[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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  • #416706

      is it possible to play rb3 customs without softmodding the wii? this is way too complicated compared to the easy xbox 360 way


        Of course there is. StackOverflow0x just likes to do things the difficult way cause it’s more fun for him that way.




            I’m not familiar with the Xbox way, but I want to believe the Wii way can get just as easy. I know it’s very involved, but I can help you through the difficult parts.

            You need to softmod to get this to work. That’s the only way the Wii will accept fake-signed content. I know some hacks like Project M get in without softmodding and perhaps a backend method like that will work too. The first step is to have a Wii softmodded according to the guide. Second is preparing the packing folders for use, like getting the console id.

            Then it’s really just as easy as using the Smart Folder Merger in C3 CON Tools to add songs to provided free song.


            Maybe I should make another all-encompassing tutorial?


              I said without softmodding


                You’re either trolling or the most ungrateful person that has come through here. Not sure which…


                  Without softmodding, then possibly through some bannerbomb hack that lets you run homebrew software. Basically Project M’s non-softmodded method since that should let you run homebrew apps. If you get that far, I think it should work but I’m not sure.


                  Aside from that, the Wii process will still be a little more involved than possibly the Xbox side. I may try simplifying it in the future, but I encourage you to try these untested alternative methods.

                    You’re either trolling or the most ungrateful person that has come through here. Not sure which…

                    Listen i was not trolling and even if that was a dumbass question im not too smart when it comes to customs. Im very grateful for this website with the customs especally since ive played some on my old xbox. But it was not my intention to sound ungrateful i was just wondering if there was any easier way.


                      All it takes is common sense. Why would you think there is a better way that we know of and yet refuse to use it? Every tool and tutorial on here is aimed at making things easier. If there was a way, it would be the only way we would share.


                        Softmodding shouldn’t be difficult. If you have questions on the process, you can ask.


                        Would it be possible to get a tutorial please on making a USB loader, the implications of that, how you’d go about doing it, what hardware you’d need to buy.


                        And how I’d go about getting the game on there, from my disc edition.

                          Would it be possible to get a tutorial please on making a USB loader, the implications of that, how you’d go about doing it, what hardware you’d need to buy.


                          And how I’d go about getting the game on there, from my disc edition.

                          Fortunately this has been done really well before. I followed this guide setting up a USB Loader for a friend.



                          It tells you how to get Configurable USB Loader running on your Wii and how to make backups of your discs. You will need an external USB 2.0 hard drive to connect to your Wii and those cost about ~$45 depending on where you buy. And of course, that means you’ll lose access to one of the two USB ports on your Wii. If you have the Keyboard’s dongle, you can get back that slot with the extra USB port it provides.


                          Ok thanks matey – looks like I’m gonna have to take this whole thing in stages. It’s very daunting.


                          Hey, guys! So, I found an RBA file of a song I really, REALLY want to have on my Wii Rock Band (It’s Katamari on the Rocks if you’re wondering). I managed to get the file decompiled because of the the DLC tools I found, and put it into bins like I would any DLC from the C3 database, but whenever Rock Band analyses the new DLC, it freezes before loading the song list. It’s an odd error that I’ve not had with any other type of song, and after removing the Katamari bins, it loaded just fine (albeit without Katamari <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” /> )


                          I don’t suppose anyone has any suggestions about generally getting RBA files to work on the Wii? I also found the Pokemon anime main theme and my usual Rock Band group is really clamoring for that one.


                          Did you convert the RBA file to CON first before converting it? RBA files are used for playtesting stuff on Rock Band Network, while CON files is what is used in normal custom play.

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