[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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  • #465654


      I know I’m late to the party, but I authored the two All Time Low songs. What is the problem that they can’t be converted to Wii, and is there a way for me to compile the songs so it can be played on the Wii?


      And also, have you played any of my other converts? Are they good or are you getting the same results?

      It’s a full multitrack from Guitar Hero. Magma has a Wii mode that defaults the OGG quality to 03 which helps. It also enforces stereo drums in that mode, which really help. But compiling a separate Wii version is better because then you don’t have to compromise for Xbox players. You want to target 41000Hz, stereo drums, mono bass, max 9 tracks, and mogg under 40MB to create a compatible Wii version.


        Awesome. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll do that to all of my converts so there won’t be an issue. Is this also a problem for multi track songs? I have an AWOLNATION song I authored but I don’t know if that causes issues for the Wii. Should I just be proactive and follow the same guidelines for converts?


        Hey TomGuy, thanks for posting here! I have played Bulletproof Heart, Hurricane, The Hell Song, Cute Without The “E”, and For You and Your Denial without issue. I attempted to fix the audio for you, but failed. Super stoked that you’re helping out with this! Thanks a bunch! :-)


          Awesome. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll do that to all of my converts so there won’t be an issue. Is this also a problem for multi track songs? I have an AWOLNATION song I authored but I don’t know if that causes issues for the Wii. Should I just be proactive and follow the same guidelines for converts?

          Would only be for multitrack songs that don’t meet those requirements I posted. Standard audio customs shouldn’t have this issue. Unless it’s a really extreme example like that 30 minute song that was released through C3.


            Hey TomGuy, thanks for posting here! I have played Bulletproof Heart, Hurricane, The Hell Song, Cute Without The “E”, and For You and Your Denial without issue. I attempted to fix the audio for you, but failed. Super stoked that you’re helping out with this! Thanks a bunch! :-)


            It’s no problem! I had no idea that would even be an issue. I was randomly checking comments for my songs and came across your comments so I wanted to see how to fix it. Thanks for bringing this up!


            Thanks for your guide! It was difficult, but I eventually made it through all problems.

            I’ve got three questions:

            1. Is it normal that my Wii is more likely to crash if I got more songs on it (900+ in my case)? iIt happened to me pretty often in the last few days.

            2. When I delete songs from the SD card, how do I manage to get them off my in-game track list?

            3. I’ve downloaded Careless Whisper by George Michael but it doesn’t show up in game. But: You can see it is in the game because the game displays “100 of 101 Songs shown” (as an example). So no matter which filter I put on, I can’t get the game to show the song.


            EDIT: Alright, I’ve got another question, and it’s really important:

            Can the Pack Tool only pack songs that have been given a number up to 500 (as in 500_xxxxxxxx)? I’ve now got songs up to 557, and it just stops at number 500. How can I get the Pack Tool to pack my other songs?


            Alright, so I’m new to this forum, and I’ve followed this guide on compiling RB3 customs for Wii. I have made my own custom and downloaded another custom from the database here to use on my Wii, compiled them with the RB3 Wii Pack Tool, and put the BIN files from both songs in the ZFE folder on my SD card. I cleared the cache on my Wii (the MSTORE.vff) and I loaded the game. Once I got to the main menu, the game went through loading all of the songs, and would load all of my official DLC fine, but when the game got to the custom songs, it would display an error that said that the custom songs are corrupted.


            Now, if I were to guess what the problem is, I have a feeling it’s how I actually compiled the songs, but I’m not entirely sure. If anyone here can help me get custom songs working, it would be greatly appreciated! And if you guys need more specifics to help me figure this out (compiler setup, song folder structures, etc.), let me know and I’ll post it here.


            Thanks in advance!


              Thanks for your guide! It was difficult, but I eventually made it through all problems.

              I’ve got three questions:

              1. Is it normal that my Wii is more likely to crash if I got more songs on it (900+ in my case)? iIt happened to me pretty often in the last few days.

