[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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      You do have the latest version and you’re not missing any of the libraries (.dll files) that come with the tools, are you? There’s no reason it shouldn’t be able to process the mogg. Throw any of those CONs that don’t work at Visualizer, Song Analyzer and Audio Analyzer. Do they work as intended (i.e. can read the audio)?


      Odd. It’s not doing that for me. Is this on a real console?

      The code’s intent is to make it simpler to remove the background I your recording. Then you could set it on top of something else, like a different venue.


      This is indeed on the real console. I haven’t bothered with Dolphin. Maybe it’s to do with NeoGamma’s implementation of Gecko codes?


      Oh well. At least there’s still the ever trusty Max Songs 3000, Fast Startup, and Autoplay.


      Probably not the right place to ask, but I am using the correct version of RockBiink now.


      I have a mogg with 6 mono track drums. I selected track 1 and 2 and made them stereo, which Audacity combines into one track but both wave length are visible, I did the same for 3 and 4 and 5 and 6. I then combined the new stereo tracks with “Mix and Render”. This gave me one stereo track, but if I am reading your instructions correctly, I should have two tracks for drums, a “L” and a “R”.


      Should I be selecting track 1,3 and 5 and “Mix and Render” then do the same for 2,4 and 6?


      Thanks and sorry for off topic question.


        Probably not the right place to ask, but I am using the correct version of RockBiink now.


        I have a mogg with 6 mono track drums. I selected track 1 and 2 and made them stereo, which Audacity combines into one track but both wave length are visible, I did the same for 3 and 4 and 5 and 6. I then combined the new stereo tracks with “Mix and Render”. This gave me one stereo track, but if I am reading your instructions correctly, I should have two tracks for drums, a “L” and a “R”.


        Should I be selecting track 1,3 and 5 and “Mix and Render” then do the same for 2,4 and 6?


        Thanks and sorry for off topic question.

        You won’t need “Mix and Render” for this unless you’re dealing with 6-track drums. Just export the parts individually, designating L and R for each instrument, if applicable. You might get a non-working file if you give it a stereo WAV file. All tracks that go into RockBiink should be mono.


        I did something wrong, game froze when the song was loading. I am able to see it in the song list menu, it starts to load, but when I get to the spinning loading design, screen/game freezes and requires power cycle.


          I did something wrong, game froze when the song was loading. I am able to see it in the song list menu, it starts to load, but when I get to the spinning loading design, screen/game freezes and requires power cycle.

          1st: Make sure u are on the latest version of rockbiink (latest version has important fixes).

          2nd: Audacity, For the 6 drum tracks, all of them are mono, make the 2 bass pedal tracks, 2 drums tracks and 2 cymbal tracks into stereo, you should now have 3 stereo tracks, merged then to obtain 1 stereo track, split it to mono, apply amplify effect to reduce db (if drums tracks sound too loud in comparison to the rest of the instruments tracks), export each tracks individually, set each track in rockbiink, update dta, create batch and run it, place the bik audio in the correct _song path (remember to rename the bik to the name of the custom it has). It should work without any issues.

          Oh, also check the dta with notepad, if it shows 6 drums tracks change it to 2.


            Hi all. I have searched this forum, but need the definitive answer, please. This is using a real Wii with an SD card. Customs all work, delighted thank you all. I used the 3000 song hack, and found that my database was getting a bit unmanageable. So I scrubbed the lot, and decided I would rebuild my songs, only putting in the ‘best’ ones (full band). It’s going well, and I am at 699 in SZFP.


            I have seen a few people saying songs after 1000 lose scores? Then I have seen other posts stating only songs without numeric ID’s lose scores. So what does that mean exactly? So, does that mean if all my songs are labelled thus (example) -“dlc/sZFP/100/content/songs/far_sweetdreams/far_sweetdreams” they will be OK? Or am I still going to drop scores if I go above the 1000 song limit? Sorry if that’s a bit long winded. My ‘problem’ is – great songs just keep coming, so do I need a bunch of Wii’s all with 1000 songs and no more on them?! Thanks in advance


              Hi all. I have searched this forum, but need the definitive answer, please. This is using a real Wii with an SD card. Customs all work, delighted thank you all. I used the 3000 song hack, and found that my database was getting a bit unmanageable. So I scrubbed the lot, and decided I would rebuild my songs, only putting in the ‘best’ ones (full band). It’s going well, and I am at 699 in SZFP.


