How should I create easy-hard difficulties when expert is already easy

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  • #397361

      Hi everyone,


      I’m a newbie at making customs, and I’m working on my first one. I created the expert guitar part by matching every note as close as possible, but it’s just a really easy song. If I follow the guitar authoring docs, the hard part ends up being exactly the same as the expert part, except for the rare pitch bend. (there are no 16th notes, no hard chords, no green-to-orange jumps, etc.) The rhythm of the song is almost all quarter notes.


      So what would you do in this situation? Should I make the hard part easier, or should I try and make the expert part harder?


      Sorry if this has been asked before, I did a quick search and didn’t see it.


        So what would you do in this situation? Should I make the hard part easier, or should I try and make the expert part harder?


        You should NEVER make a custom more difficult than necessary compared to the real song.


        The difficulty “rules” can be bent, but anyway they are more about setting a maximum than a minimum. If a rule tells you to use 2-notes chords at a certain difficulty, it means that a player should not expect to have to play 3-notes chords, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t use someone even easier (single notes) if more appropriate.


        Personally I expect a lower difficulty to be always easier, even if just a little bit. If the song is already extremely simple, just look around to remove at least a few notes in the hardest corners of the song. It should be possible in all but the truly simplest songs on earth.


        So in your case, IMHO simplifying those pitch bend could be enough to differentiate hard from expert.


          Thank you, that helps a lot.


            Yeah pretty much what he said. There are rare cases of really easy songs where lower difficulties are very similar, almost identical to expert. It’s OK. Never overchart just to make things more difficult – as said, what “Expert” really means is the most faithful and close to the original chart we can make. If the original is easy, expert will also be easy and that’s cool.

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