              2. When I delete songs from the SD card, how do I manage to get them off my in-game track list?

              3. I’ve downloaded Careless Whisper by George Michael but it doesn’t show up in game. But: You can see it is in the game because the game displays “100 of 101 Songs shown” (as an example). So no matter which filter I put on, I can’t get the game to show the song.


              EDIT: Alright, I’ve got another question, and it’s really important:

              Can the Pack Tool only pack songs that have been given a number up to 500 (as in 500_xxxxxxxx)? I’ve now got songs up to 557, and it just stops at number 500. How can I get the Pack Tool to pack my other songs?

              Wii has a limit of 1000 songs, without the cheat to expand it to 3000. You might be hitting your limit.

              When you delete songs from the SD card, you’d have to reset your cache to get them removed from your in-game track list. That’s quite tedious, so erasing is something that should be done infrequently to save you time.

              I’ve had a few cases where a song adds to the counter but is invisible. But normally this would have to do with reaching or exceeding the song limit. Try erasing the cache or loading the song in a separate file.


              All content generations I’ve prepared stop at 500. When you reach that, you can choose to use sZGE or sZHE, which are mentioned in the guide, and should get you another 500 slots to go. But also, you should be packing more than one custom into the same file if you can. It saves you room and from having to manage several content generations.


              Alright, so I’m new to this forum, and I’ve followed this guide on compiling RB3 customs for Wii. I have made my own custom and downloaded another custom from the database here to use on my Wii, compiled them with the RB3 Wii Pack Tool, and put the BIN files from both songs in the ZFE folder on my SD card. I cleared the cache on my Wii (the MSTORE.vff) and I loaded the game. Once I got to the main menu, the game went through loading all of the songs, and would load all of my official DLC fine, but when the game got to the custom songs, it would display an error that said that the custom songs are corrupted.


              Now, if I were to guess what the problem is, I have a feeling it’s how I actually compiled the songs, but I’m not entirely sure. If anyone here can help me get custom songs working, it would be greatly appreciated! And if you guys need more specifics to help me figure this out (compiler setup, song folder structures, etc.), let me know and I’ll post it here.


              Thanks in advance!

              Do your files match the sample custom included? The Wii Converter in C3 CON Tools converts customs to the Wii format that’s expected.

              But, since that error is also vague, it could mean that your system isn’t set up for taking customs yet. You have to install the WAD for the generation you’re packing to. So that’s sZFE.wad for sZFE, sZGE.wad for sZGE, etc.


              Wii has a limit of 1000 songs, without the cheat to expand it to 3000. You might be hitting your limit.

              When you delete songs from the SD card, you’d have to reset your cache to get them removed from your in-game track list. That’s quite tedious, so erasing is something that should be done infrequently to save you time.

              I’ve had a few cases where a song adds to the counter but is invisible. But normally this would have to do with reaching or exceeding the song limit. Try erasing the cache or loading the song in a separate file.


              All content generations I’ve prepared stop at 500. When you reach that, you can choose to use sZGE or sZHE, which are mentioned in the guide, and should get you another 500 slots to go. But also, you should be packing more than one custom into the same file if you can. It saves you room and from having to manage several content generations.

              Well, how exactly do I add cheats? I didn’t really find a proper explanation and I don’t want anything to go wrong.

              Do your files match the sample custom included? The Wii Converter in C3 CON Tools converts customs to the Wii format that’s expected.

              But, since that error is also vague, it could mean that your system isn’t set up for taking customs yet. You have to install the WAD for the generation you’re packing to. So that’s sZFE.wad for sZFE, sZGE.wad for sZGE, etc.


              Yes, I based the custom I tried to make entirely off of the format of the sample song. The other song I tested with was structured like the sample as well.


