How to get a proper song.ini

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  • #395818

    Hey. I recently researched how to make Clone Hero songs and watch some tutorials about Moonscraper.


    I have a song that I have done 25% of but I wanted to test how it played in Clone Hero so I exported it and put all the files I thought I would need in the folder, dragged and dropped it into Clone Hero but it didn’t show up.


    So, I compared the files of a C3 custom song I had downloaded and converted using the tool and discorvered my song.ini file had WAY less information in and the information it had the same was in a different order. So I spliced together the missing parts and loaded up Clone Hero and it worked.


    I want to know how to get these full song.ini’s. Maybe I need to use the C3CONToolsv398 to convert it to something once I’ve exported it from Moonscraper?


    TL;DR How do I get proper Song.ini files from Moonscraper or C3CONTools to play on Clone Hero?


    Thanks for reading.




    Edit: I will put pictures of the song.ini I get from exporting in Moonscraper


    Moonscraper generated Song.ini:



    Spliced Song.ini I made using a file I downloaded from the database (that’s why it has mentions to C3):


    Raphael Goulart

      You just get another song.ini file and edit it to insert the data for your song. As far as I know, there isn’t any relevant difference between Phase Shift’s song.ini and CH’s song.ini.

      Also, if you’re using a .chart file, you can just not have a song.ini file (reminder that your .chart file must be named notes.chart). However, your song will have less metadata (no album name, for instance, if I recall correctly). So a song.ini file is better in that regard, but not essential.

      That said, apparently Moonscraper already generates a song.ini for you (judging from the Moonscraper generated Song.ini” screenshot). If it does generate it, then you shouldn’t really worry.

      Also, a brief reminder that (at least for now), this is a forum about Rock Band 3 customs, not Clone Hero. I don’t know if you’re breaking any rules (a bit too lazy to double-check, and I’ll be honest, I don’t really care), this is just a heads up. Clone Hero has a Discord server full of people willing to assist you (probably? maybe), so join that if you wish (the link to join it is in the game’s main menu, iirc).


      Edit: I misunderstood your issue, sorry. Moonscraper’s autogenerated song.ini was supposed to work (CH requires way less data than PS), idk why it didn’t. But the only solution I can come up with is what you did; fix it yourself, using a working song.ini file as base. AFAIK there isn’t a song.ini generator (C3CON Tools converts rb3con files; it won’t work on .charts and isn’t a song.ini generator itself). I know there’s one for Frets on Fire – a quick Google search will lead you to that – but that’s probably outdated, so I wouldn’t recommend it. If you want something to generate song.ini files, I would suggest looking for a Phase Shift-specific song.ini generator.

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