[How-To] Playing Customs on Wii

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      Turns out it wasn’t the size that caused the non-creation of the BIN files. Something got corrupt in the packer folder. I reinstalled it and it made the BIN files. Of course, I have a new issues now. Some new songs I made aren’t showing up and some of my old songs aren’t either even after I refreshed the cache so something is wrong somewhere and I gotta figure it out.

      Weird. I need to check my files over again to see if anything has changed that I overlooked.

      Any progress on this? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

        Turns out it wasn’t the size that caused the non-creation of the BIN files. Something got corrupt in the packer folder. I reinstalled it and it made the BIN files. Of course, I have a new issues now. Some new songs I made aren’t showing up and some of my old songs aren’t either even after I refreshed the cache so something is wrong somewhere and I gotta figure it out.

        This may be the start of some very complicated errors. But of course, it can be caused by a number of things. First, are you sure you’re refreshing the cache with a blank one? If you’re accidentally reloading with a used cache, it won’t read the same song again. Similarly, if a song appears twice in a DTA, it won’t get read at all, so make sure all the songs.dta files reference all the correct songs. You are aware of file size limits, but watch for those too. Make sure you’re not overwriting app files by having folders pack to the same number as another folder. Make sure your packdlc.bat is referencing correct folder names.

        Weird. I need to check my files over again to see if anything has changed that I overlooked.

        Any progress on this? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

        I don’t know what it could be. It became more difficult to manage virtual NANDs on Dolphin past version 4.0, so I can’t exactly pull apart my working files to see what made it work, and yet I also can’t just as simply start from scratch to see what the minimum requirements are. What I found, though, was that my SYSCONF file is slightly different from the one available now, so I guess you could try that and see how it goes.



        Otherwise, start putting .app files at SysWiititle0010005735a4145content with its correct TMD file. The loading bar appearing at all should be dependent on the ticket file.


          Boy you weren’t kidding. I checked everything you suggested. One error I found was that the Daft Punk song was still in the song folder of the slot I had other songs in (which were missing) and I also had the Daft punk song in a new slot I made. The other error I found was that the packdlc.bat file was referencing an incorrect folder in 1 new slot I made for a different song.


          Now, I have numbered all of my slots/folders (both meta and song) rather than use song names. For example, 068_00000044_Slot8_meta and within the folder I have a few songs (usually 3 or 4). This made it easier to identify my problems. My problems were in slot 8, slot 12, slot 15 and slot 16.


          Having said that, I went through everything (song DTAs, prev-mogg files, correct sizes, proper packerdlc.bat file, duplicate songs), redid all the files and got all new BIN files, refreshed the cache using the method in the tutorial and I am still getting the same exact problems in the same exact slots! I am missing the songs in those slots, 8, 12, 15 and 16.


          Something has gone amiss somewhere and i’m not able to pinpoint it. Your suggestions?


            Hmm, send me just the songs.dta file from the problem slots. They should certainly be showing up.


              Sure, but, how exactly do I send them to you?


                Just upload that dta file somewhere or just paste its contents into a pastebin submission.


                  http://pastebin.com/PFKxpHdm Slot 8

                  http://pastebin.com/1vTtzgED Slot 12

                  http://pastebin.com/1cYmcDGr Slot 15

                  http://pastebin.com/NZwHHgVy Slot 16


                  There you go Stack. I hope you can see something wrong in those DTA files.


                  Thank you.


                    Well, I don’t know what to say. If you were saying these wouldn’t show up at all, I got all 9 songs to show up in-game. It means the problem isn’t in the DTA but could be in the slots you picked. I could say there’s a problem with the ticket file or TMD. Make sure these are the same files from the download link in the first post.


                    Hi, first of all Im new. Im following the guide to play custom songs on my wii. I cant seem to find the console number to enter in the ng_id.txt file. I dont have the nand backup files and cant find any reference to location 0x08 as per the guide. any help greatly appreciated.


                      You should create a nand backup on an SD card. Then you’ll have your key file for sure.


                        Stack, after retracing all my steps I pinpointed that my problem was my ng_id.txt file. I had reinstalled my packer folder (can’t remember why now) and I never entered the console ID. All of my songs are back now including the new ones.


                        Thank you for your help!!!


                        To think in a few months I’m going to have to do all this for the 360. :wth:


                          Major milestone, sort of. All songs, with the exception of the April 19th GHtoRB3 and Beatles stuff, is now available for Wii. That’s over 500 songs to choose from. A lot of them should also have fully working venues, too. Just a few dozen more to go.


                          Excellent! Many thanks for all your hard work.


                            Sad news, guys. On May 20, 2014, Nintendo Wi-Fi will end, marking an end to this game’s online features. I know I said playing customs online should be possible, but that certainly won’t be the case in May. No more leaderboards, no more store, no more online play. Get your fill now while you still can. And may C3 continue to deliver DLC well beyond the game’s life.


                            I think perhaps applying RBHP upgrades may take the biggest hit here. I’ll still be around to assist in that, so PM if there’s something you need.

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