[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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      Yeah, I think stackOverFlow has given up on helping me. I’ll post that info over the weekend. Thanks for trying to help!


      So, I have tried to make 1 bin file with the songs: Comfortably numb (doesnt work), Crush of Love, Dyer Maker, The Forgotten PT 2 (doesn’t work), Hey you and Learning to fly (doesn’t work). I downloaded the con files then converted them with C3. Packed them with packdlc.bat and the size of the bin file is 36mb (I always keep them under 40mb).


      What other info would be helpful?

      Stacks could be a busy person (like almost all of us), but anyways, let me see how i can help…

      Make sure u put the correct ID of your wii in the ng_id.txt, and the common-key (without any file extension)

      What kind of problem are you encountering with the songs that “doesn’t work”? Doesn’t the game load them? Or they freeze the console when previewing them? You should download the packer again, unpack and see if it works now, i had issues with a packer without reason, but then i unpacked a rar file of the packer i kept, and worked normally. Make sure that you are writting the folders paths and everything else correctly, like this example:

      @echo off
      u8it 001_00000001_aotdrock_meta 00000001.app -pack
      u8it 002_00000002_aotdrock_song 00000002.app -pack
      wadpacker 1 2
      del RB2_DLC_*
      del title.wad
      del 000.bin
      You can also use RB3Wiipacktool to autogenerate the packdlc.bat
      If you are merging songs, check that you put the correct path of the meta and song folder and the songs.txt of the meta folder, e.g. dlc/sZFE/001/content/songs/aotdrock/aotdrock.
      Drag the meta/song folders of the songs to merge into the source folder, i guess you already know how to do that.
      Hope you can get rid of the preoblems you are encountering, or at least have an idea how the problem could be…



        Make sure u put the correct ID of your wii in the ng_id.txt, and the common-key (without any file extension)

        This has always been fine with the last 120 Bins I’ve made.




        What kind of problem are you encountering with the songs that “doesn’t work”? Doesn’t the game load them? Or they freeze the console when previewing them?

        It freezes at the kaleidoscope.




        Make sure that you are writting the folders paths and everything else correctly, like this example:

        @echo off
        u8it 001_00000001_aotdrock_meta 00000001.app -pack
        u8it 002_00000002_aotdrock_song 00000002.app -pack
        wadpacker 1 2
        del RB2_DLC_*
        del title.wad
        del 000.bin



        everything is fine in the packdlc.bat file but, I have never included the lines under the “wadpacker 1 2”. First time Ive seen I need the: “del RB2_DLC_*, del title.wad and del 000.bin. Are those necessary for some reason? I’ve made all my other bins fine without those lines.




        If you are merging songs, check that you put the correct path of the meta and song folder and the songs.txt of the meta folder, e.g. dlc/sZFE/001/content/songs/aotdrock/aotdrock.


        I always check the songs.dta file to make sure they merged correctly into the correct folder so I’m good in that regards.


        I will try to reinstall the packer but I’m curious about the extra lines in the packdlc.bat file. Again, this has only recently started happening since I began converting CON files to wii files so I am guessing it has something to do with the conversion process which I am doing wrong.



          I will try to reinstall the packer but I’m curious about the extra lines in the packdlc.bat file. Again, this has only recently started happening since I began converting CON files to wii files so I am guessing it has something to do with the conversion process which I am doing wrong.

          I dont remember, Stacks knows the answer, ask him and wait for response.

          Make a bin files of any custom that worked fine on your wii before u encountered the issues, and test on your wii to see if it works.

          I’ve converted most of the c3 and individual customs, and works fine. When converting from CON too Wii, make sure that contents on meta and song folder are there (songs.dta, preview, midi, mogg, etc) If your game freezes when previewing a song, its because the preview file is above 250kb, reduce the lenght or export it as a 249kb or less(reduce quality), i had to create preview of some customs, and my game froze because of the previews being 252kb – 300kb, also make it stereo, 22050hz.

          U can also show the log of the wii converter program, just right click on the log box, save the txt and paste here.


            Make a bin files of any custom that worked fine on your wii before u encountered the issues, and test on your wii to see if it works.

