How can I add a keyboard/rhythm guitar upgrade to a custom with no multitracks?

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  • #397499
    dr waffles

      so there’s lots of customs that I would love to add rhythm guitar to, however as I’m well aware, you can’t add a keys track without attaching an audio channel to it. But because of the nature of a custom having all the audio in the backing track, I realize that attaching a rhythm/keys upgrade to the backing audio of a custom song would mean that If that one player were to miss a note, the ENTIRE song would be muted. I thought about attaching the keys track to the audio channels of one of the other instruments, so for example, if guitar had audio tracks (5 6), i could just copy that to the keys, but I assume that would likely make the game crash. another idea i had is to take away one of the audio tracks of say, the bass track, since many harmonix songs have a mono audio track for the bass anyways, but I imagine changing that might freeze the game too. is there any way around this with having to do the arduous task of recompiling a custom in magma JUST so that there is another silent audio track for the keys to attach to?


        Arduous? It will take several steps but they are not difficult: extract stereo audio from the CON, create silent and dryvox tracks in Reaper, build in Magma. If you do it for PS3 I think you don’t even need to use the real midi or other files in Magma, you keep the old ones and just replace the mogg file.


        I don’t really know if it will work, but I would try exactly as you say first, to just add a keys track to the DTA file, and make it point to the same audio track as another instrument e.g. (5 6), then see if the game takes it fine or crashes.


          This seems easy, so long as you have the original Reaper file.


          And, if you are going to make changes to someone’s chart, you should be getting permission anyway.


          So, ask for the original audio file, and Reaper file.


          Add the rhythm track.


          Run through Magma.



          dr waffles

            I wouldn’t be changing anything to the original chart, just adding a rhythm guitar track as an upgrade, which would totally be optional to add of course.

            also to give an update, just making the keys track point to the same audio as the guitar works just fine.

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