How to figure out what customs don’t work?

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      So I just downloaded about 40 newer customs from here and i’m having a hell of a time getting them to work as multiple ones seem to be corrupted or something, I added them all at once and and when it gets to the point of loading the new songs my game freezes. So i’ve been trying to eliminate songs that might not be working I’m at the point where I’m having to delete 1 song at a time and this process takes forever. It takes 10 to 15 minutes to load my songs in game. Is there any easier way of finding out what customs are broken and is there a way to fix them? I also tried deleting all the new songs I added and loaded my game and everything worked perfectly fine.


      Also this hasn’t happened to me in a long time, usually i’ll add like 150 customs at a time with no issues and now this is happening.


      Try half, if that half doesn’t work you know it’s in that half, then try half of that half and repeat process.


        Try half, if that half doesn’t work you know it’s in that half, then try half of that half and repeat process.



          Ok I’m having issues and I don’t now why. Still trying to get songs to work from my original post, so far almost every custom i’ve downloaded recently don’t work, game freezes while adding the final songs. I’ve been adding 5 at a time and removing 1 after every freeze. Could it be a downloading error on my part thats corrupting these customs? I really doubt there’s a whole bunch of corrupted files that have been uploaded to the community. I just a few minutes ago downloaded Word Up! by Cameo and tried it and it doesn’t work either. Would it be because i have almost 2,900 songs? I know 3000 is the limit does it just start glitching out when you get close to 3000? So far I’ve only been able to get 6 out of like 25 songs tested to work, can someone please help me.


          2950-ish is the actual limit. Game should not be glitching approaching the limit unless you are using a Wii (and overiding the 1000 song limit).


          You could try using the tools to parse the CON files that you find are problematic (or even use the various tools that reads into these CON files such as c3Player (Maybe I have the name wrong but it should be pretty close), these tools should be in the general discussion section of the forums.


            2950-ish is the actual limit. Game should not be glitching approaching the limit unless you are using a Wii (and overiding the 1000 song limit).


            You could try using the tools to parse the CON files that you find are problematic (or even use the various tools that reads into these CON files such as c3Player (Maybe I have the name wrong but it should be pretty close), these tools should be in the general discussion section of the forums.

            Thanks for replying. I’m on xbox 360 if the limit is around 2950 then that could actually be the problem I might be going over that limit, I dunno, I just deleted 30 songs from my library and added another 5 songs to see what happens.


            I don’t know how to do anything besides adding songs to my game, what does parsing mean?


            When you get to the limit you will have a popup saying so and it will ignore songs after the limit, there should be no issues other than that. I know that most xbox users do not refresh their cache often, and it may be part of the issue so I’d suggest to create a clean cache.

            Parsing means looking through the CON file (much like opening a rar file). I suggest to get familiar with C3 CON Tools and possibly other tools in the General Discussion section of the forums.


              When you get to the limit you will have a popup saying so and it will ignore songs after the limit, there should be no issues other than that. I know that most xbox users do not refresh their cache often, and it may be part of the issue so I’d suggest to create a clean cache.


              Parsing means looking through the CON file (much like opening a rar file). I suggest to get familiar with C3 CON Tools and possibly other tools in the General Discussion section of the forums.

              Ah I see. How do I clean the cache, I don’t think I’ve ever cleaned the cache. Also does cleaning the cache delete anything?


              No, it will just delete your cache and create a brand new one, it takes a few minutes.

              As for the process on xbox you’ll have to ask an xbox user.


                No, it will just delete your cache and create a brand new one, it takes a few minutes.


                As for the process on xbox you’ll have to ask an xbox user.

                Welp clearing the cache did absolutely nothing, this is unbelievable. Just gets to where the red bar starts loading new songs, for whatever reason it loads 60 songs and always freezes on the last one, then the music is stuck in a loop and my 360 is frozen and I have to power it off to stop it.


                That is indeed a case of bad DTA file (file inside the CON file). You have no choice but finding the culprit(s).


                  That is indeed a case of bad DTA file (file inside the CON file). You have no choice but finding the culprit(s).

                  I just don’t get it, why would there be so many messed up DTA files? Literally seems like most of the songs I downloaded in the last few days are bad? I’m so confused and frustrated.


                  I couldn’t answer this question to be honest, I don’t think there are many bad files in the database.


                    I couldn’t answer this question to be honest, I don’t think there are many bad files in the database.

                    Yeah I know, I’ve never had this problem before, no idea why this would happen all of a sudden…..


                      Do you use RBHP or any other ‘dummy file’ upgrades? I have had issues in the past where deleting songs that were cached, seems to cause crashing as soon as you add any other song. Also had issues where the dummy file was loaded with too many songs pushing it over the ~2950 limit when it was generating the cache.


                      My general rule is to assume I have to regenerate it entirely if I want to delete anything, and not introduce any customs to the folder until the dummy removal to avoid the songlimit.


                      If you are not using dummy upgrades, my guess would be corrupt DTA files due to bad downloads, bad USB device, etc. I would also be suspicious of any songs from the *last* time you added files as well that you haven’t confirmed playable. A single bad file anywhere can always seem like it is the ‘last one’ that causes everything to freeze.

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