            Good idea. I’ll try that maybe today.



            When converting from CON too Wii, make sure that contents on meta and song folder are there (songs.dta, preview, midi, mogg, etc

            I noticed that no preview file is ever created for any song I have converted from con to will.



            also make it stereo, 22050hz.

            Not sure how to do this.



            U can also show the log of the wii converter program, just right click on the log box, save the txt and paste here.

            I will do this ASAP.


            Thanks again.


            I have not run into the freeze problem yet, but I have only converted ~50 songs and to be honest I have not even attempted to play them all, I just spot check after I load a dozen, so I am probably not going to be much help.


            Good suggestion to try to reconvert something you have already tested, that will make sure you don’t have corruption in the tools/files.


            I do have some of my own unrelated questions that I am not able to find answers for.


            First in regard to Harmony Project, it looks like all upgrade info will go into sZAE, starting at 001 and 003, is it correct to say that logically I would move to 005 and 007 once 001/003 are full? Also, can I use the “.mogg” from the RB1 disc for the RB1 upgrades?


            Second, since I want to understand what I am doing a little better, I have been attempting to reverse engineer and I am able to extract the “tmd” and “.app” from the “.bin”, but is anyone aware of a tool which will extract from the “.app”?


              About previews, use audacity, open an any example _prev.mogg and open it, open in the same window the mogg of the complete song (in the song folder), reduce it to 30 seconds (or less if you want) finally delete the sound of the example song, and merge with the song you have.

              Use showmiiwads, Unpack U8archive to unpack .app files.


              It will fail building a song cache if the DTA has certain errors. Take out songs until you can identify the problem files.



              Spoke too soon… Once it finished reimporting my songs (since I had reset the cache), it freezes Rock Band right when it starts to build the song list to select from. I restarted and tried again three times, and it locks in the same spot each time.


              I am still having this problem. I deleted a bunch of songs from the SD, but it still freezes when it goes to build the song list… I was going to give up and redo everything in Dolphin, until I saw that you can’t use a mic with that.


                This can just be a fluke because it has happened before. Try erasing the cache (or just the song in the cache if you don’t want to wait a lot). Or you can try a different folder. Also verify the path info is correct. Common mistakes are incorrect hexadecimal/decimal values.


                According to the game, it’s checking for DLC and “UGC”. That might mean RBN1. Since there were never any title updates, I assume this means it’s checking if the game origin is set to “rb2” and “ugc” is set to 1 in the DTA. Perhaps title updates updated this achievement to include RBN2 songs? Also, apparently the number was lowered to 750 from 1000 for the Wii version specifically.



                RB2 exports properly. By having a save file on your system for the game, you are eligible to download them from the DLC store. Do that instead.



                Also, new Green Screen code for people who record autoplay videos and stuff. See if it doesn’t break anything.

                $Green Screen Mode
                049e594c 5000ff00
                042283b0 2c030001

                Does it work well enough?

                Hi stacks, thank you for your instructions,
                I searched here and there and I think I understood the problem. I think the problem is, although we have room for lots of customs with the 3000 limit cheat, the limit of scores that the game can save is 1000 or less, because when I look to the number of scores I have it is 920,935 and nothing more. Any song I play after that limit is reached saves no score, or saves score and deletes the previous song played. Even playing a setlist. This weeked I’ve been able to upload my savegame, please look into it when you have the time and if you can off course.
                Thank you very much .




                  Stack, still no help for me?

                  Did you not see my last reply?



                  You had a question about what the last lines in the batch file do. Those erase the auto-generated wad files you don’t need. Previously, a lot of people were confused about those files being made and the answer was always to ignore or delete them.


                  First in regard to Harmony Project, it looks like all upgrade info will go into sZAE, starting at 001 and 003, is it correct to say that logically I would move to 005 and 007 once 001/003 are full? Also, can I use the “.mogg” from the RB1 disc for the RB1 upgrades?


                  Second, since I want to understand what I am doing a little better, I have been attempting to reverse engineer and I am able to extract the “tmd” and “.app” from the “.bin”, but is anyone aware of a tool which will extract from the “.app”?

