How do I play the songs on PC

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    I’m sure this has been asked but I cant find a response or anything so if I could get help from anyone that would be great <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      To play customs on PC you need to download Phase Shift.


        To play customs on PC you need to download Phase Shift.

        I believe the OP could also pledge $1.5M to HMX to help make Rock Band 4 to be playable on the PC.


        Or he could buy the wii version of RB3 and play on Dolphin. I mean there are a few solutions here… XD


          He said “play the songs” right? That could mean using Visualizer or cPlayer to play their audio. Or using Keytar Rokker or Rok Drummer to play along to them.

          Lots of choices!


            Phase Shift, Or Dolphin. There’s a way but it’s alot of work. I suggest phase shift, you can convert the songs to phase shift with C3 tools.


              He said “play the songs” right? That could mean using Visualizer or cPlayer to play their audio. Or using Keytar Rokker or Rok Drummer to play along to them.

              Lots of choices!

              I use CPlayer at least once a week.



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