              I have seen a few people saying songs after 1000 lose scores? Then I have seen other posts stating only songs without numeric ID’s lose scores. So what does that mean exactly? So, does that mean if all my songs are labelled thus (example) -“dlc/sZFP/100/content/songs/far_sweetdreams/far_sweetdreams” they will be OK? Or am I still going to drop scores if I go above the 1000 song limit? Sorry if that’s a bit long winded. My ‘problem’ is – great songs just keep coming, so do I need a bunch of Wii’s all with 1000 songs and no more on them?! Thanks in advance

              i think you have to open the file songs.dat in notepad, check the “‘song_id’ ‘e.g#’ ” part, u have to replace the e.g# with a 7 or 10 digit number, check this doc to see if the song already has an ID number provided by an user:


              some customs already have ID numbers generated by Magma or Magma C3 edition.

              I can’t help you about if the scores drops after 1000 songs, however about songs limitation, as long as you have set the 3000 song limit cheat, you wont have any problems addings more customs, i have like 2000 songs already.


                How do I reset just one song……..thanks

                Send me your cache file so I can look at how to do that.


                  i think you have to open the file songs.dat in notepad, check the “‘song_id’ ‘e.g#’ ” part, u have to replace the e.g# with a 7 or 10 digit number, check this doc to see if the song already has an ID number provided by an user:


                  some customs already have ID numbers generated by Magma or Magma C3 edition.

                  I can’t help you about if the scores drops after 1000 songs, however about songs limitation, as long as you have set the 3000 song limit cheat, you wont have any problems addings more customs, i have like 2000 songs already.

                  Thanks BlazeFerdinand, that tells me where the song ID’s are. I understand the 3000 song hack – I was up to 2500 or so, but some were not full band, and others seemed like a good idea at the time, but I found I was skipping them.


                  Which is why I wanted to tidy up! So, with your 2000 songs, do they all have scores, or stars at least? Just for the sake of ‘completion’, it’s how my mind works…


                    Thanks BlazeFerdinand, that tells me where the song ID’s are. I understand the 3000 song hack – I was up to 2500 or so, but some were not full band, and others seemed like a good idea at the time, but I found I was skipping them.


                    Which is why I wanted to tidy up! So, with your 2000 songs, do they all have scores, or stars at least? Just for the sake of ‘completion’, it’s how my mind works…

                    Yeah, im playing some songs, and when finished, the score menu tells me that im #1, 2, etc in the leaderboards, i then see that the starts shows in the songs i played, and even my score is show in the online leaderboards.


                    Yeah, im playing some songs, and when finished, the score menu tells me that im #1, 2, etc in the leaderboards, i then see that the starts shows in the songs i played, and even my score is show in the online leaderboards.

                    Worth nothing that if everyone sticks to the same ID they work for online multiplayer.


                      Worth nothing that if everyone sticks to the same ID they work for online multiplayer.

                      Thank you both.


                        Hi all. I have searched this forum, but need the definitive answer, please. This is using a real Wii with an SD card. Customs all work, delighted thank you all. I used the 3000 song hack, and found that my database was getting a bit unmanageable. So I scrubbed the lot, and decided I would rebuild my songs, only putting in the ‘best’ ones (full band). It’s going well, and I am at 699 in SZFP.


                        I have seen a few people saying songs after 1000 lose scores? Then I have seen other posts stating only songs without numeric ID’s lose scores. So what does that mean exactly? So, does that mean if all my songs are labelled thus (example) -“dlc/sZFP/100/content/songs/far_sweetdreams/far_sweetdreams” they will be OK? Or am I still going to drop scores if I go above the 1000 song limit? Sorry if that’s a bit long winded. My ‘problem’ is – great songs just keep coming, so do I need a bunch of Wii’s all with 1000 songs and no more on them?! Thanks in advance

                        Unfortunately when you have 1000+ with the hack, and have played like 930, 950, you start losing scores from the newest played songs, it makes the achievement “thank you from HMX(have played 750 dlc, not exports, not rbn,)” not obtainable. I’m a little sad with this colateral effect but if the price is it….


                        Anyway, Mr. Stacks will look into my save and try to see the problem.


                        Unfortunately when you have 1000+ with the hack, and have played like 930, 950, you start losing scores from the newest played songs, it makes the achievement “thank you from HMX(have played 750 dlc, not exports, not rbn,)” not obtainable. I’m a little sad with this colateral effect but if the price is it….


                        Anyway, Mr. Stacks will look into my save and try to see the problem.

                        If you want that achievement with custom songs just edit the source in the DTA for RB3 DLC instead of RBN

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