How best to fix broken songs?

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  • #393264

      What seems to have happened is I download a song when it is first posted, then I download the updated song when someone adds a track or makes a tempo fix, etc..

      Then I will upload the song to my ps3 again, which will usually always replace the original. However I believe it is adding a record inside the songs.dta file, which causes me to end up with two songs of the same. Then when I go to play the game, I see both songs in the list.


      This has unfortunately happened with quite a few songs, and I am looking to find the most optimal way to clean up without deleting everything.


      How can I preserve the data on my PS3 and recreate the songs.dta off of those files, but also ensure that there are only one of each song? Is it best to download all songs off my ps3 to my local hard drive and then create a new songs.dta off of that, or is there a better method?


      Any ideas are appreciated.


      Every song inside the DTA begins with ”(” on a line and ends with ”)” on a line. Just open it with notepad <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


        Every song inside the DTA begins with ”(” on a line and ends with ”)” on a line. Just open it with notepad <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


        The problem is I won’t know which song in songs.dta is a bad song and which is a good. I’d like to find an easy way to clean up… but I’m not sure if that’s possible?


        Not really. You said the problem was duped songs, just find the duplicates and delete them?


          Not really. You said the problem was duped songs, just find the duplicates and delete them?

          That’s my plan, but I was hoping there might be a way to identify which is which? Let’s say I see a song name in songs.dta twice, I know one of those needs to be deleted. But which one? One will be for a song that was either overwritten or outdated, and the other will be for the newer song.


          Is there any way for me to know which is which?


          Well for one, if 2 songs have the same ID they should be identified as the same song. But anyways, on top of a songs DTA there’s the folder name (folder where there is the metadata, and the midi, audio, etc), you can identify it by that. If there’s two songs with the same folder just delete one it doesn’t matter which.

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