                  For RBHP, sZAE/001 is preferred because the game reads those first, helping set the updated DTA data. You can move ahead into 005 and 007 when they’re full, but since you probably shouldn’t have the actual DLC those slots refer to, you could use 001,002,003, etc. The downside is if you do intend to play a song that is being overwritten this way, you’ll have to repack it somewhere else with the updated info.


                  About previews, use audacity, open an any example _prev.mogg and open it, open in the same window the mogg of the complete song (in the song folder), reduce it to 30 seconds (or less if you want) finally delete the sound of the example song, and merge with the song you have.

                  Use showmiiwads, Unpack U8archive to unpack .app files.

                  But when would you ever have to manually make your own previews? I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s not worth the effort.



                  I am still having this problem. I deleted a bunch of songs from the SD, but it still freezes when it goes to build the song list… I was going to give up and redo everything in Dolphin, until I saw that you can’t use a mic with that.

                  It’s freezing as songs are loading? Otherwise, if bad data is cached, the game will always freeze at the setlist screen.



                  Hi stacks, thank you for your instructions,
                  I searched here and there and I think I understood the problem. I think the problem is, although we have room for lots of customs with the 3000 limit cheat, the limit of scores that the game can save is 1000 or less, because when I look to the number of scores I have it is 920,935 and nothing more. Any song I play after that limit is reached saves no score, or saves score and deletes the previous song played. Even playing a setlist. This weeked I’ve been able to upload my savegame, please look into it when you have the time and if you can off course.
                  Thank you very much .

                  Thanks. I’ll look into this.


                    Yes, and I replied to that but, never received a reply back.


                      About previews, use audacity, open an any example _prev.mogg and open it, open in the same window the mogg of the complete song (in the song folder), reduce it to 30 seconds (or less if you want) finally delete the sound of the example song, and merge with the song you have.

                      Use showmiiwads, Unpack U8archive to unpack .app files.


                      Hmm.. I always delete the preview of songs because it was my understanding that each BIN file has a limit of about 400kb total for preview files. Maybe I am wrong.


                      Anyways, I removed all of the problem songs (the ones that don’t work) and redid the BIN files with the songs that do work and they all work fine. I made a separate BIN file with all the songs that don’t work but, I can’t test it now because while trying to reset my cache, the game freezes when it reaches loading content 87 of 163. So, now I can’t even play the game because of this new issue. Any suggestions?


                        Yes, and I replied to that but, never received a reply back.

                        Oh, now I see it. Version 2 is super outdated. Get the most recent version and it should solve your problem.



                        Hmm.. I always delete the preview of songs because it was my understanding that each BIN file has a limit of about 400kb total for preview files. Maybe I am wrong.


                        Anyways, I removed all of the problem songs (the ones that don’t work) and redid the BIN files with the songs that do work and they all work fine. I made a separate BIN file with all the songs that don’t work but, I can’t test it now because while trying to reset my cache, the game freezes when it reaches loading content 87 of 163. So, now I can’t even play the game because of this new issue. Any suggestions?

                        Find out what’s wrong with 87. Must be something in the DTA.


                        It’s freezing as songs are loading? Otherwise, if bad data is cached, the game will always freeze at the setlist.

                        Yes. So do I need to then delete the cache after I delete the songs, and add them back one by one? It takes forever to rebuild, once you delete the cache…


                          I finally resolved all my issues. I took the advice and put all the songs that didn’t work into 1 BIN. I used the newer version of C3 to convert the CON files and merge (this may or may not have been the issue — probably was). The original songs (that worked), I redid with the newer C3 anyways but, it was actually one of the newer BINS (not #87 as suggested) causing the freeze-up when refreshing my cache. I loaded them 10 at a time to pinpoint it. I’m not sure what that problem was but, I redid the BIN file anyways and it worked fine. So, thanks for the help to those who helped me!


                            Yes. So do I need to then delete the cache after I delete the songs, and add them back one by one? It takes forever to rebuild, once you delete the cache…

                            Delete the cache, then delete the songs, then load them in 10 at a time. Try to pinpoint the problem file.

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