              I went ahead and installed sZGE.wad (couldn’t find sZFE). It gave an error when I installed it, but you said in the guide to expect one. I also edited the song dta accordingly so it would have sZGE instead of sZFE in the path. I used the sZGE compiler, put the bin files in the sZGE folder, deleted mstore yet again, and now when I boot up the game and it reaches the custom song, It says that the “custom addon content cannot be restored to the Wii system memory.”


              Any help with this now?


                Well, how exactly do I add cheats? I didn’t really find a proper explanation and I don’t want anything to go wrong.

                You’ll have to find a guide for your USB loader on loading cheats. The process may differ, but expect to load in a text file with the cheats you want inside it and some particular formatting.



                Yes, I based the custom I tried to make entirely off of the format of the sample song. The other song I tested with was structured like the sample as well.


                I went ahead and installed sZGE.wad (couldn’t find sZFE). It gave an error when I installed it, but you said in the guide to expect one. I also edited the song dta accordingly so it would have sZGE instead of sZFE in the path. I used the sZGE compiler, put the bin files in the sZGE folder, deleted mstore yet again, and now when I boot up the game and it reaches the custom song, It says that the “custom addon content cannot be restored to the Wii system memory.”


                Any help with this now?

                At this point, it could be a couple things. Are you certain your packing folder is correct? This means having your console ID and common key in the folder in the correct format. Test for it with this.

                If there’s still a problem, run the syscheck Wii homebrew app and post the report here.


                I’ve got a problem with installing sZGP (I have a PAL Wii) now:
                I’m using Yet Another Wad Manager to install the necessary .wad, but everytime i click on that folder in the Manager my Wii just crashes, it say “Exception (DSI) occured!” (and then tons of numbers and letters).

                What should I do? Or am I even installing the right thing? I’ve just taken the .wad that was there along with the ZGP-Packer, do I need something else? Or should I try a different .wad installer?


                Plus, I’ve got simething that’s worse:

                I’ve got the cheats on (Fast Startup, Song Limit, Unblock Songs), Fast Startup works, but as soon as I get on the title screen, the game crashes, even if I don’t insert an SD card.


                  There are videos on YouTube on installing WADs. Use the app suggested there and follow along.


                  Can you get to the title screen without any cheats just fine? Have you tried disabling just that cheat? Since you’re on PAL, make sure any instance of SZBE is changed to SZBP in the cheat file. I inspected most of the cheats on the PAL versions and they should be identical.


                  At this point, it could be a couple things. Are you certain your packing folder is correct? This means having your console ID and common key in the folder in the correct format. Test for it with this.

                  If there’s still a problem, run the syscheck Wii homebrew app and post the report here.


                  I tried the Manager, and it said that the ID and key (and everything else) was fine.


                  I did do a SysCheck just now, and this is the log from it:

                  SysCheck HDE v2.4.0 HacksDen Edition by JoostinOnline, Double_A, R2-D2199, and Nano

                  …runs on IOS58 (rev 6176).


                  Region: NTSC-U

                  System Menu 4.3U (v513)


                  Drive date: 07.14.2008

                  Homebrew Channel 1.1.0 running on IOS58


                  Hollywood v0x21

                  Console ID: 91715414

                  Console Type: Wii

                  Shop Channel Country: United States (49)

                  Boot2 v4

                  Found 105 titles.

                  Found 49 IOS on this console. 17 of them are stubs.


