You’re not converting to mogg. You’re appending an arbitrary mogg header that the creator of RB DLC Tools got from a DLC song. The end result is a “mogg” that doesn’t crash the game, but then



              the game can’t pause/unpause the song without losing sync


              You obviously don’t understand the point of the mogg header. Please refrain from making other comments on this until you do enough research to understand it.


                I dont wanna prove that i know something you don’t know, you obviously know A LOT that i can know, i was just saying that you can use rb dlc tools for the mogg header, but you are right, i’m not helping with this, so i guess i will not post any more comments.


                  You’re missing the point. RB DLC Tools is a very, very old piece of software that has no place in today’s Rock Band customs scene. If you use it, you end up with a broken, subpar quality custom. I don’t want people seeing the misleading information and thinking they found a solution, when the proper solution is to come through here and have Stack or some of the more knowledgeable Wii guys (not me) help with Wii specific issues.


                  Things like RB DLC Tools, RB3Maker, etc were great tools in their time. But that time has passed. We all need to be up to date so we all put out consistent quality material.


                    and you are totally right, apologies for the mistakes in my comments, so, what could be the solution? rebuilding the custom again using magma?


                      Hi, just for help. The custom “a Day in life” of the Beatles does not work correctly, even using the wii version, but I don’t know who converted, just trying to help.

                      The custom “dull life”, “yeah yeah yeahs” i converted myself to wii version works , but it like “pauses” a little in 2 parts of the song, for example. The strange thing is there’s customs bigger than these two that work well. I was able to run customs like 45, 68 mb perfectly.

                      It’s not always about the raw file size. I’ve had pauses on files less than 20 MB. It has to do with the multitrack, which is odd that this one is giving you a problem considering it’s not very demanding. I’ll fix this soon.


                      and you are totally right, apologies for the mystakes in my comments, so, what could be the solution? rebuilding the custom again using magma?

                      Rebuilding it in Magma is a way. It mixes down tracks for you and really does a lot of the work for you because it was a very time-consuming process for me when I converted all the C3 customs.


                      and you are totally right, apologies for the mystakes in my comments, so, what could be the solution? rebuilding the custom again using magma?

                      Convert to Phase Shift > rebuild using Magma C3 > put back the original ID in the DTA. That’s what I do for customs that don’t work properly on wii.


                      Obviously rebuilding the drum track as necessary (merging them into one)


                        Heads up that the issues with “Dull Life” and “Everybody’s Changing” are now fixed. Redownload from the Legacy Database for the new version.


                          Heads up that the issues with “Dull Life” and “Everybody’s Changing” are now fixed. Redownload from the Legacy Database for the new version.

                          Thanks, m8!


                            Heads up that the issues with “Dull Life” and “Everybody’s Changing” are now fixed. Redownload from the Legacy Database for the new version.

                            Thank you very much.


                            I think the Beatles song’s problem comes from the .dta file with two vocal parts that the Wii cannot comprehend.


                              Send me your cache file so I can look at how to do that.


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