How do I make the band jump?


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  • #396353

    Hey I’m working on adding lighting mannually adding lighting and such to my Venue and I’m not sure if i missed reading it in the docs or in the tutorial.pdf but how do I make the band jump? I’ve seen other customs where some people have the band jump all together at a certain part how can I do that?


      • [directed_all]

      Random cuts, one of those is a jump:

      Example 1 (1:33 in the first chorus) :

      Example 2 (1:57 in the first chorus):


      • [directed_all_yeah]

      2 cuts:

      -Small and Medium Venue, the main vocal point out the sky

      -Big Venue, everyone do something in slow motion, G jumps.

      Example 1 (3:28 in Small/Medium venue) :

      Example 2 (3:20 in Big venue) :



      Thank you

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