                  IOS3 (rev 65280): Stub

                  IOS4 (rev 65280): Stub

                  IOS9 (rev 1034): No Patches

                  IOS10 (rev 768): Stub

                  IOS11 (rev 256): Stub

                  IOS12 (rev 526): No Patches

                  IOS13 (rev 1032): No Patches

                  IOS14 (rev 1032): No Patches

                  IOS15 (rev 1032): No Patches

                  IOS16 (rev 512): Stub

                  IOS17 (rev 1032): No Patches

                  IOS20 (rev 256): Stub

                  IOS21 (rev 1039): No Patches

                  IOS22 (rev 1294): No Patches

                  IOS28 (rev 1807): No Patches

                  IOS30 (rev 2816): Stub

                  IOS31 (rev 3608): No Patches

                  IOS33 (rev 3608): No Patches

                  IOS34 (rev 3608): No Patches

                  IOS35 (rev 3608): No Patches

                  IOS36 (rev 3608): No Patches

                  IOS37 (rev 5662): No Patches

                  IOS38 (rev 4124): No Patches

                  IOS40 (rev 3072): Stub

                  IOS41 (rev 3607): No Patches

                  IOS43 (rev 3607): No Patches

                  IOS45 (rev 3607): No Patches

                  IOS46 (rev 3607): No Patches

                  IOS48 (rev 4124): No Patches

                  IOS50 (rev 5120): Stub

                  IOS51 (rev 4864): Stub

                  IOS52 (rev 5888): Stub

                  IOS53 (rev 5663): No Patches

                  IOS55 (rev 5663): No Patches

                  IOS56 (rev 5662): No Patches

                  IOS57 (rev 5919): No Patches

                  IOS58 (rev 6176): USB 2.0

                  IOS60 (rev 6400): Stub

                  IOS61 (rev 5662): No Patches

                  IOS62 (rev 6430): No Patches

                  IOS70 (rev 6912): Stub

                  IOS80 (rev 6944): No Patches

                  IOS222 (rev 65280): Stub

                  IOS223 (rev 65280): Stub

                  IOS224[37] (rev 65535, Info: hermes-v5.1): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0

                  IOS236[36] (rev 65535, Info: rev 3351): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access

                  IOS249 (rev 65280): Stub

                  IOS250 (rev 65280): Stub

                  IOS254 (rev 65281): BootMii

                  BC v6

                  MIOS v10

                  Report generated on 03/31/2016.




                  I created a .txt file for the cheats myself. Is that wrong? I named it “SZBP69” with this in it:

                  I suspect that one problem could be that while cheat 2 and 3 have their names displayed in the loader, the first one doesn’t (just the first numbers/letters of the cheat).


                  $Max Songs Limit is 3000
                  208FBEDC 000003E8
                  048FBEDC 00000BB8
                  E0000000 00000000

                  $Fast Startup
                  20B39ED0 80805847
                  04B39ED4 00000000
                  E0000000 00000000
                  20B39EE0 80805868
                  04B39EE0 80805847
                  04B39EE4 00000000
                  E0000000 00000000
                  20B39EF0 808058D9
                  04B39EF0 80805847
                  04B39EF4 00000000
                  E0000000 00000000
                  20B39F00 92FECD00
                  04B39F04 00000000
                  E0000000 00000000

                  $Unblock Licensing-Conflicted Songs
                  047F0590 FFFFFFFF
                  047F0594 FFFFFFFF
                  047F0598 FFFFFFFF
                  047F059C FFFFFFFF
                  047F05A0 FFFFFFFF
                  047F05A4 FFFFFFFF
                  047F05A8 FFFFFFFF
                  047F05AC FFFFFFFF
                  *Enables the following songs if you have them:”Black Hole Sun”, “Dani California”, “Hier Kommt Alex”, “Rock ‘n’ Roll Star”


                  The problem is: I need the first cheat to work. If I start without cheats, the game crashes when I enter the song select screen because I have so many songs (the new generation worked), with cheats it already crashes in the main menu.


                  Cheats off, no SD card: Game works

                  Cheats on, no SD card: Game crashes (Main Menu)

                  Cheats off, with SD card: Game crashes (Song Select screen)

                  Cheats on, with SD card: Game crashes (Main Menu)

                  (Cheats on/off goes for ALL cheats, no matter which ones I activate e.g. just 2&3 or just 1)



                  Oh, and if the whole thing has anything to do with the WAD I installed for the sZGP generation, you maybe should know that I installed it with IOS 236 because 249 kept disconnecting my Wiimote. I start Rock Band with IOS 248.

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