How many Official DLC do you have?

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  • #390626

    Reading blackheartstar’s thread I just wondered this question.C3 Authors always encourage us to buy official DLC from Harmonix and support the game we all know and love.So,How many official DLC do we have?

    I play on xbox 360,have a GoD version of the game in the HDD with the 2952+ limit surpassed(Exports from RB1,RB2,Lego,Green Day,AC/DC included),and then a 16 GB pendrive with 700+ songs of official DLC “discarded” from the Hard drive.I have all the DLC for The Beatles Rock Band as well,and every single Guitar hero DLC from GH2 to GH5 And no social life LOL.And then came the customs and they’ll keep me playing ’till the end of times… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_emot-3.gif” />


    I got about 1300+ songs including all exports and such… on PS3, on Xbox I only have the free songs <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


    A hair over 2200 songs. I want to say 2206, but that doesn’t count the stuff that didn’t export or is unplayable in RB3.


      I have all of the DLC/disc exports and, I believe, roughly 100 RBN songs.


      I use my PS3 for official releases and have 2,464 songs exactly on there including all Harmonix. Every once in a while when I get a stray PSN card or extra $5 bucks I chip away at the remianing RBN/RBN2 songs. Also have purchased about half the Pro upgrades though I’ll likely never learn to use them lol.


      The Xbox was bought 100% for Rock Band Customs so I own nothing on there.


        A lot of these guessing answers just lets me know you guys aren’t using Setlist Manager.

        I have exactly:

        1717 DLC songs

        725 custom songs (on game, thousands on PC)

        74 TBRB songs (which sort separate from customs in Setlist Manager)

        68 RBN1 songs

        43 RBN2 songs


        plus all the game exports of course.


        I feel ashamed to say that I only have about 100 songs of DLC in total. I’ve exported the previous games into RB3 but that is about it.


        I will probably add more over time as there are still many thousands of songs yet to get.

        Sid Kafizz

          I believe that I’m at 2463 total songs at the moment. Partly thanks to C3 rekindling my interest, I’ve started buying again and will eventually get every single legally obtainable track.


            I have about 800, or as that’s considered around here, a lightweight.


              I have all official released harmonix dlc and about 300 rbn


                I have 99% of all official DLC and exports, just missing a few packs released right at the end and about 70 RBN.


                Unfortunatly these were all PS3 so I bought an XBox for customs though ive cough acquired cough all official content!


                To my partners dismay I have now several guitars, drum kits and keyboards for both systems!


                I have 937 Dlc, All Exports plus all Guitar hero games and Singstar, and Power Gig plus most of Guitar hero Dlc and Signgstar DLC


                  Setlist manager is telling me 2153, including 1575 HMX DLC, 102 RBN1 and 476 RBN2. A few caveats; this is from a week old song cache and I bought five or six songs yesterday to get a few goals. Also, because my RBN buying accounts are spread out over hell and high water and my 360 died last year, a few of my RBN1 songs have either been deleted by my accord or are currently sitting on there as demos.


                  Still, according to DLCQP, I’m less than 200 songs out from owning every piece of HMX DLC.


                  What are we really getting at here? The sum of it? Legit?


                  Legal/Illegal. 4000+. Zero




                  ps…coming from the guy who provides the GH conversions(sourced files). xD

                    I have about 800, or as that’s considered around here, a lightweight.


                    Same here. With all exports, including Rock Band Blitz minus the Beatles Rock Band DLC I bought, the total is currently 805. No RBN songs unfortunately, since the platform isn’t supported here in the Netherlands.

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