[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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    RockBiink Question:


    I found a song that is pausing every once in a while, it is a converted CON, I downloaded RAD tools and Quicktime player, but when I open the RockBiink app, “Update DTA” is greyed out and I cannot select. Is there some sort of association I have to make with the RAD tools?




      But when would you ever have to manually make your own previews? I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s not worth the effort.


      Well, since i play with different people, different places, they want to hear the preview, know what the song is about, thats why i had to make my own previews of songs that Wii converted failed to generate the preview.


        RockBiink Question:


        I found a song that is pausing every once in a while, it is a converted CON, I downloaded RAD tools and Quicktime player, but when I open the RockBiink app, “Update DTA” is greyed out and I cannot select. Is there some sort of association I have to make with the RAD tools?

        You’re using an old version of RockBiink.

        Here is the latest version.

        You’d use that to update the DTA with the new track channel values if you want.


          Well, since i play with different people, different places, they want to hear the preview, know what the song is about, thats why i had to make my own previews of songs that Wii converted failed to generate the preview.

          Is there a way to make previews smaller in size in Wii converter or Audacity? I can usually on leave 1 or 2 previews or else my BIN files go over the 500k limit.


          Is there a way to make previews smaller in size in Wii converter or Audacity? I can usually on leave 1 or 2 previews or else my BIN files go over the 500k limit.


          Well if you really want previews for each songs I would suggest going emunand, you wouldn’t be limited with your meta folder.



            Well if you really want previews for each songs I would suggest going emunand, you wouldn’t be limited with your meta folder.

            What he said, i play in emunand method, forgot to say that, no limits, but you have to wait for all the songs to load when starting the game in main menu, but thats not of a problem anyways <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


              Is there a way to make previews smaller in size in Wii converter or Audacity? I can usually on leave 1 or 2 previews or else my BIN files go over the 500k limit.

              Only if they’re shorter in time. The Wii Converter already makes them 22050 Hz, mono, and 15 seconds. You can also make the previews Bink files, but they tend to be larger in size and sound worse.


                Only if they’re shorter in time. The Wii Converter already makes them 22050 Hz, mono, and 15 seconds. You can also make the previews Bink files, but they tend to be larger in size and sound worse.

                Is there another way of making them shorter than the 10 second limit Wii Converter has?


                  This can just be a fluke because it has happened before. Try erasing the cache (or just the song in the cache if you don’t want to wait a lot). Or you can try a different folder. Also verify the path info is correct. Common mistakes are incorrect hexadecimal/decimal values.


                  I’ve checked and re-checked the Hex/Dec values and they are fine. 113/71 and 114/72 in the SZHE folder now, I had it in the SzGE folder before. Still doesn’t work. I will try deleting song and then re-load it.


                  I have a couple more questions for you though:


                  1) Do I need to reset my cache if I make changes to the DTA file? I’d like to update some album names that are incorrect.

                  for example Martha My Dear by the Beatles, doesn’t show up as being on the White Album. Album art is fine. I checked the DTA

                  of Back In The USSR and the album name was the whole name – The Beatles (the White Album) instead of just The White Album.


                  2) Is there something I can read the bin files with to see which song (official DLC) is which. I know pksage has the cache reader, but I don’t think it lists the songs in order. It just lists them alphabetically.

                  I’m asking because the number of bin files I have in the DLC folders doesn’t match the number of songs (as per cache reader).

                  There are 2 files per song in the customs folders, but in the Off DLC folders there seem to be extra files. Would some songs have 3 bin files? 1 verysmall (under 10K), 1 small (about 2-400k) and 1 large (15-20 meg)? The customs seem to have 1 small and 1 large file.



                  I’ll be awaiting any and all replies…..


                  Thanks …..


                    Is anyone else having problems when converting from 360 files to wii files. I have a bunch of folders that say *file name* extracted and when I look at the song folder they are like 30 KB when they should be a lot bigger,


                      Is there another way of making them shorter than the 10 second limit Wii Converter has?

                      That’s something you’d have to specifically request. Previews less than 10 seconds don’t seem very useful.



                      I’ve checked and re-checked the Hex/Dec values and they are fine. 113/71 and 114/72 in the SZHE folder now, I had it in the SzGE folder before. Still doesn’t work. I will try deleting song and then re-load it.


                      I have a couple more questions for you though:


                      1) Do I need to reset my cache if I make changes to the DTA file? I’d like to update some album names that are incorrect.

                      for example Martha My Dear by the Beatles, doesn’t show up as being on the White Album. Album art is fine. I checked the DTA

                      of Back In The USSR and the album name was the whole name – The Beatles (the White Album) instead of just The White Album.


                      2) Is there something I can read the bin files with to see which song (official DLC) is which. I know pksage has the cache reader, but I don’t think it lists the songs in order. It just lists them alphabetically.

                      I’m asking because the number of bin files I have in the DLC folders doesn’t match the number of songs (as per cache reader).

                      There are 2 files per song in the customs folders, but in the Off DLC folders there seem to be extra files. Would some songs have 3 bin files? 1 verysmall (under 10K), 1 small (about 2-400k) and 1 large (15-20 meg)? The customs seem to have 1 small and 1 large file.



                      I’ll be awaiting any and all replies…..


                      Thanks …..

                      Changes to the DTA file would require a cache reset because the old information had already been cached. It’s possible to reset just one song, but it’s a manual process.


                      For your other question, there’s no way to read official DLC bins, but use this table of all the DLC to find out what is what.


                      Is anyone else having problems when converting from 360 files to wii files. I have a bunch of folders that say *file name* extracted and when I look at the song folder they are like 30 KB when they should be a lot bigger,

                      I’ve never seen this happen before. Try keeping files to convert confined to their own folder and work from there.


                        That’s something you’d have to specifically request. Previews less than 10 seconds don’t seem very useful.


                        Changes to the DTA file would require a cache reset because the old information had already been cached. It’s possible to reset just one song, but it’s a manual process.


                        For your other question, there’s no way to read official DLC bins, but use this table of all the DLC to find out what is what.


                        I’ve never seen this happen before. Try keeping files to convert confined to their own folder and work from there.


                        How do I reset just one song……..thanks


                        Tried the green screen mode code.


                        Trippy as hell, but it removes some gameplay elements for me, like the some of the lane jewels and bass drum mechanism at the bottom of the note highway and the corresponding colors to match with the notes coming down the highway.


                        What is the code designed for, exactly?


                          Tried the green screen mode code.


                          Trippy as hell, but it removes some gameplay elements for me, like the some of the lane jewels and bass drum mechanism at the bottom of the note highway and the corresponding colors to match with the notes coming down the highway.


                          What is the code designed for, exactly?

                          Odd. It’s not doing that for me. Is this on a real console?

                          The code’s intent is to make it simpler to remove the background I your recording. Then you could set it on top of something else, like a different venue.


                            I’ve never seen this happen before. Try keeping files to convert confined to their own folder and work from there.

                            This is what the log is saying on the songs that are coming up with the small folders


                            Ready to begin
                            Copied instructions file successfully
                            Internal name for file #1 (BatOutOfHellV3_rb3con) is ‘batoutofhellv3’
                            Converted RBN2 venue to RBN1 successfully … using modified MIDI file
                            Extracted MIDI file batoutofhellv3.mid successfully
                            Extracted songs.dta file successfully
                            Processed songs.dta file successfully
                            Extracted album art file batoutofhellv3_keep.png_xbox successfully
                            Extracted mogg file batoutofhellv3.mogg successfully
                            Creating preview clip…
                            There was an error: File not opened or couldn’t read blocks.
                            Attempting to continue with the next file
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